3,366 research outputs found
On saturation of charged hadron production in pp collisions at LHC
First results on charged hadron transverse momentum spectra in pp collisions
obtained by the CMS Collaboration at LHC were analyzed in z-scaling approach.
The first LHC data confirm z-scaling. The saturation regime of the scaling
function psi(z) observed in pp and antp-pp interactions at lower energy sqrt s
= 19-1960 GeV is verified. The saturation of psi(z) for charged hadrons is
found down to z=0.05 at the highest energy sqrt s = 2360 GeV reached till now
at colliders. A microscopic scenario of hadron production is discussed in
connection with search for new signatures of phase transitions in hadron
matter. Constituent energy loss and its dependencies on the transverse momentum
of charged hadrons and collision energy are estimated. The beam energy scan at
LHC in the saturation region is suggested.Comment: LaTeX, 6 pages, 6 figure
Nonequilibrium kinetics of a disordered Luttinger liquid
We develop a kinetic theory for strongly correlated disordered
one-dimensional electron systems out of equilibrium, within the Luttinger
liquid model. In the absence of inhomogeneities, the model exhibits no
relaxation to equilibrium. We derive kinetic equations for electron and plasmon
distribution functions in the presence of impurities and calculate the
equilibration rate . Remarkably, for not too low temperature and bias
voltage, is given by the elastic backscattering rate, independent of
the strength of electron-electron interaction, temperature, and bias.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revised versio
Deconfined fractional electric charges in graphene at high magnetic fields
The resistance at the charge neutral (Dirac) point was shown by Checkelsky et
al in Phys. Rev. B 79, 115434 (2009) to diverge upon the application of a
strong magnetic field normal to graphene. We argue that this divergence is the
signature for a Kekule instability of graphene, which is induced by the
magnetic field. We show that the strong magnetic field does not remove the zero
modes that bind a fraction of the electron around vortices in the Kekule
dimerization pattern, and that quenched disorder present in the system makes it
energetically possible to separate the fractional charges. These findings,
altogether, indicate that graphene can sustain deconfined fractionalized
electrons.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure
Magnetic Fields and Passive Scalars in Polyakov's Conformal Turbulence
Polyakov has suggested that two dimensional turbulence might be described by
a minimal model of conformal field theory. However, there are many minimal
models satisfying the same physical inputs as Polyakov's solution (p,q)=(2,21).
Dynamical magnetic fields and passive scalars pose different physical
requirements. For large magnetic Reynolds number other minimal models arise.
The simplest one, (p,q)=(2,13) makes reasonable predictions that may be tested
in the astrophysical context. In particular, the equipartition theorem between
magnetic and kinetic energies does not hold: the magnetic one dominates at
larger distances.Comment: 12 pages, UR-1296, ER-745-4068
Derivation of an Abelian effective model for instanton chains in 3D Yang-Mills theory
In this work, we derive a recently proposed Abelian model to describe the
interaction of correlated monopoles, center vortices, and dual fields in three
dimensional SU(2) Yang-Mills theory. Following recent polymer techniques,
special care is taken to obtain the end-to-end probability for a single
interacting center vortex, which constitutes a key ingredient to represent the
ensemble integration.Comment: 18 pages, LaTe
Effective action of magnetic monopole in three-dimensional electrodynamics with massless matter and gauge theories of superconductivity
We compute one-loop effective action of magnetic monopole in
three-dimensional electrodynamics of massless bosons and fermions and find that
it contains an infrared logarithm. So, when the number of massless matter
species is sufficiently large, monopoles are suppressed and in the weak
coupling limit charged particles are unconfined. This result provides some
support to gauge theories of high-temperature superconductors. It also provides
a mechanism by which interlayer tunneling of excitations with one unit of the
ordinary electric charge can be suppressed while that of a doubly charged
object is allowed.Comment: 8 pages, LATEX, UCLA/93/TEP/41 (the last sentence of the paragraph
concerning applications at the end of the paper has been deleted; mailing
problems have been corrected
Theory of microwave-induced oscillations in the magnetoconductivity of a 2D electron gas
We develop a theory of magnetooscillations in the photoconductivity of a
two-dimensional electron gas observed in recent experiments. The effect is
governed by a change of the electron distribution function induced by the
microwave radiation. We analyze a nonlinearity with respect to both the dc
field and the microwave power, as well as the temperature dependence determined
by the inelastic relaxation rate.Comment: Extended version of cond-mat/0310668. 12 pages, 4 figures. V2:
published version (minor changes, Fig. 4 corrected, references added
2D Induced Gravity as an Effective WZNW System
We introduced a dynamical system given by a difference of two simple SL(2,R)
WZNW actions in 2D, and defined the related gauge theory in a consistent way.
It is shown that gauge symmetry can be fixed in such a way that, after
integrating out some dynamical variables in the functional integral, one
obtains the induced gravity action.Comment: LaTeX, 16 page
Two Phases for Compact U(1) Pure Gauge Theory in Three Dimensions
We show that if actions more general than the usual simple plaquette action
() are considered, then compact {\sl pure} gauge
theory in three Euclidean dimensions can have two phases. Both phases are
confining phases, however in one phase the monopole condensate spontaneously
`magnetizes'. For a certain range of parameters the phase transition is
continuous, allowing the definition of a strong coupling continuum limit. We
note that these observations have relevance to the `fictitious' gauge field
theories of strongly correlated electron systems, such as those describing
high- superconductors.Comment: 10 pages, Plain TeX, uses harvma
Pseudoclassical description of scalar particle in non-Abelian background and path-integral representations
Path-integral representations for a scalar particle propagator in non-Abelian
external backgrounds are derived. To this aim, we generalize the procedure
proposed by Gitman and Schvartsman 1993 of path-integral construction to any
representation of SU(N) given in terms of antisymmetric generators. And for
arbitrary representations of SU(N), we present an alternative construction by
means of fermionic coherent states. From the path-integral representations we
derive pseudoclassical actions for a scalar particle placed in non-Abelian
backgrounds. These actions are classically analyzed and then quantized to prove
their consistency
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