19 research outputs found

    Quantal Two-Centre Coulomb Problem treated by means of the Phase-Integral Method I. General Theory

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    The present paper concerns the derivation of phase-integral quantization conditions for the two-centre Coulomb problem under the assumption that the two Coulomb centres are fixed. With this restriction we treat the general two-centre Coulomb problem according to the phase-integral method, in which one uses an {\it a priori} unspecified {\it base function}. We consider base functions containing three unspecified parameters C,C~C, \tilde C and Λ\Lambda. When the absolute value of the magnetic quantum number mm is not too small, it is most appropriate to choose Λ=m0\Lambda=|m|\ne 0. When, on the other hand, m|m| is sufficiently small, it is most appropriate to choose Λ=0\Lambda = 0. Arbitrary-order phase-integral quantization conditions are obtained for these choices of Λ\Lambda. The parameters CC and C~\tilde C are determined from the requirement that the results of the first and the third order of the phase-integral approximation coincide, which makes the first-order approximation as good as possible. In order to make the paper to some extent self-contained, a short review of the phase-integral method is given in the Appendix.Comment: 23 pages, RevTeX, 4 EPS figures, submitted to J. Math. Phy

    Ecological and epizootological characteristics of setariosis in cattle on farms in the Altai Territory

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    The purpose of the research is to study the epizootiology and pathomorphology of setariosis in cattle on farms in the Altai Territory.Materials and methods. To make a diagnosis, blood samples were examined for the presence of microsetaria in calves of the current year of birth.Results and discussion. Microsetariae were found in cattle in all zones of the Altai Territory based on the results of a study of blood samples. Infection fluctuated between 23.3–31.9% depending on the zone and, on average, amounted to 27.6%. The intensity of infection also ranged from 7.4±0.7 to 9.3±0.8 sp. The highest infection was observed in animals aged 4–7 years (33.3%) with infection intensity of 11.3±1.0 sp./animal. Cattle are infected with Setaria sp. in all seasons with changes in different months. The maximum infection rate was observed in June – up to 40.0%. Single specimens of Setaria sp. larvae in the blood of calves up to one year old were found in December, i.e., 7 months after the start of the grazing period and mosquito activity. Pathomorphological examination revealed that in most cases, dying Setaria sp. in abdominal cavity are attached to the capsules of the liver, spleen and mesentery. To prevent microfilariaemia in cattle and the spread of Setaria sp. infection, we recommend using macrocyclic drugs

    Особенности эпизоотологии и биохимические показатели собак при бабезиозе в г. Барнауле

