3,709 research outputs found

    Quasihole wavefunctions for the Calogero model

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    The one-quasihole wavefunctions and their norms are derived for the system of particles on the line with inverse-square interactions and harmonic confining potential.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, phyzzx.te

    Integrable Systems for Particles with Internal Degrees of Freedom

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    We show that a class of models for particles with internal degrees of freedom are integrable. These systems are basically generalizations of the models of Calogero and Sutherland. The proofs of integrability are based on a recently developed exchange operator formalism. We calculate the wave-functions for the Calogero-like models and find the ground-state wave-function for a Calogero-like model in a position dependent magnetic field. This last model might have some relevance for matrix models of open strings.Comment: 10 pages, UVA-92-04, CU-TP-56

    Fluid Dynamical Profiles and Constants of Motion from d-Branes

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    Various fluid mechanical systems enjoy a hidden, higher-dimensional dynamical Poincare symmetry, which arises owing to their descent from a Nambu-Goto action. Also, for the same reason, there are equivalence transformations between different models. These interconnections are discussed in our paper.Comment: Email correspondence to [email protected] ; 23 pages using REVTeX, amssym, and BoxedEPS macro

    Classical Solutions for Two Dimensional QCD on the Sphere

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    We consider U(N)U(N) and SU(N)SU(N) gauge theory on the sphere. We express the problem in terms of a matrix element of NN free fermions on a circle. This allows us to find an alternative way to show Witten's result that the partition function is a sum over classical saddle points. We then show how the phase transition of Douglas and Kazakov occurs from this point of view. By generalizing the work of Douglas and Kazakov, we find other `stringy' solutions for the U(N)U(N) case in the large NN limit. Each solution is described by a net U(1)U(1) charge. We derive a relation for the maximum charge for a given area and we also describe the critical behavior for these new solutions. Finally, we describe solutions for lattice SU(N)SU(N) which are in a sense dual to the continuum U(N)U(N) solutions. (Parts of this paper were presented at the Strings '93 Workshop, Berkeley, May 1993.)Comment: 26 pages, CERN-TH-7016, UVA-HET-93-0

    A note on the topological order of noncommutative Hall fluids

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    We evaluate the ground state degeneracy of noncommutative Chern-Simons models on the two-torus, a quantity that is interpreted as the "topological order" of associated phases of Hall fluids. We define the noncommutative theory via T-duality from an ordinary Chern-Simons model with non-abelian 't Hooft magnetic fluxes. Motivated by this T-duality, we propose a discrete family of noncommutative, non-abelian fluid models, arising as a natural generalization of the standard noncommutative Chern-Simons effective models. We compute the topological order for these universality classes, and comment on their possible microscopic interpretation.Comment: 14 page

    Quantum mechanics on the noncommutative plane and sphere

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    We consider the quantum mechanics of a particle on a noncommutative plane. The case of a charged particle in a magnetic field (the Landau problem) with a harmonic oscillator potential is solved. There is a critical point, where the density of states becomes infinite, for the value of the magnetic field equal to the inverse of the noncommutativity parameter. The Landau problem on the noncommutative two-sphere is also solved and compared to the plane problem.Comment: 12 pages, no figures; references adde

    On the Lieb-Liniger model in the infinite coupling constant limit

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    We consider the one-dimensional Lieb-Liniger model (bosons interacting via 2-body delta potentials) in the infinite coupling constant limit (the so-called Tonks-Girardeau model). This model might be relevant as a description of atomic Bose gases confined in a one-dimensional geometry. It is known to have a fermionic spectrum since the N-body wavefunctions have to vanish at coinciding points, and therefore be symmetrizations of fermionic Slater wavefunctions. We argue that in the infinite coupling constant limit the model is indistinguishable from free fermions, i.e., all physically accessible observables are the same as those of free fermions. Therefore, Bose-Einstein condensate experiments at finite energy that preserve the one-dimensional geometry cannot test any bosonic characteristic of such a model

    Two-dimensional Born-Infeld gauge theory: spectrum, string picture and large-N phase transition

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    We analyze U(N) Born-Infeld gauge theory in two spacetime dimensions. We derive the exact energy spectrum on the circle and show that it reduces to N relativistic fermions on a dual space. This contrasts to the Yang-Mills case that reduces to nonrelativistic fermions. The theory admits a string theory interpretation, analogous to the one for ordinary Yang-Mills, but with higher order string interactions. We also demonstrate that the partition function on the sphere exhibits a large-N phase transition in the area and calculate the critical area. The limit in which the dimensionless coupling of the theory goes to zero corresponds to massless fermions, admits a perturbatively exact free string interpretation and exhibits no phase transition.Comment: 19 page
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