4 research outputs found

    Cytokine gene polymorphisms at children with persistence an inflammatory infiltrate after eradication helicobacter pylori

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    Objective of this research to study polymorphisms of the genes, coding interleukin-1 betta and the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist, at patients with long persistence an inflammatory infiltrate after successful eradication Helicobacter pylori in population of the south of Western Siberia. We analyzed 41 children with persistence an inflammatory infiltrate in of a gastric mucosa within 1-2 years after successful eradication Helicobacter pylori. Comparison group— 105 children without an inflammation in a gastric mucosa after eradication Helicobacter pylori. Polymorphisms in the human interleukin-1 beta gene -511 C> T and +3953 C> T and in the interleukin- 1 receptor antagonist gene intron 2 variable number of tandem repeats were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction from peripheral blood. The results suggested that children carriers allele T a polymorphic locus C+3953T or C-511T a gene interleukin-1 betta have more risk of reservation of an inflammation in a gastric mucosa after eradication Helicobacter pylori (OR=8,8286, 95% Cl 1,70-45,77; OR=1.814,95% Cl 1,08-3,05, accordingly). We did not find association of polymorphism of a gene of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist with duration and intensity of the inflammation in a gastric mucosa after eradication Helicobacter pylori.Цель исследования изучить аллельные варианты генов, кодирующих интерлейкин-1 бетта и антагонист его рецептора, у больных с длительной персистенцией воспалительного инфильтрата в слизистой оболочке желудка после успешной эрадикации Helicobacter pylori в популяции юга Западной Сибири. Обследован 41 ребенок с персистенцией воспалительного инфильтрата в слизистой оболочке желудка в течение 1-2 лет после успешной эрадикации Helicobacter pylori. Группа сравнения — 105 детей без воспаления в слизистой оболочке желудка после элиминации инфекта. Полиморфизмы гена интерлейкин-1 бетта - 511 С>Т и +3953 С>Т и антагониста его рецептора вариабельное число тандемных повторов во 2 интроне определяли с помощью полимеразной цепной реакции из периферической крови. Установлено, что дети носители аллеля Т полиморфного локуса С+3953Т или С-511Т гена интерлейкина-1 бетта имеют больший риск сохранения воспаления в слизистой оболочке желудка после уничтожения инфекта (OR=8,8286, 95% Cl 1,70-45,77; OR=1,814, 95% Cl 1,08-3,05, соответственно). Ассоциации полиморфизма гена антагониста рецептора интерлейкина-1 с продолжительностью и интенсивностью воспалительного ответа в слизистой оболочке желудка после удаления Helicobacter pylori не обнаружено

    PDCD4 and CDX-2 as immunohistochemical markers of gastric mucosa atrophy in chronic gastritis

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    The aim of the work is to evaluate the possibility of using immunohistochemical markers PDCD4 and CDX-2 to diagnose atrophy of the gastric mucosa in chronic gastritis and increase the informative value of biopsy examination.Цель работы – оценка возможности использования иммуногистохимических маркеров PDCD4 и CDX-2 для диагностики атрофии слизистой оболочки желудка при хроническом гастрите, повышения информативности биопсийного исследования

    Molecular and cellular basis in prediction of gastric cancer: a multidisciplinary research experience

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    A self-review of the results of multidisciplinary studies on the development of a predictive system for intestinal type gastric cancer (adenocarcinoma) is present. The authors' studies carried out in 2007-2017 in light of recent concepts of prediction and prevention of gastric cancer are discussed. The predictive model for gastric cancer is proposed. This includes an evaluation of inflammatory cytokine genes nucleotide polymorphisms, aberrant expression of microRNA, detection of tissue patterns of gastric atrophy and intestinal metaplasia (metaplastic atrophy), principles and possibilities of pathomorphological monitoring.Представлен самообзор результатов мультидисциплинарных исследований по разработке предиктивной системы в отношении рака желудка кишечного типа (аденокарциномы). Обсуждаются исследования авторов, выполненные в 2007-2017 годах в аспекте современных концепций предикции и превенции рака желудка. Предложена модель предикции рака желудка, включающая оценку нуклеотидных замен в генах воспалительных цитокинов, аберрантную экспрессию микроРНК, детекцию тканевых паттернов атрофии и метапластической атрофии слизистой оболочки желудка, принципы и возможности патоморфологического мониторинга

    The bisoprolol efficiency predictors in patients with stable angina after myocardial infarction

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    Objective: to identify the of bisoprolol effectiveness predictors in patients with stable angina after myocardial infarction.Materials and methods: 107 patients with stable angina who underwent myocardial infarction aged 35–65 years (mean age 54,7 ± 6,2 years) were examined in an open, comparative, register study, of which groups were generated: with the achieved and unreached target heart rate (60 or less in 1 minute). Additionally, the respondents were stratified into subsamples by the presence of ADRB1 gene Arg389Gly polymorphism. All patients underwent a 5-minute study of heart rate variability (HRV) in the background sample and in active orthostasis and the determination of the ADRB1 gene polymorphism (Arg389Gly, rs1801253) by PCR. All patients received bisoprolol in the selected optimal maximum-tolerated dose.The main results: respondents who did not reach the target heart rate significantly more often complained about heartbeat and heart rhythm interruptions (p = 0,003), increased incidence of cardiac pain episodes (p = 0,02), noted a high demand for nitrates (p = 0,03) and significantly more often sought medical help. In respondents with the achieved target heart rate, sympathetic influences were less expressed in the background HRV sample with significantly higher parasympathetic influences expression by contrast. The number of sympathicotonics in terms of HRV at rest was significantly higher among respondents with unreached heart rate. When comparing the frequencies of alleles in respondents with the achieved target heart rate, a significant (p = 0.0001) prevalence of carriers of the Gly allele of the ADRB1 gene Arg389Gly polymorphism was revealed. The heart rate in carriers of the Gly allele in homo-or heterozygous form was significantly lower than in carriers of the homozygous genotype Arg389Arg.Conclusion: The predictors of the bisoprolol effectiveness in achieving the target heart rate in patients with stable angina after MI are: a stress index less than 104.5 cu. in the background sample of a 5-minute HRV, the presence of the polymorphic Gly allele of the ADRB1 gene Arg389Gly polymorphism, the age of less than 46 years, and the total spectrum power in the background HRV sample of more than 1309 ms