8 research outputs found

    El efecto del nivel de proteína y lípidos sobre la acción dinámica específica y la excreción postprandial en sub-adultos del camarón blanco Litopenaeus vannamei

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    The study aimed to evaluate the effect of 4 levels of dietary protein (20, 30, 40 and 50%) and lipids (2, 4, 8 and 16%) on the magnitude and duration of specific dynamic action (SDA) and postprandial nitrogen excretion in the subadult white shrimpLitopenaeus vannameiusing computer-controlled metabolic chambers (continuous-flow respirometer). We determined the oxygen consumption rate at 1 h intervals until the postprandial oxygen consumption rate returned to the pre-feeding level. Shrimp fed all the diets had significantly higher respiration rates after feeding due to the SDA. Oxygen consumption, the SDA coefficient and the SDA magnitude increased notably with increasing dietary protein content. Shrimp fed the 20% protein diet had the lowest levels of pre- and post-feeding respiration and the smallest SDA. A significant change in the SDA coefficient relative to each lipid level was not demonstrable. Additionally, nitrogenous excretion increased with an increase of dietary protein but not with an increase of lipid level. By estimating the SDA of subadults, the response to standard metabolic rate (SMR) was lower than that reported for juveniles and postlarva white shrimp

    Análisis de la distribución espacial del esfuerzo pesquero de la flota camaronera mexicana en el Golfo de México y el mar Caribe por medio del sistema satelital de monitoreo de embarcaciones

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    Spatial and temporal distribution of fishing effort of Mexican shrimp fleet during 2005/2006 fishing season were analyzed. The information comes from Fishing Vessels Monitoring Satellite System (ssmep in spanish) of the National Commission for Fisheries and Aquaculture (conapesca in spanish). Analysis information show that: a) fishing effort is distributed in two zones principally: the Northwest of the Gulf of Mexico and the Campeche Sound; b) the fishing area where more fishing effort is applied is the northern coast of Tamaulipas; c) the distribution of fishing effort of the shrimp fleet is influenced by the opening dates of the season fishing in different fishing areas, and d) information that comes from Satellite System Fishing Vessels Monitoring is useful to understand the spatial and temporal distribution of fishing effort made by the shrimp fleet in the Mexican coast in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea.Se analizaron la distribución espacial y la temporal del esfuerzo de pesca durante la temporada 2005/2006 que desarrolló la flota camaronera mexicana del Golfo de México y del mar Caribe. La información proviene del Sistema Satelital de Monitoreo de Embarcaciones Pesqueras (ssmep), proporcionada por la Comisión Nacional de la Pesca y Acuacultura (conapesca). El análisis de la información muestra que: a) el esfuerzo pesquero se distribuye principalmente en dos grandes zonas: el noroeste del Golfo de México y la Sonda de Campeche; b) la zona de pesca donde se aplica mayor esfuerzo es en la costa norte de Tamaulipas; c) la distribución del esfuerzo pesquero de la flota camaronera está influenciada por las fechas de apertura de la temporada de pesca en las diferentes zonas y d) la información que proviene del sistema satelital de monitoreo de embarcaciones pesqueras es útil para conocer la distribución tanto espacial como temporal del esfuerzo pesquero efectuado por la flota camaronera en las costas mexicanas en el Golfo de México y el mar Caribe

    Effects of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) and tilapia nilotica (Oreochromis niloticus var. Spring) in monoculture and co-culture systems on water quality variables and production in brackish low-salinity water earthen ponds during rainy and dry seasons

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    Aim of study: To determine the effects of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) and tilapia nilotica (Oreochromis niloticus var. Spring) in monoculture and co-culture on water quality variables and production in earthen ponds during dry and rainy seasons.Area of study: A shrimp farm (total area 20 ha) at Chiripa, San Blas Nayarit, Northwest coast of Mexico (21° 37' 34.53 " N; 105° 18' 16.31" W).Material and methods: Two production cycles were performed in a completely randomized design consisting of two treatments and three replications each during rainy season (September-December) and dry season (February-May). Shrimp was the main crop and tilapia the secondary species.Main results: White shrimp (10 org/m2) can be co-cultured with Nile tilapia at a stocking high density (4 org/m2), leading to improved water quality and better utilization of nutrients in dry season than in rainy season. However, the shrimp’ highest weight was recorded in the tilapia-shrimp co-culture ponds during rainy season due to higher water temperature and better quality of live food. The mean individual weight, biomass and survival of the shrimp, in co-culture ponds were greater than those of the shrimp monoculture, in the two seasons studied.Research highlights: There was a trend towards greater concentration of nutrients in the water of the monoculture ponds and, lower dissolved oxygen and higher BOD5 in co-culture ponds in the dry season than in the rainy season

    Aspectos básicos del cultivo del acocil Cambarellus montezumae en condiciones controladas

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    In Mexico, the cambarids are on the slope of the Gulf of Mexico, along the transverse neovolvanic axis. Some species in the center and north of the country, in Chiapas and the peninsula of Yucatan, their size is small and reaches a total length of 30 to 50mm. Since prehispanic times, the Mexicas and other indigenous groups installed around the basin of Mexico consumed abundantly the acocil, as part of their daily diet. At present, some indigenous groups in the center of the country are captured and consumed, as well as markets in the state of Morelos, and are quoted in international cuisine in Mexico City.En Mexico, los cambaridos se encuentran en la vertiente del golfo de Mexico, a lo largo del eje neovolvanico transversal. Algunas especies en el centro y norte del pais, en Chiapas y la peninsula de Yucatan, su tamañoi es pequeño y alcanza una longitud total de 30 a 50mm. Desde la epoca prehispanica, los mexicas y otros grupos indigenas instalados alrededor de la cuenca de Mexico consumian con abundancia el acocil, como parte de su dieta diaria. En la actualidad, algunos grupos indigenas en el centro del pais los capturan y consumen, asi como mercados del estado de Morelos y es cotizado en la cocina internacional en la ciudad de Mexico

    Enrichment of Adult Artemia Biomass and Squid Mantle Muscle, Dosidicus gigas, with Different Ascorbic Acid (L-Ascorbyl-2- Monophosphate-Na/Ca) Concentrations

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    L-ascorbyl-2-monophosphate-Na/Ca (AMP-Na/Ca) was used as a vitamin C source to investigate itsascorbic acid (L-AA) enrichment and retention in boosted Artemia biomass (AB) and squid mantlemuscle (SM). Different doses of AMP-Na/Ca (500, 1000, and 1500 AMP-Na/Ca mg/kg) were graduallydissolved into the culture tanks at time 0 (T0) and at each hour until Hour 6 ( T6). Samples of AB and SMwere taken for AMP-Na/Ca and L-AA analysis at T0, T1, T2, T3, T4,T5, T6, T12,andT24. There wereno signicant differences (P > 0.05) among the AB groups at T1.TheT6enrichment analysis for ABresulted in signicant differences (P 0,05) entre los grupos AB en T1. El análisis de enriquecimiento de TAB para el tratamiento de 1500 mg / kg, en el cual se compararon las diferencias significativas (P <0,05) en el contenido de AMP-Na / Ca La concentración inicial (0,001 ± 0,002 mg / kg) aumentó en más de 16 veces. Para todos los tratamientos de ABenrichment, el contenido de AMP-Na / Ca demostró una disminución (32-11%) para el análisis T6, T12 y T24. El análisis de T1 para SM en la concentración más alta de enriquecimiento de AMP-Na / Ca registró 30 mg / kg de L-AA y disminuyó (27,6%) a T6. Este estudio demostró que AB y SM pueden ser potenciados con AMP-Na / Ca