102 research outputs found


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    Background: Child development may be subject to forms of motor, physical, cognitive and self-representation impairments when complex congenital heart disease (CHD) occurs. In some cases, inadequacy of both self-representation as well as the family system are displayed. It seems to be important to search the likely internal and external resources of the CHD child, and the possible connections among such resources, which may help him/her to manage his/her own risk condition. Design and Methods: The research project inquires the possible resources related to the self-representation and self-esteem levels of the CHD child, and those related to maternal self-perception as competent mothers. A group of 25 children (mean age=10,2; SD=1,8) suffering from specific forms of CHD, and a group made up of their relative mothers (mean age=38,2; SD=5) were studied. The tools used were the Human Figure Drawing, to investigate child body-related self-representation; the TMA scale (Self-esteem Multidimensional Test), to investigate the child’s self-esteem; and the Q-sort questionnaire, to assess how mothers perceived their maternal competence. Results: Data concerning the likely correlations between the child’s self-representation and the maternal role competence show [that] positive correlations between some indicators of maternal competence, specific aspects of CHD children’s self-representation (mothers’ emotional coping and children’s self-image adequacy) and self-esteem (mothers’ emotional scaffolding and children’s self-esteem at an emotional level). Conclusions: By detecting the occurrence of specific correlations among resources of both child and mother, the study provides cardiologists with information that is useful for building a relationship with the families concerned, which would seem to enhance the quality of the process of the cure itself

    Psychological variables in medically assisted reproduction: a systematic review

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    Introduction: The paths of medically assisted reproduction represent the most important scientific progress to cope with the inability to achieve spontaneous conception (SC) and to reach desired parenthood. Couples undergoing assisted reproductive technology (ART) and couples not facing ovulation induction and artificial fertilization show sufficient levels of well-being and psychological adjustment. However, in some cases couples undergoing ART show lower perceived quality of life than couples with SC. Our aim is to investigate the main psychological variables involved in the special risk condition of medically assisted reproduction and how they could direct specific guidelines to enhance mental wellbeing in dealing with infertility. Material and methods: In this regard, we performed a systematic review following the PRISMA guidelines. From all the studies included, the considered outcome measures were psychological, social, and relational vari- ables and are presented in a systematic approach. Results: A total of 14 studies were included in this article, according to our strict inclusion criteria. Conclusions: Conflicting results have been proven by this systematic review. Even though all underlined the importance of taking charge of the psychological variables in infertility, few studies monitored and evaluated the effectiveness of these interventions. Moreover, none of the selected studies monitored the evolutionary implications of parental competence on the development of children born from ART

    Pensarsi psicologo pediatrico. Modelli, percorsi e strategie di una formazione

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    "Pensare" e "pensarsi" psicologo pediatrico rappresenta, nel nostro territorio nazionale, una vera e propria sfida, nella misura in cui si tratta di fare riferimento ad una figura professionale innovativa, ad un able to/for che "dialoghi" con il proprio essere psicologo. Pertanto, il percorso formativo proposto ha voluto prendere in carico l'esigenza di andare oltre la rappresentazione consolidata di uno psicologo che "adatta" il proprio bagaglio formativo e le proprie competenze alla specificitĂ  dei contesti della cura in area pediatrica, sia ospedalieri che territoriali e domiciliari, per pensare ad una figura professionale con uno specifico profilo di competenze, di funzioni e compiti; questa la sfida che il testo ha voluto "cavalcare" e che chiama in causa piani e livelli diversi. Intanto, il piano professionale del singolo psicologo, per il quale si tratta di ridefinire la propria identitĂ  professionale per poter pensare e agire da psicologo pediatrico; ma la sfida attiene, anche, ad un piano sociale e culturale, nella misura in cui parlare di una formazione specifica per lo psicologo pediatrico implica che si riconosca alla psicologia pediatrica una propria autonomia epistemologico-procedurale. Il testo presenta un percorso formativo in Psicologia pediatrica sperimentato attraverso un Master universitario di II livello realizzato all'interno dell'ateneo di Palermo
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