18 research outputs found
A Study of Isonymic Relationships in Fylingdales Parish From Marriage Records From 1654 Through 19160
The records of 2600 marriages in Fylingdales Parish on the North Yorkshire coast of England, from 1654 through 1916, provide an opportunity to explore isonymic relationships. Since surnames are inherited like the Y chromosome, they are used to indicate inbreeding and migration. Combining like-sounding variants reduces the number of different surnames from 1330 to 968, and increases the coefficient of relationship somewhat. Dissection of total inbreeding into random and nonrandom, following Crow and Mange, shows the influence of isonymous marriages and the greater fluctuations over time of nonrandom and total, but the relative stability of random inbreeding, in this population. Coefficients of isonymy, following Lasker, show how occupation tends to channel gene flow over time. Cohesion is greatest for mariners and fishermen, while farmers, tradesmen, and laborers illustrate less isonymy over time. Parish boundaries also tend to channel gene flow. Lasker’s new Repeated Pairs of surnames, applied to these data, is influenced by the number of different surnames and by population size. Analysis of ethnic origin of identifiable surnames suggests that the majority are from Old English, 21% from French, 9% from German, 8% from Celtic, and only 7% from Scandinavian
American Journal of Human Biology
Texto completo. Acesso restrito. p. 443-448As part of the Cornell-Bahia project on leishmaniasis, the people of Jacobina
in the state of Bahia in northeastern Brazil were studied for five genetic
polymorphisms: ABO blood groups, hemoglobin variants, PGM1, GPGD,
and adenylate kinase. A maximum likelihood method of calculation of frequency of genes for these traits indicates that the ancestry of the
people is 45% African, 43070 Portuguese, and 12% Brazilian Indian. This
estimate is similar to previous estimates of admixture in the people of northeastern Brazil, except for more African and less Caucasian ancestry. Previous distance relationships, based upon physical traits only, showed
the population of Jacobina to be similar to Seminole Indians of Florida
and equally distant from Whites and Blacks. While not strictly comparable, the genetic and morphologic pictures of relationships are compatible and show
concordance with surnames. The presence of Hemoglobin C and the frequencies of alleles of PGMl and 6PGD in the Jacobina population are
consistent with the greater importation of Africans into Brazil from
Costa de Mina on the Guinea Coast than from hgOkl.Salvado