49 research outputs found

    Influenza della disponibilita idrica sull'accrescimento delle bacche e sulla composizione del mosto dei vitigni Garganega e Chardonnay

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    Le variazioni quanti-qualitative delle produzioni viticole sono spesso legate a fattori ambientali e agronomici. In particolare, le precipitazioni, agendo sullo stato idrico della pianta, influenzano la crescita delle bacche e la composizione del mosto e del vino. Nel presente lavoro si è voluto verificare l’influenza dell’irrigazione sull’attività produttiva dei vitigni Garganega e Chardonnay in ambiente collinare. È stata monitorata la crescita delle bacche e dall’invaiatura sono stati misurati i parametri della maturazione. Nel vitigno Garganega, uno stress idrico, anche moderato, nel primo periodo di crescita della bacca, ha influenzato in modo irreversibile il volume finale delle bacche. Alla vendemmia nella Garganega non sono state osservate differenze sui parametri produttivi e qualitativi mentre nello Chardonnay le uve delle viti irrigate hanno presentato un grado rifrattometrico superiore.R. De Bei, G. Ponchia and A. Bonaman

    Germination and growth of seedlings in Peat-Based Substrates Processed Dairy Manure Solids

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    Peat is the most widely used substrate in greehouse production, but interest in alternative substrates has increased recently. The objective of this research was to compare germination and growth of seedling in sphagnum peat-based substrates amended with "Nature's Natural" (NN). NN is a processed dairy manure product. Substrates were used contained varying proportions of peat or NN: 0% NN and 100% peat; 20% NN and 80% peat; 40% NN and 60% peat; 60% NN and 40 % peat; 80% NN and 20% peat; 100% NN and 0% peat. Days to germination were recorded in three species: impatiens (Impatiens walleriana), vinca (Catharanthus rosesus) and tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum), and shoot and root dry weights were determined after 3 weeks. For impatiens and vinca there was no difference in days to germination among substrates. For tomato, days to germination was lower for NN-amended substrates than for 100% peat substrate. For all species, shoot weight did not differ between NN-amended substrates and the100% peat until the percentage of NN was 60% or higher, at which point shoot weight decreased. For impatiens and vinca root weight was non different for NN-amended substrates and the 100% peat until the percentage of NN was 40% or higher, at which point root weight decreased. For tomato, root weight did not differ among the substrates. It was possible to use NN as partial substitute for peat in the germination substrate. Maximum germination and growth occurred were NN comprised 20% to 40% of the substrate

    Cardiovascular risk during physical activity in the mountains.

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    OBJECTIVE: Several previous studies evaluated the cardiovascular risk associated with exercise, but only a few papers considered this risk during physical activity in the mountains. The aim of this study was to assess the cardiovascular risk in a population practising physical activity in the mountains. METHODS: We used an observational study design. We estimated the population by integrating the data of presences in the accommodation establishments with data from telephone and on-field interviews. As survey sources of cardiovascular events we used the reports of the Mountain Rescue teams and of the emergency physicians and pathologists operating in the hospitals of the considered mountain area. RESULTS: We estimated that the duration of exposure to risk for the study population was, averagely per year, 12 449 877 person-days. During the study period, we recorded 117 cardiovascular events, namely 38 sudden cardiac deaths, 13 acute coronary syndromes, and five strokes. The remaining 61 events were non-traumatic events with a probable cardiovascular origin. We calculated one cardiovascular event per 319 000 person-days of physical activity in the mountains, one sudden cardiac death per 980 000 and one acute coronary syndrome per 2 895 000 person-days. CONCLUSIONS: The risk of cardiovascular events in the population practising physical activity in the mountains is very low and essentially limited to men over the age of 40, particularly if they do not practise regularly physical activity. For these subjects the risk seems to be associated with physical activity, but not with altitude and other typical aspects of mountains, such as low temperature and difficulties of terrain

    Pregnancy outcome after genetic counselling for prenatal diagnosis of unexpected chromosomal anomaly

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    OBJECTIVES: Couples undergoing invasive prenatal diagnosis (PD) are informed and concerned mainly about autosomal trisomies. However, unexpected chromosomal abnormalities (UCA) are a frequent finding at PD. We have analysed the psychological and practical consequences in the couples counselled in our centre because of the identification of foetal UCA at PD. METHODS: The study was carried out on a sample of 52 couples referred for genetic counselling in the period 1997-2000. The couples underwent a structured interview and two self-report instruments to measure anxiety and psychological characteristics. RESULTS: The couples have been divided into three groups: (1) low risk - without or with negligible risk, (2) mild risk - with mild risk or mild clinical phenotype and (3) sex chromosome anomaly. All couples received the diagnosis of chromosomal anomaly from the obstetrician without any other comments and were referred to our service for genetic counselling. Most couples felt fear (11/17 in the LR group, 5/7 in the MR group and 12/21 in the SCA group), while sadness was lower frequently felt by those parents-to-be in the LR group. CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that a specific counselling that mentions the possibility of UCA is mandatory before PD, and the cost-benefit estimate of PD should take into account the psychological implications of UCA detection

    Pregnancy outcome after genetic counselling for prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal anomaly with low risk of severe clinical significance

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    OBJECTIVES: Couples undergoing invasive prenatal diagnosis (PD) are informed and concerned mainly about autosomal trisomies. However, unexpected chromosomal abnormalities (UCA) are a frequent finding at PD. We have analysed the psychological and practical consequences in the couples counselled in our centre because of the identification of foetal UCA at PD. METHODS: The study was carried out on a sample of 52 couples referred for genetic counselling in the period 1997-2000. The couples underwent a structured interview and two self-report instruments to measure anxiety and psychological characteristics. RESULTS: The couples have been divided into three groups: (1) low risk - without or with negligible risk, (2) mild risk - with mild risk or mild clinical phenotype and (3) sex chromosome anomaly. All couples received the diagnosis of chromosomal anomaly from the obstetrician without any other comments and were referred to our service for genetic counselling. Most couples felt fear (11/17 in the LR group, 5/7 in the MR group and 12/21 in the SCA group), while sadness was lower frequently felt by those parents-to-be in the LR group. CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that a specific counselling that mentions the possibility of UCA is mandatory before PD, and the cost-benefit estimate of PD should take into account the psychological implications of UCA detection

    Gestione Della Chioma Della Vite: influenza della cimatura dei germogli sui parametri vegeto-produttivi. (Grapevine canopy management: influence of shoot trimming on the performance of the cultivars Pinot grigio and Chardonnay).

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    Belvini, P; Costa, L.D; De Bei, R; Genovese, D. and Ponchia, G.http://direct.bl.uk/bld/PlaceOrder.do?UIN=218792698&ETOC=RN&from=searchengin