6 research outputs found

    Assessing and mitigating the environmental impacts of shipping in the Arctic

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    Report by World Maritime University for the Total Foundation project Assessing and mitigating the environmental impacts of shipping in the Arctic - Focus on the introduction of invasive species and pathogens .https://commons.wmu.se/arctic_shipping/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Integrating Dynamic Route Planning : Feasibility of integrating dynamic route planning in Maritime Spatial Planning

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    MONALISA 2.0 report on the feasibility of integrating dynamic route planning in Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP.https://commons.wmu.se/monalisa2/1002/thumbnail.jp

    HERRING Impact Report Herring spawning areas - present and future challenges

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    The Impact Report presents the research about the ecological conditions of herring spawning grounds in the case study areas and what present and future challenges they face.https://commons.wmu.se/herring/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Economic impact to shipping industry : Economic impact to shipping industry considering Maritime Spatial Planning and green routes in pilot case studies

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    In this project, three case studies are considered in order to examine the economic impact of the implementation of MSP when considering environmental impact of the shipping industry. Specific characteristics and limitations of areas in the Greek Sea, the Balearic Sea and the Baltic Sea are evaluated with respect to their economic effects on the maritime transport domain. The purpose of the above is to evaluate the economic impacts and risk implications of different scenarios and particularly: The economic impact of vessel traffic rerouting and/or reducing the speed in order to reduce the probability of vessel strikes or other negative impact to endangered marine species. Analysis and treatment of costs (constraints and penalties) from unexpected delays, in addition to the additional transit time cost. Estimation of the direct and indirect economic impact on the shipping industry and the effects of potential port call dislocation for the implementation of the proposed management options (e.g. speed deceleration or ship rerouting).https://commons.wmu.se/monalisa2/1001/thumbnail.jp

    HERRING : An analysis of spawning ground management, ecological conditions and human impacts in Greifswald Bay, Vistula Lagoon and Hanö Bight.

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    This book compiles the findings of the HERRING project which was conducted from 2012 until 2015 and part-financed by the EU South Baltic Programme. The main objective of the HERRING project is to improve the consideration of including herring spawning grounds in coastal management. Herring as a resource recourse would be part of the economic development of coastal areas, and HERRING strongly emphasizes the importance of foster an integrated coastal management in the South Baltic Sea. Three case study areas in Germany, Poland and Sweden serve as the basis of the approach, which can be roughly distinguished in two parts. The analysis of the ecological parameters and conditions as well as the impacts of present and future human activities, spatial uses and natural changes The analysis and compilation of the multi-level institutions and manage- ment instruments that govern the use and protection of coastal herring spawning grounds. The management of coastal spawning areas can function as an example to show the huge diversity of interest, demands and actors that need to be considered for the sustainable use of resources and ecosystems.https://commons.wmu.se/mer_book/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Climate change: its impact on maritime transport

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