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    The purpose of the research is studying the epizootology of babesiosis and biochemical parameters of dogs with babesiosis in Barnaul. Materials and methods. The studies were conducted at the Department of Microbiology, Epizootology, Parasitology and Veterinary-Sanitary Examination of the Altai State Agrarian University and at the Barnaul Central Veterinary Hospital. Statistical analysis was performed according to the laboratory research journal from 2013 to 2017. Babesiosis was diagnosed based on clinical evidence and microscopic examination of peripheral blood smears. Alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, total and conjugated bilirubin, creatinine, urea, alkaline phosphatase, total protein, calcium and phosphorus contained in the blood serum was determined. In total, 1258 blood samples of dogs of different sex, age and breed were examined. In order to identify age-related features in hematological parameters, we formed 4 groups of 30 dogs in each age group. We studied indicators such as the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, the total number of red blood cells, and white blood cells, hemoglobin concentration and color index, and counted formed elements. The spread of ixodic ticks was studied in Barnaul and a suburban area of Chernitsky Forest. Ixodic ticks were collected on flag. A total of 535 live ticks of the Ixodidae family were collected. The species of ixodic ticks was identified using the Guide to arachnoentomoses. Results and discussion. The rate of babesia infection in dogs was 36.3%. Most often babesiosis occurs in outbred dogs, the terrier, German Shepherd dog, Cocker Spaniel, Central Asian Shepherd dog and dachshund. Males, especially those over the age of 8, are more infected with Babesia. Most cases of dog lesions by babesiosis occur in Zheleznodorozhny, Central and Industrial Districts of Barnaul. The disease is diagnosed from early April to late June, and from early August to late October. Significant indicators for identifying the pathology of individual systems and organs of the animal affected by babesiosis are aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, creatinine, urea, total and conjugated bilirubin, and alkaline phosphatase. The level of total protein under the age of two years is lowered, while calcium and phosphorus are within physiological values. Цель исследований: изучение особенностей эпизоотологии бабезиоза и биохимических показателей собак при бабезиозе в г. Барнауле. Материалы и методы. Исследования проведены на кафедре микробиологии, эпизоотологии, паразитологии и ветеринарно-санитарной экспертизы Алтайского государственного аграрного университета и в Центральной  ветеринарной лечебнице г. Барнаула. Статистический анализ проводили по данным журнала регистрации лабораторных исследований в период с 2013 по 2017 гг. Бабезиоз диагностировали на основании клинических признаков и  микроскопического исследования мазков периферической крови. В сыворотке крови определяли содержание аланинаминотрансферазы, аспартатаминотрансферазы, общего и прямого билирубина, креатинина, мочевины, щелочной фосфатазы, общего белка, кальция и фосфора. Всего было исследовано  1258 проб крови собак разного пола, возраста и породы. Для выявления возрастных особенностей в гематологических показателях было сформировано 4 группы по 30 собак в каждой возрастной группе. Проводили исследование таких показателей, как скорость оседания эритроцитов, общее число эритроцитов, лейкоцитов, концентрация гемоглобина, цветной показатель и подсчет форменных элементов. Изучение распространения иксодовых клещей  проводили в г. Барнауле и пригородном участке Черницкого леса. Сбор иксодовых клещей осуществляли на флаг. Всего собрано 535 живых клещей семейства Ixodidae. Вид иксодовых клещей определяли с помощью пособия по арахноэнтомозам.Результаты и обсуждение. Зараженность собак бабезиями составила 36,3%. Наиболее часто бабезиоз встречается у беспородных собак, терьера, немецкой овчарки, кокер-спаниеля, среднеазиатской овчарки и таксы. Кобели,  особенно,  в возрасте старше 8 лет заражены бабезиями в большей степени. Большинство случаев поражения собак бабезиозом приходится на Железнодорожный, Центральный и Индустриальный районы г. Барнаула. Заболевание диагностируют с начала апреля до конца июня и с начала августа до конца октября. Значимыми показателями для выявления патологии отдельных систем и органов пораженного организма при бабезиозе являются аспартатаминотрансфераза, аланинаминотрансфераза, креатинин, мочевина, общий и прямой билирубин, щелочная фосфатаза. Показатель общего белка в возрасте до двух лет понижен, в то же время кальций, фосфор  находятся в пределах физиологических значений.

    Физиологические аспекты энтерогепатической циркуляции желчных кислот в контексте определения механизмов возникновения и развития патологий гепатобилиарной системы

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    Enterohepatic circulation of bile acids is a highly regulated process of secretion of these compounds, intestinal reabsorption and reverse transport to the liver. Violation of this process has significant consequences for the homeostasis of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and the whole organism. This process is tightly controlled by regulatory enzymatic reactions with negative feedback, which leads to the maintenance of a pool and adequate homeostasis of bile acids. The main purpose of this article is to consider the mechanism of enterohepatic circulation of bile acids and evaluate their role both in the formation of pathologies of the hepatobiliary system of various origins, and as a predictor of such processes. We searched for original studies in the scientific databases PubMed, Elsevier Science (Scopus) and Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science) over the past 20 years to identify the features of the above processes, after which a formalized content analysis of the found publications was carried out. Theoretically, every factor that disrupts the enterohepatic circulation leads to pathologies of the hepatobiliary system. However, there are still many unknown aspects when it comes to the regulation of bile acid homeostasis in the enterohepatic circulation. In the last few decades, it is believed that the most important prerequisites for the occurrence of hepatopathy are hypersecretion of bile cholesterol and supersaturation of bile with it. An equally important problem is the change in the pool of bile acids, since its various representatives differ both in chemical activity and in the mechanism of action (from cytotoxicity to cytoprotection).Энтерогепатическая циркуляция жёлчных кислот представляет собой строго регулируемый процесс секреции данных соединений, кишечной реабсорбции и обратного транспорта в печень. Нарушение этого процесса имеет значительные последствия для гомеостаза желудочно-кишечного тракта, печени и всего организма. Данный процесс жёстко контролируется регуляторными ферментативными реакциями с отрицательной обратной связью, что приводит к поддержанию пула и адекватного гомеостаза жёлчных кислот. Основная цель данной статьи – рассмотреть механизм энтерогепатической циркуляции жёлчных кислот и оценить их роль как в формировании патологий гепатобилиарной системы различного генеза, так и в качестве предиктора подобных процессов. Нами был проведён поиск оригинальных исследований в научных базах PubMed, Elsevier Science (Scopus) и Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science) за последние 20 лет для выявления особенностей протекания вышеописанных процессов, после чего был проведён формализованный контент-анализ найденных публикаций. Теоретически каждый фактор, нарушающий энтерогепатическую циркуляцию, приводит к патологиям гепатобилиарной системы. Тем не менее все еще остается много неизвестных аспектов, когда речь идет о регуляции гомеостаза жёлчных кислот в энтерогепатическом кровообращении. В последние несколько десятилетий считается, что наиболее важными предпосылками возникновения гепатопатий являются гиперсекреция жёлчного холестерина и перенасыщение им желчи. Не менее важной проблемой является изменение пула жёлчных кислот, так как разные его представители различаются как по химической активности, так и механизмом действия (от цитотоксичности до цитопротекции)

