5 research outputs found

    Modelling and Simulation of Self-regulating Pneumatic Valves

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    In conventional aircraft energy systems, self-regulating pneumatic valves (SRPVs) are used to control the pressure and mass flow of the bleed air. The dynamic behavior of these valves is complex and dependent on several physical phenomena. In some cases, limit cycles can occur, deteriorating performance. This paper presents a complex multi-physical model of SRPVs implemented in Modelica. First, the working-principle is explained, and common challenges in control-system design-problems related to these valves are illustrated. Then, a Modelica-model is presented in detail, taking into account several physical domains. It is shown, how limit cycle oscillations occurring in aircraft energy systems can be reproduced with this model. The sensitivity of the model regarding both solver options and physical parameters is investigated

    Advanced temperature control in aircraft cabins - a digital prototype

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    For thermal cabin control of commercial aircraft, the cabin is usually divided into a small number of temperature zones. Each zone features its own air supply pipe. The necessary installation space for ducting increases significantly with the number of zones. This requires the number of temperature zones to be low. Factors such as seating layout, galley placement and passenger density result in deviations in heat flux throughout the cabin. These deviations cannot be compensated by the control system, if they occur within the same temperature zone. This work presents a novel temperature regulation concept based on local mixing. In this concept, two main ducts span the complete cabin length, and provide moderately warm and cold air. At each temperature zone, cabin supply air is locally mixed using butterfly valves. In this way, the number of temperature zones can be individually scaled up without any additional ducting, only requiring additional valves for each temperature zone. The access to hot trim air at the site of the mixing chamber can therefore be omitted. The advantages of this concept are bought at the expense of a more complex control system and a more sophisticated management of failure modes. Pneumatic coupling between temperature zones is much more pronounced compared with the traditional architecture. A centralized control architecture is required. A prototype architecture is presented, as well as a corresponding control system candidate. Possible strategies for the handling of failure modes are discussed. High fidelity simulations using the object-oriented equation-based modelling language Modelica are used to demonstrate robust performance under a wide range of boundary conditions

    Exploitation Strategies of Cabin and Galley Thermal Dynamics

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    The thermal inertia of aircraft cabins and galleys is significant for commercial aircraft. The aircraft cabin is controlled by the Environment Control System (ECS) to reach, among other targets, a prescribed temperature. By allowing a temperature band of ± 2 K instead of a fixed temperature, it is possible to use this thermal dynamic of the cabin as energy storage. This storage can then be used to reduce electrical peak power, increase efficiency of the ECS, reduce thermal cooling peak power, or reduce engine offtake if it is costly or not sufficiently available. In the same way, also the aircraft galleys can be exploited. Since ECS and galleys are among the largest consumers of electrical power or bleed air, there is a large potential on improving energy efficiency or reducing system mass to reduce fuel consumption of aircraft. This paper investigates different exploitation strategies of cabin and galley dynamics using modelling and simulation. Modelica models of the thermal and the electrical system are used to assess and compare these different strategies. Potential impacts on passenger comfort are discussed. Additionally, the gained performance is compared to more conventional storage elements like electrical batteries. Finally, the potential of fuel reduction will be quantified using a reference aircraft model and the optimal strategy is selected

    Fractional-Order Modelling in Modelica

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    Most dynamic systems with a basis in nature can be described using Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAE), and hence be modelled using the modelling language Modelica. However, the concept of DAEs can still be generalised, when differential operators of non-integer order are considered. These so called fractional order systems have counterparts in naturally occuring systems, for instance in electrochemistry and viscoelasticity. This paper presents an implementation of approximate fractional-order differential operators in Modelica, increasing the scope of systems that can be described in a meaningful way. Properties of fractional-order systems are discussed and some approximation methods are presented. An implementation in Modelica is proposed for the first time. Several testing procedures and their results are displayed. The work is then illustrated by the application of the model to several physically motivated examples. A possible usability-enhancement using the concept of "Calling Blocks as functions" is suggested