15 research outputs found

    Retrograde Free Venous Flaps for Extremity Reconstruction: A Roadmap

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    Background and Objectives: Retrograde free venous flaps represent a separate entity among free venous flaps: their physiology is still unclear, but they provide an immediate visible refill after reconnection, with a similar behaviour to conventional flaps. Therefore, the dimensions and the indications of these flaps can be extended beyond what was previously believed, and they can be easily customized, including with respect to tendons and nerves. Nevertheless, they are still debated and regarded as unsafe. Materials and Methods: From 2012 to 2019, we performed 31 retrograde free venous flaps on 31 patients to reconstruct hands, digits, and in one case the heel. All the flaps were arterialized in a retrograde manner; the donor site was the forearm in 28 cases, the foot in 2 cases, and the calf in 1 case. We recorded the size, vein architecture, donor site, donor artery, donor morbidity, function for composite and non-composite flaps, immediate complications, late complications, survival rate, and the number of revisions. We recorded the hand function when appropriate. A total of 10 flaps were also intraoperatively studied with indocyanine green to monitor their hemodynamical behaviour. Results: All the patients were followed for an average of 8 months (6-15). The flap dimensions ranged from 6 cm2^{2} to 136 cm2^{2}. All the flaps, except two that had complete necrosis, survived. Two flaps had partial necrosis. There was no correlation between necrosis and the size of the flap, with one case of necrosis and one of partial necrosis in the small flaps (<10 cm2^{2}). None of the cases with partial necrosis needed a new flap. Two flaps developed a late arterio-venous shunt that was ligated. Conclusions: The retrograde free venous flaps proved to be a useful tool for complex reconstructions of the hand and extremities. They can provide a large island of pliable skin and composite tissue with tendons and nerves, but surgeons must be aware of some caveats

    Robotic Microsurgery in Extremity Reconstruction - Experience With a Novel Robotic System

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    Background: Robotic systems have successfully been introduced into other surgical fields in the past. First attempts with different setups are made in the field of microsurgery. The Symani® Surgical System, a flexible platform consisting of two robotic arms, features motion scaling with tremor filtration to address the demands and complexity of microsurgery. Symani's NanoWrist Instruments are the world's smallest, wristed surgical instruments, intended to improve a surgeon's range of motion beyond the capability of the human hand. This combination allows surgeons to scale their hand movements while seamlessly articulating the robotic micro instruments. Purpose: We report on our experience in extremity reconstruction with this novel system.Research Design: The Symani Surgical System®^{®} was used for 6 cases of extremity reconstruction. The surgeon controlled the manipulators along with the footswitch while either sitting away from the operating table relying on 3D visualization with an exoscope or sitting at the operating table using a standard microscope.Data Collection: Microsurgical anastomoses were performed in 4 patients (3 end-to-end arterial anastomoses and one end-to-side arterial anastomosis) and nerve grafting was performed in 2 patients.Results: Microvascular anastomoses were slower vs conventional microsurgery, but all anastomoses were patent. Epineural coaptation showed proper fascicle alignment and tissue manipulation could be kept to a minimum. The platform's motion scaling allows the surgeon to perform precise micro-movements with only minimal tissue manipulation and hard-to-reach anatomy becomes accessible more easily.Conclusions: Robotic microsurgery might gain importance in the nearer future but more data will need to be collected

    Selective Denervation of the Facial Dermato-Muscular Complex in the Rat: Experimental Model and Anatomical Basis

