30 research outputs found

    A Laboratory Investigation of Supersonic Clumpy Flows: Experimental Design and Theoretical Analysis

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    We present a design for high energy density laboratory experiments studying the interaction of hypersonic shocks with a large number of inhomogeneities. These ``clumpy'' flows are relevant to a wide variety of astrophysical environments including the evolution of molecular clouds, outflows from young stars, Planetary Nebulae and Active Galactic Nuclei. The experiment consists of a strong shock (driven by a pulsed power machine or a high intensity laser) impinging on a region of randomly placed plastic rods. We discuss the goals of the specific design and how they are met by specific choices of target components. An adaptive mesh refinement hydrodynamic code is used to analyze the design and establish a predictive baseline for the experiments. The simulations confirm the effectiveness of the design in terms of articulating the differences between shocks propagating through smooth and clumpy environments. In particular, we find significant differences between the shock propagation speeds in a clumpy medium compared to a smooth one with the same average density. The simulation results are of general interest for foams in both inertial confinement fusion and laboratory astrophysics studies. Our results highlight the danger of using average properties of inhomogeneous astrophysical environments when comparing timescales for critical processes such as shock crossing and gravitational collapse times.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal. For additional information, including simulation animations and the pdf and ps files of the paper with embedded high-quality images, see http://pas.rochester.edu/~wm

    Spontaneous Transition of Turbulent Flames to Detonations in Unconfined Media

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    Deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT) can occur in environments ranging from experimental and industrial systems to astrophysical thermonuclear (type Ia) supernovae explosions. Substantial progress has been made in explaining the nature of DDT in confined systems with walls, internal obstacles, or pre-existing shocks. It remains unclear, however, whether DDT can occur in unconfined media. Here we use direct numerical simulations (DNS) to show that for high enough turbulent intensities unconfined, subsonic, premixed, turbulent flames are inherently unstable to DDT. The associated mechanism, based on the nonsteady evolution of flames faster than the Chapman-Jouguet deflagrations, is qualitatively different from the traditionally suggested spontaneous reaction wave model, and thus does not require the formation of distributed flames. Critical turbulent flame speeds, predicted by this mechanism for the onset of DDT, are in agreement with DNS results.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; accepted to Physical Review Letter

    Turbulence generation by a shock wave interacting with a random density inhomogeneity field

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    When a planar shock wave interacts with a random pattern of pre-shock density non-uniformities, it generates an anisotropic turbulent velocity/vorticity field. This turbulence plays an important role at the early stages of the mixing process in the compressed fluid. This situation emerges naturally in shock interaction with weakly inhomogeneous deuterium-wicked foam targets in Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) and with density clumps/clouds in astrophysics. We present an exact small-amplitude linear theory describing such interaction. It is based on the exact theory of time and space evolution of the perturbed quantities behind a corrugated shock front for a single-mode pre-shock non-uniformity. Appropriate mode averaging in 2D results in closed analytical expressions for the turbulent kinetic energy, degree of anisotropy of velocity and vorticity fields in the shocked fluid, shock amplification of the density non-uniformity, and sonic energy flux radiated downstream. These explicit formulas are further simplified in the important asymptotic limits of weak/strong shocks and highly compressible fluids. A comparison with the related problem of a shock interacting with a pre-shock isotropic vorticity field is also presented.Comment: This article corresponds to a presentation given at the Second International Conference and Advanced School "Turbulent Mixing and Beyond," held on 27 July - 07 August 2009 at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. That Conference Proceeding will be published as a Topical Issue of the Physica Scripta IOP scienc