33 research outputs found

    Etude anatomo-biochimique d'un cas néo-natal d'arginino-succinylurie

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    A newborn infant affected by argininosuccinic aciduria was treated with a hypoproteinaemic diet and survived up to the age of three months. Post mortem biochemical studies have confirmed the absence of argininosuccinase activity in kidney, liver and brain and a marked storage of argininosuccinic acid in the brain. The histological study of the central nervous system shows no Alzheimer type II cells; there is neither demyelination nor spongiosis. Such results are totally different from those recorded in untreated cases; they represent very likely the effects of the diet which has controlled the hyperammoniaemia and prevented a deficiency of arginine.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Changes in equine hindgut bacterial populations during oligofructose-induced laminitis

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    In the horse, carbohydrate overload is thought to play an integral role in the onset of laminitis by drastically altering the profile of bacterial populations in the hindgut. The objectives of this study were to develop and validate microbial ecology methods to monitor changes in bacterial populations throughout the course of experimentally induced laminitis and to identify the predominant oligofructose-utilizing organisms. Laminitis was induced in five horses by administration of oligofructose. Faecal specimens were collected at 8 h intervals from 72 h before to 72 h after the administration of oligofructose. Hindgut microbiota able to utilize oligofructose were enumerated throughout the course of the experiment using habitat-simulating medium. Isolates were collected and representatives identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The majority of these isolates collected belonged to the genus Streptococcus, 91% of which were identified as being most closely related to Streptococcus infantarius ssp. coli. Furthermore, S. infantarius ssp. coli was the predominant oligofructose-utilizing organism isolated before the onset of lameness. Fluorescence in situ hybridization probes developed to specifically target the isolated Streptococcus spp. demonstrated marked population increases between 8 and 16 h post oligofructose administration. This was followed by a rapid population decline which corresponded with a sharp decline in faecal pH and subsequently lameness at 24–32 h post oligofructose administration. This research suggests that streptococci within the Streptococcus bovis/equinus complex may be involved in the series of events which precede the onset of laminitis in the horse.G. J. Milinovich, D. J. Trott, P. C. Burrell, A. W. van Eps, M. B. Thoefner, L. L. Blackall, R. A. M. Al Jassim, J. M. Morton and C. C. Pollit

    The new public management ‘revolution’ in political control of the public sector: promises and outcomes in three European prison systems

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    The ‘new public management’ (NPM) promised a revolution in the way executive politicians control public services. This article looks at the effects of NPM forns on political control, especially ‘arms-length’ executive agencies, contracting with private firms and performance measurement in the prisons domain. These reforms promised politicians strategic control and disengagement from day to day issues, and a harnessing of competitive forces to break up traditional, unresponsive, public sector monopoly provision. We compare three jurisdictions that are conventionally seen as having embraced NPM to differing degrees: England & Wales (a relatively high NPM reformer where a package of measures was introduced), the Netherlands (an intermediate case) and Germany (where much variety is evident within an, overall, relatively low NPM reformer). The ‘promises’ of NPM control were in many aspects not fulfilled and the prison systems that made less use of such structures did not seem obviously to have suffered as a result. Indeed, some of the consequences, especially the detachment of executive politicians from day to day management, may have weakened the legitimacy of control systems, potentially making executive politicians’ task even more difficult