41 research outputs found

    Fock-state view of weak-value measurements and implementation with photons and atomic ensembles

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    Weak measurements in combination with post-selection can give rise to a striking amplification effect (related to a large "weak value"). We show that this effect can be understood by viewing the initial state of the pointer as the ground state of a fictional harmonic oscillator, helping us to clarify the transition from the weak-value regime to conventional dark-port interferometry. We then describe how to implement fully quantum weak-value measurements combining photons and atomic ensembles.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Heralded amplification for precision measurements with spin ensembles

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    We propose a simple heralded amplification scheme for small rotations of the collective spin of an ensemble of particles. Our protocol makes use of two basic primitives for quantum memories, namely partial mapping of light onto an ensemble, and conversion of a collective spin excitation into light. The proposed scheme should be realizable with current technology, with potential applications to atomic clocks and magnetometry.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figur

    Generation of a squeezed state of an oscillator by stroboscopic back-action-evading measurement

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    Continuous observation on an oscillator is known to result in quantum back-action which limits the knowledge acquired by the measurement. A careful balance between the information obtained and the back-action disturbance leads to a limit known as the standard quantum limit. The means to surpass this limit by modulating the measurement strength with the period proportional to half period of the oscillation has been proposed decades ago (Braginskii et al 1978 JETP Lett. 27 276; Thorne et al 1978 Phys. Rev. Lett. 40 667; Braginskii et al 1980 Science 209 547). Such modulated or stroboscopic observation leading to a squeezed state of one quadrature of the oscillator motion with the quantum noise below that of the zero-point fluctuations has been a long-standing goal. Here, we report on the generation of a quadrature-squeezed state of an oscillator by stroboscopic back-action evading measurement. The oscillator is the collective spin of an atomic ensemble precessing in magnetic field. It is initially prepared in nearly the ground state with an average thermal occupancy number 0.08±0.010.08 \pm 0.01. The oscillator is coupled to the optical mode of a cavity, and the cavity output field detected with polarization homodyning serves as the meter. A back-action-evading measurement is performed by stroboscopically modulating the intensity of the light field at twice the Larmor frequency, resulting in a squeezed state conditioned on the light-polarization measurement with 2.2±0.32.2 \pm 0.3 dB noise reduction below the zero-point fluctuations for the measured quadrature. The demonstrated squeezing holds promise for metrological advantage in quantum sensing

    Magnetic resonance imaging with optical preamplification and detection

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    Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging relies on conventional electronics that is increasingly challenged by the push for stronger magnetic fields and higher channel count. These problems can be avoided by utilizing optical technologies. As a replacement for the standard low-noise preamplifier, we have implemented a new transduction principle that upconverts an MR signal to the optical domain and imaged a phantom in a clinical 3 T scanner with signal-to-noise comparable to classical induction detection.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Narrowband frequency tunable light source of continuous quadrature entanglement

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    We report the observation of non-classical quantum correlations of continuous light variables from a novel type of source. It is a frequency non-degenerate optical parametric oscillator below threshold, where signal and idler fields are separated by 740MHz corresponding to two free spectrum ranges of the parametric oscillator cavity. The degree of entanglement observed, - 3.8 dB, is the highest to-date for a narrowband tunable source suitable for atomic quantum memory and other applications in atomic physics. Finally we use the latter to visualize the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, LaTe

    Experimental long-lived entanglement of two macroscopic objects

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    Entanglement is considered to be one of the most profound features of quantum mechanics. An entangled state of a system consisting of two subsystems cannot be described as a product of the quantum states of the two subsystems. In this sense the entangled system is considered inseparable and nonlocal. It is generally believed that entanglement manifests itself mostly in systems consisting of a small number of microscopic particles. Here we demonstrate experimentally the entanglement of two objects, each consisting of about 10^12 atoms. Entanglement is generated via interaction of the two objects - more precisely, two gas samples of cesium atoms - with a pulse of light, which performs a non-local Bell measurement on collective spins of the samples. The entangled spin state can be maintained for 0.5 millisecond. Besides being of fundamental interest, the robust, long-lived entanglement of material objects demonstrated here is expected to be useful in quantum information processing, including teleportation of quantum states of matter and quantum memory.Comment: Submitted to Nature, June 9, 2001, 11 pages, 3 figures. Contents changed following referees' suggestion

    Quantum physics - the squeeze goes on

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