602 research outputs found

    Emergence, Function and Realization

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    “Realization” and “emergence” are two concepts that are sometimes used to describe same or similar phenomena in philosophy of mind and the special sciences, where such phenomena involve the synchronic dependence of some higher-level states of affairs on the lower-level ones. According to a popular line of thought, higher-level properties that are invoked in the special sciences are realized by, and/or emergent from, lower-level, broadly physical, properties. So, these two concepts are taken to refer to relations between properties from different levels where the lower-level ones somehow “bring about” the higher-level ones. However, for those who specialise in inter-level relations, there are important differences between these two concepts – especially if emergence is understood as strong emergence. The purpose of this chapter is to highlight these differences

    Illusion et Depiction: La Surface Invisible

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    Nous dĂ©fendons la thĂšse selon laquelle les images sont phĂ©nomĂ©nalement transparentes : nous ne voyons (quasiment) jamais leur surface mais seulement ce que les images dĂ©peignent, ce qui implique que notre expĂ©rience des images est fondamentalement une illusion. Cette thĂšse s’oppose Ă  celle de R. Wollheim, qui fait aujourd’hui figure de position standard, selon laquelle nous percevons la surface et le depictum. Une mĂȘme expĂ©rience perceptive, selon nous, ne peut avoir deux objets ou deux aspects. En ce sens, nous sommes plus proche de la position de E.H. Gombrich : nous percevons soit la surface, soit le depictum, mais jamais les deux. Nous cherchons toutefois Ă  la radicaliser en soutenant qu’il est finalement trĂšs rare de percevoir la surface de l’image

    In Brief

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    Table of Contents: Toepfer Is New CWRU President New Appointments to Faculty Professors in Criminal and Estate Law Named Benchers Installed, Andrews Award Given and Alumni Dine 1971 Admissions a Record Breaker Class Notes A Letter from Jerusalemhttps://scholarlycommons.law.case.edu/in_brief/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Histoire de l’État à l’ñge moderne. La Ligue et l’État

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    Olivier Poncet, professeur Ă  l’École nationale des chartes Les confĂ©rences de l’annĂ©e ont cherchĂ© Ă  cerner les contours historiographiques, documentaires et institutionnels d’un fait historique relativement nĂ©gligĂ©, les aspects Ă©tatiques du mouvement ligueur en Prance (1589-1595/98). La Ligue, son discours et ses actes ont dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s dans leurs dimensions insurrectionnelles, sociologiques ou religieuses, mais ses aspects institutionnels Ă  l’échelon national sont mal connus. Cet effacem..

    Histoire de l’État à l’ñge moderne. La Ligue et l’État

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    Olivier Poncet, professeur Ă  l’École nationale des chartes Les confĂ©rences de l’annĂ©e ont cherchĂ© Ă  cerner les contours historiographiques, documentaires et institutionnels d’un fait historique relativement nĂ©gligĂ©, les aspects Ă©tatiques du mouvement ligueur en Prance (1589-1595/98). La Ligue, son discours et ses actes ont dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s dans leurs dimensions insurrectionnelles, sociologiques ou religieuses, mais ses aspects institutionnels Ă  l’échelon national sont mal connus. Cet effacem..

    La Gallia Christiana (1656) des frÚres de Sainte-Marthe : une entreprise gallicane ?

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    La premiĂšre Ă©dition de la Gallia Christiana parue en quatre volumes en 1656, est due aux jumeaux ScĂ©vole (ou Gaucher) et Louis de Sainte-Marthe. La conception de cette Ɠuvre, les mĂ©thodes de rĂ©alisation et le contenu de cette publication amĂšnent Ă  s'interroger sur la place qu'elle a pu occuper dans le paysage gallican de l'Ă©poque. Le sourcilleux patronage institutionnel et financier de l'assemblĂ©e du clergĂ© de France ne constituait pas en soi un certificat de gallicanisme. En dĂ©pit d'une polĂ©mique vite Ă©teinte Ă  propos de notices jugĂ©es excessivement favorables Ă  Saint-Cyran et Ă  JansĂ©nius, ce travail savant, aussi impeccable que possible pour l'Ă©poque, accompagnait le mouvement de conscience unitaire de l'Église de France considĂ©rĂ©e comme la « pars nobilissima » de la ChrĂ©tientĂ©.The first edition of the Gallia Christiana, issued in four volumes in 1656, was produced by the twin brothers ScĂ©vole (or Gaucher) and Louis de Sainte-Marthe. The design of this work and the methods of production and content of this publication raise questions about the place it occupied in the Gallican landscape of the time. However, in themselves the institutional and financial patronage of the French clergy did not constitute a certificate of Gallicanism. Despite a quickly extinguished controversy over the notices devoted to Saint-Cyran and Jansenius, this erudite research, as faultless as possible for its time, accompanied the movement towards a unitary consciousness of the Church of France, considered as Christendom's "pars nobilissima"

    N -tag probability law of the symmetric exclusion process

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    International audienceThe symmetric exclusion process (SEP), in which particles hop symmetrically on a discrete line with hard-core constraints, is a paradigmatic model of subdiffusion in confined systems. This anomalous behavior is a direct consequence of strong spatial correlations induced by the requirement that the particles cannot overtake each other. Even if this fact has been recognized qualitatively for a long time, up to now there has been no full quantitative determination of these correlations. Here we study the joint probability distribution of an arbitrary number of tagged particles in the SEP. We determine analytically its large-time limit for an arbitrary density of particles, and its full dynamics in the high-density limit. In this limit, we obtain the time-dependent large deviation function of the problem and unveil a universal scaling form shared by the cumulants

    Exact spatial correlations in single-file diffusion

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    Single-file diffusion refers to the motion of diffusive particles in narrow channels, so that they cannot bypass each other. This constraint leads to the subdiffusion of a tagged particle, called the tracer. This anomalous behaviour results from the strong correlations that arise in this geometry between the tracer and the surrounding bath particles. Despite their importance, these bath-tracer correlations have long remained elusive, because their determination is a complex many-body problem. Recently, we have shown that, for several paradigmatic models of single-file diffusion such as the Simple Exclusion Process, these bath-tracer correlations obey a simple exact closed equation. In this paper, we provide the full derivation of this equation, as well as an extension to another model of single-file transport: the double exclusion process. We also make the connection between our results and the ones obtained very recently by several other groups, and which rely on the exact solution of different models obtained by the inverse scattering method.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figure