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    The facial dermato-muscular system consists of highly specialized muscles tightly adhering to the overlaying skin and thus form a complex morphological conglomerate. This is the anatomical and functional basis for versatile facial expressions, which are essential for human social interaction. The neural innervation of the facial skin and muscles occurs via branches of the trigeminal and facial nerves. These are also the most commonly pathologically affected cranial nerves, often requiring surgical treatment. Hence, experimental models for researching these nerves and their pathologies are highly relevant to study pathophysiology and nerve regeneration. Experimental models for the distinctive investigation of the complex afferent and efferent interplay within facial structures are scarce. In this study, we established a robust surgical model for distinctive exploration of facial structures after complete elimination of afferent or efferent innervation in the rat. Animals were allocated into two groups according to the surgical procedure. In the first group, the facial nerve and in the second all distal cutaneous branches of the trigeminal nerve were transected unilaterally. All animals survived and no higher burden was caused by the procedures. Whisker pad movements were documented with video recordings 4 weeks after surgery and showed successful denervation. Whole-mount immunofluorescent staining of facial muscles was performed to visualize the innervation pattern of the neuromuscular junctions. Comprehensive quantitative analysis revealed large differences in afferent axon counts in the cutaneous branches of the trigeminal nerve. Axon number was the highest in the infraorbital nerve (28,625 ± 2,519), followed by the supraorbital nerve (2,131 ± 413), the mental nerve (3,062 ± 341), and the cutaneous branch of the mylohyoid nerve (343 ± 78). Overall, this surgical model is robust and reliable for distinctive surgical deafferentation or deefferentation of the face. It may be used for investigating cortical plasticity, the neurobiological mechanisms behind various clinically relevant conditions like facial paralysis or trigeminal neuralgia as well as local anesthesia in the face and oral cavity

    Proof of concept for multiple nerve transfers to a single target muscle

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    Surgical nerve transfers are used to efficiently treat peripheral nerve injuries, neuromas, phantom limb pain, or improve bionic prosthetic control. Commonly, one donor nerve is transferred to one target muscle. However, the transfer of multiple nerves onto a single target muscle may increase the number of muscle signals for myoelectric prosthetic control and facilitate the treatment of multiple neuromas. Currently, no experimental models are available. This study describes a novel experimental model to investigate the neurophysiological effects of peripheral double nerve transfers to a common target muscle. In 62 male Sprague-Dawley rats, the ulnar nerve of the antebrachium alone (n=30) or together with the anterior interosseus nerve (n=32) was transferred to reinnervate the long head of the biceps brachii. Before neurotization, the motor branch to the biceps\u27 long head was transected at the motor entry point. Twelve weeks after surgery, muscle response to neurotomy, behavioral testing, retrograde labeling, and structural analyses were performed to assess reinnervation. These analyses indicated that all nerves successfully reinnervated the target muscle. No aberrant reinnervation was observed by the originally innervating nerve. Our observations suggest a minimal burden for the animal with no signs of functional deficit in daily activities or auto-mutilation in both procedures. Furthermore, standard neurophysiological analyses for nerve and muscle regeneration were applicable. This newly developed nerve transfer model allows for the reliable and standardized investigation of neural and functional changes following the transfer of multiple donor nerves to one target muscle

    Axonal mapping of the motor cranial nerves

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    Basic behaviors, such as swallowing, speech, and emotional expressions are the result of a highly coordinated interplay between multiple muscles of the head. Control mechanisms of such highly tuned movements remain poorly understood. Here, we investigated the neural components responsible for motor control of the facial, masticatory, and tongue muscles in humans using specific molecular markers (ChAT, MBP, NF, TH). Our findings showed that a higher number of motor axonal population is responsible for facial expressions and tongue movements, compared to muscles in the upper extremity. Sensory axons appear to be responsible for neural feedback from cutaneous mechanoreceptors to control the movement of facial muscles and the tongue. The newly discovered sympathetic axonal population in the facial nerve is hypothesized to be responsible for involuntary control of the muscle tone. These findings shed light on the pivotal role of high efferent input and rich somatosensory feedback in neuromuscular control of finely adjusted cranial systems

    Strategies in compound hand injuries

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    Retrograde Free Venous Flaps for Extremity Reconstruction: A Roadmap

