14 research outputs found

    Unusual patterns of Monteggia fracture-dislocation

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    BACKGROUND: High-energy trauma may result in uncommon open injuries around the elbow joint. The management of these injuries can be difficult. CASE DESCRIPTION: Fourteen patients were treated between 1999 and 2003 and their injuries consisted of Monteggia fracture-dislocations combined with segmental fractures of the ulna or fractures of the forearm bones and/or various more complex trauma such as neural injuries, bone comminution and severe soft tissue injuries around the elbow. Eight of them (57%) were multiply injured with severe additional injuries. All patients underwent surgery within first 4–6 hours. Internal fixation, external fixation or a combination of both methods were used to stabilize fractures while open wounds had secondary closure. RESULTS: Additional operations were required in 6 patients. The functional results according to the Mayo Elbow Performance Index were excellent or good in eleven patients, and fair or poor in the remaining three. The patients with fair and poor results had suffered from severe neural and soft tissue trauma and/or multiple fractures of the upper extremity. CONCLUSION: These injuries should be treated as an emergency. The surgeon should apply any available method that can provide stability to the bone fragments and safe handling of the soft tissues giving priority to internal fixation of the fractures. Severe osseous, soft tissue and neural trauma affect the functional results of the elbow region

    The Histological and Immunohistochemical Aspects of Bile Reflux in Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

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    Introduction. The pathogenesis of GERD is strongly related with mixed acid and bile reflux. Benign and malignant esophageal and gastric lesions have been associated with synergetic activity between those parameters. Bile reflux causes reactive gastropathy evaluated with Bile Reflux Index (BRI). The aim was to investigate if the sequence: bile reflux-intestinal metaplasia-GERD-esophagitis, is associated with apoptotic/oncogenetic disturbances. Materials/Methods. Fifteen asymptomatic subjects and 53 GERD patients underwent gastroscopy with biopsies. The specimens examined histologically and immunohistochemically for p53, Ki-67, Bax, and Bcl-2. Results. Elevated BRI score detected in 47% (25/53) of patients with GERD and in 13% (2/15) of controls (P = 0.02). Severe esophageal lesions were significantly more common in BRI (+) patients (14/25) compared to BRI (−) ones (P = 0.0049). Immunohistochemical analysis did not show associations between BRI score and biomarker expression. Conclusions. Bile reflux gastropathy is associated with GERD severity, but not with oncogene expression or apoptotic discrepancies of the upper GI mucosa

    Total and caspase-cleaved cytokeratin 18 in chronic cholecystitis: A prospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cell death mode has been studied in cancer, autoimmune, and neurodegenerative diseases. In this study, apoptosis and necrosis are investigated for the first time in patients with chronic calculous cholecystitis.</p> <p>Methods and materials</p> <p>Thirty five (35) patients (27 women and 8 men, aged 55.65 ± 13.48 years) with symptomatic chronic calculous cholecystitis underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The early specific apoptotic tendency (caspase-cleaved cytokeratin 18) was studied in these patients with M30 Apoptosense ELISA and the total cytokerarin 18 (both derived from apoptosis and necrosis) with M65 ELISA. The ratio M30/M65 (caspase-cleaved to total cytokeratin 18) was also computed. According to the histopathological examination, the patients were divided in two groups: group A included patients with chronic inactive cholecystitis (n = 10), and group B those with chronic active cholecystitis (n = 25).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The concentrations of caspase-cleaved cytokerarin 18 (CK18), and especially those of total CK18, were higher in bile samples than in serum samples. In group B, there were significant differences between serum and bile samples regarding both caspase-cleaved CK18 and total CK18. Cells staining positive for caspase-cleaved CK18 were present in the epithelial cells of the mucosa of the gallbladder.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>CK18 is expressed in the gallbladder epithelial cells. The concentrations of both caspase-cleaved CK18 and total CK18 were higher in bile samples than in serum samples. The levels of total CK18, as well as caspase-cleaved CK18, do not seem to differ between active and inactive chronic cholecystitis.</p

    Tuberculosis in the Peritoneum: Not Too Rare After All

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    Peritoneal tuberculosis is rare with increased incidence rates in recent years. The absence of characteristic clinical features of the disease often makes its diagnosis difficult and elusive. We present the case of 61-year-old female with peritoneal tuberculosis. The patient suffered from abdominal pain for a period of 5 months prior to admission. The diagnosis was established on the basis of findings from an abdominal computed tomography scan, a chest radiograph and histopathological analysis of the laparoscopic resection of the two masses. The patient was discharged from hospital receiving a fourfold antituberculous treatment with isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol. A high index of suspicion and a combination of radiologic, endoscopic, microbiologic and histopathological examination achieves diagnostic accuracy and prevents clinical mismanagement

    Benign Post-Radiation Rectal Stricture Treated with Endoscopic Balloon Dilation and Intralesional Triamcinolone Injection

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    Post-radiation stricture is a rare complication after pelvis irradiation, but must be in the mind of the clinician evaluating a lower gastrointestinal obstruction. Endoscopy has gained an important role in chronic radiation proctitis with several therapeutic options for management of intestinal strictures. The treatment of rectal strictures has been limited to surgery with high morbidity and mortality. Therefore, a less invasive therapeutic approach for benign rectal strictures, endoscopic balloon dilation with or without intralesional steroid injection, has become a common treatment modality. We present a case of benign post-radiation rectal stricture treated successfully with balloon dilation and adjuvant intralesional triamcinolone injection. A 70-year-old woman presented to the emergency room complaining for 2 weeks of diarrhea and meteorism, 11 years after radiation of the pelvis due to adenocarcinoma of the uterus. Colonoscopy revealed a stricture at the rectum and multiple endoscopic biopsies were obtained from the stricture. The stricture was treated with endoscopic balloon dilation and intralesional triamcinolone injection. The procedure appears to have a high success rate and a very low complication rate. Histologic examination of the biopsies revealed non-specific inflammatory changes of the rectal mucosa and no specific changes of the mucosa due to radiation. All biopsies were negative for malignancy. The patient is stricture-free 12 months post-treatment

    Warfarin-Induced Skin Necrosis

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