    Overexpression of DNA Polymerase Zeta Reduces the Mitochondrial Mutability Caused by Pathological Mutations in DNA Polymerase Gamma in Yeast

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    In yeast, DNA polymerase zeta (Rev3 and Rev7) and Rev1, involved in the error-prone translesion synthesis during replication of nuclear DNA, localize also in mitochondria. We show that overexpression of Rev3 reduced the mtDNA extended mutability caused by a subclass of pathological mutations in Mip1, the yeast mitochondrial DNA polymerase orthologous to human Pol gamma. This beneficial effect was synergistic with the effect achieved by increasing the dNTPs pools. Since overexpression of Rev3 is detrimental for nuclear DNA mutability, we constructed a mutant Rev3 isoform unable to migrate into the nucleus: its overexpression reduced mtDNA mutability without increasing the nuclear one

    Perturbation of the Internal Water Chain in Cytochrome f

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    Epizootology and biochemical Pparameters of Dogs with babesiosis in barnaul

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    The purpose of the research is studying the epizootology of babesiosis and biochemical parameters of dogs with babesiosis in Barnaul. Materials and methods. The studies were conducted at the Department of Microbiology, Epizootology, Parasitology and Veterinary-Sanitary Examination of the Altai State Agrarian University and at the Barnaul Central Veterinary Hospital. Statistical analysis was performed according to the laboratory research journal from 2013 to 2017. Babesiosis was diagnosed based on clinical evidence and microscopic examination of peripheral blood smears. Alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, total and conjugated bilirubin, creatinine, urea, alkaline phosphatase, total protein, calcium and phosphorus contained in the blood serum was determined. In total, 1258 blood samples of dogs of different sex, age and breed were examined. In order to identify age-related features in hematological parameters, we formed 4 groups of 30 dogs in each age group. We studied indicators such as the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, the total number of red blood cells, and white blood cells, hemoglobin concentration and color index, and counted formed elements. The spread of ixodic ticks was studied in Barnaul and a suburban area of Chernitsky Forest. Ixodic ticks were collected on flag. A total of 535 live ticks of the Ixodidae family were collected. The species of ixodic ticks was identified using the Guide to arachnoentomoses. Results and discussion. The rate of babesia infection in dogs was 36.3%. Most often babesiosis occurs in outbred dogs, the terrier, German Shepherd dog, Cocker Spaniel, Central Asian Shepherd dog and dachshund. Males, especially those over the age of 8, are more infected with Babesia. Most cases of dog lesions by babesiosis occur in Zheleznodorozhny, Central and Industrial Districts of Barnaul. The disease is diagnosed from early April to late June, and from early August to late October. Significant indicators for identifying the pathology of individual systems and organs of the animal affected by babesiosis are aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, creatinine, urea, total and conjugated bilirubin, and alkaline phosphatase. The level of total protein under the age of two years is lowered, while calcium and phosphorus are within physiological values

    Effect of the Interdomain Basic Region of Cytochrome f

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