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    Background and Objectives: Retrograde free venous flaps represent a separate entity among free venous flaps: their physiology is still unclear, but they provide an immediate visible refill after reconnection, with a similar behaviour to conventional flaps. Therefore, the dimensions and the indications of these flaps can be extended beyond what was previously believed, and they can be easily customized, including with respect to tendons and nerves. Nevertheless, they are still debated and regarded as unsafe. Materials and Methods: From 2012 to 2019, we performed 31 retrograde free venous flaps on 31 patients to reconstruct hands, digits, and in one case the heel. All the flaps were arterialized in a retrograde manner; the donor site was the forearm in 28 cases, the foot in 2 cases, and the calf in 1 case. We recorded the size, vein architecture, donor site, donor artery, donor morbidity, function for composite and non-composite flaps, immediate complications, late complications, survival rate, and the number of revisions. We recorded the hand function when appropriate. A total of 10 flaps were also intraoperatively studied with indocyanine green to monitor their hemodynamical behaviour. Results: All the patients were followed for an average of 8 months (6–15). The flap dimensions ranged from 6 cm2 to 136 cm2. All the flaps, except two that had complete necrosis, survived. Two flaps had partial necrosis. There was no correlation between necrosis and the size of the flap, with one case of necrosis and one of partial necrosis in the small flaps (<10 cm2). None of the cases with partial necrosis needed a new flap. Two flaps developed a late arterio-venous shunt that was ligated. Conclusions: The retrograde free venous flaps proved to be a useful tool for complex reconstructions of the hand and extremities. They can provide a large island of pliable skin and composite tissue with tendons and nerves, but surgeons must be aware of some caveats

    In-vivo three-dimensional motion analysis of the wrist during dart-throwing motion after midcarpal fusion and radioscapholunate fusion

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    We recorded the dart-throwing motion and basic motion tasks in patients following radioscapholunate fusion and midcarpal fusion with a three-dimensional motion capture system in vivo, using digital infrared cameras to track the movement of reflective skin markers on the hand and forearm. During the dart-throwing motion, 20 healthy volunteers showed a median range of motion of 107°. As expected, patients had significantly reduced wrist range of motion during basic motion tasks and dart-throwing motion compared with the healthy controls, except for ulnar flexion occurring in the dart-throwing motion in patients treated by midcarpal fusion and radial deviation after midcarpal fusion or radioscapholunate fusion. In addition, patients who had undergone radioscapholunate fusion had significantly reduced range of motion during dart-throwing motion compared with patients after midcarpal fusion

    Hand and wrist joint procedures in patients with scleroderma: a systematic review

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    We aimed to examine if joint procedures in hands and wrists of patients with scleroderma could be performed without major morbidity and conducted a systematic review of the literature to assess this hypothesis. Studies were identified in four different databases; soft tissue procedures in scleroderma patients were excluded, and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines were followed. Seven studies out of an initial total of 203 articles were included. One-hundred and twelve scleroderma patients with a total of 402 joint procedures in the hand and wrist were identified. A low complication incidence, comparable with that of non-sclerodermic population, in terms of infection, wound healing problems, and nonunion was reported in all studies. The application of joint procedures in scleroderma hands and wrists seems to be associated with low morbidity

    Bissverletzungen – Diagnose und Behandlung

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    50% der Schweizer Bevölkerung werden einmal im Leben von einem Tier gebissen. Knapp 20% aller Bissverletzungen führen zu Infektionen. Alle Bissverletzungen sollten debridiert und mit Kochsalzlösung gespült werden. Das primäre Wundmanagement ist entscheidend im Hinblick auf die Senkung des Infektrisikos. Verletzungen an den Händen und im Gesicht sollten unter Einbeziehung einer Fachärztin/eines Facharztes für Hand- oder Plastische Chirurgie erfolgen. In Switzerland 50% of the people get bitten by an animal once in their lifetime. Almost 20% of all bite injuries lead to infections. All bite wounds should be debrided and irrigated with saline. Primary wound management is critical in terms of reducing the risk of infection. Injuries to the hands and face should be treated by a hand or plastic surgeon. 50% des gens en Suisse sont mordues par un animal une fois dans leur vie. Près de 20% de toutes les blessures par morsure entraînent des infections. Toutes les plaies par morsure doivent être débridées et irriguées avec du sérum physiologique. Le traitement primaire de la plaie est essentiel pour réduire le risque d’infection. Les blessures aux mains et au visage doivent être traitées par un chirurgien de la main ou un chirurgien plastique