798 research outputs found

    Evaluating irreversible social harms

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    In this paper we investigate how irreversible social harms should be evaluated from an ethical perspective. First, we define a general notion of irreversibility, drawing on discussions in ecology and economics. This notion is relational in the sense that 'irreversibility' is always 'irreversibility for a certain party'. We also note that a change may be more or less difficult to reverse, with full reversibility and irreversibility as two extremes. Second, we examine what can make an irreversible change a harm, and why these kinds of harms have particular ethical significance. Here we draw on discussions from ethics, particularly regarding the Capability Approach. We also show how our notion of irreversibility connects to, and can add to, discussions in the fields of development studies and disaster management, particularly on the concept of resilience. Third, we suggest how potentially irreversible harms can be recognised and dealt with in policy-making. Finally, we show how our framework can be applied by evaluating the land acquisition process of two biofuel producers in Tanzania

    The late stages of evolution of helium star-neutron star binaries and the formation of double neutron star systems

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    With a view to understanding the formation of double neutron-stars (DNS), we investigate the late stages of evolution of helium stars with masses of 2.8 - 6.4 Msun in binary systems with a 1.4 Msun neutron-star companion. We found that mass transfer from 2.8 - 3.3 Msun helium stars and from 3.3 - 3.8 Msun in very close orbits (P_orb > 0.25d) will end up in a common-envelope (CE) and spiral-in phase due to the development of a convective helium envelope. If the neutron star has sufficient time to complete the spiraling-in process before the core collapses, the system will produce very tight DNSs (P_orb ~ 0.01d) with a merger timescale of the order of 1 Myr or less. These systems would have important consequences for the detection rate of GWR and for the understanding of GRB progenitors. On the other hand, if the time left until the explosion is shorter than the orbital-decay timescale, the system will undergo a SN explosion during the CE phase. Helium stars with masses 3.3 - 3.8 Msun in wider orbits (P_orb > 0.25d) and those more massive than 3.8 Msun do not go through CE evolution. The remnants of these massive helium stars are DNSs with periods in the range of 0.1 - 1 d. This suggests that this range of mass includes the progenitors of the galactic DNSs with close orbits (B1913+16 and B1534+12). A minimum kick velocity of 70 km/s and 0 km/s (for B1913+16 and B1534+12, respectively) must have been imparted at the birth of the pulsar's companion. The DNSs with wider orbits (J1518+4904 and probably J1811-1736) are produced from helium star-neutron star binaries which avoid RLOF, with the helium star more massive than 2.5 Msun. For these systems the minimum kick velocities are 50 km/s and 10 km/s (for J1518+4904 and J1811-1736, respectively).Comment: 16 pages, latex, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Theoretical Examination of the Lithium Depletion Boundary

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    We explore the sensitivity in open cluster ages obtained by the lithium depletion boundary (LDB) technique to the stellar model input physics. The LDB age technique is limited to open clusters with ages ranging from 20 to 200 Myr. Effective 1-sig errors in the LDB technique due to uncertain input physics are roughly 3% at the oldest age increasing to 8% at the youngest age. Bolometric correction uncertainties add an additional 10 to 6% error to the LDB age technique for old and young clusters, respectively. Rotation rates matching the observed fastest rotators in the Pleiades affect LDB ages by less than 2%. The range of rotation rates in an open cluster are expected to ``smear'' the LDB location by only 0.02 mag for a Pleiades age cluster increasing to 0.06 mag for a 20 Myr cluster. Thus, the observational error of locating the LDB (~7-10%) and the bolometric correction uncertainty currently dominate the error in LDB ages. For our base case, we formally derive a LDB age of 148 +- 19 Myr for the Pleiades, where the error includes 8, 3, and 9% contributions from observational, theoretical, and bolometric correction sources, respectively. A maximally plausible 0.3 magnitude shift in the I-band bolometric correction to reconcile main sequence isochrone fits with the observed (V-I) color for the low mass Pleiades members results in an age of 126 +- 11 Myr, where the error includes observational and theoretical errors only. Upper main-sequence-fitting ages that do not include convective core overshoot for the Pleiades (~75 Myr) are ruled out by the LDB age technique.Comment: 35 pages, 9 figures, accepted Ap

    The Evolution of Relativistic Binary Progenitor Systems

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    Relativistic binary pulsars, such as B1534+12 and B1913+16 are characterized by having close orbits with a binary separation of ~ 3 R_\sun. The progenitor of such a system is a neutron star, helium star binary. The helium star, with a strong stellar wind, is able to spin up its compact companion via accretion. The neutron star's magnetic field is then lowered to observed values of about 10^{10} Gauss. As the pulsar lifetime is inversely proportional to its magnetic field, the possibility of observing such a system is, thus, enhanced by this type of evolution. We will show that a nascent (Crab-like) pulsar in such a system can, through accretion-braking torques (i.e. the "propeller effect") and wind-induced spin-up rates, reach equilibrium periods that are close to observed values. Such processes occur within the relatively short helium star lifetimes. Additionally, we find that the final outcome of such evolutionary scenarios depends strongly on initial parameters, particularly the initial binary separation and helium star mass. It is, indeed, determined that the majority of such systems end up in the pulsar "graveyard", and only a small fraction are strongly recycled. This fact might help to reconcile theoretically expected birth rates with limited observations of relativistic binary pulsars.Comment: 24 pages, 10 Postscript figures, Submitted to The Astrophysical Journa
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