25 research outputs found
Amsterdam, 30 april 1980 : Een onderzoek naar de ervaringen van ME-ers
Ervaringen en kritiek van ME-ers met betrekking tot de organisatie van en het omgaan met het optreden van ME-ers op 30 april 1980 in Amsterdam ( inhuldiging van koningin Beatrix). Achtergrond en taak binnen politiekorps / houding t.o.v. wet en orde / ervaringen in ME-korps voor en op 30 april 1980 / oordeel over gedragingen van de politie / organisatie / management / uitrusting en voorzieningen / nazorg in de periode na 30 april 1980 / reacties / gedrag van politievakbonden / verandering van mening over werk van (ME-) politiemensen. Achtergrondvariabelen: basiskenmerken / plaats waar ondervraagde werkt / beroep/contract / politiek / lidmaatschap van organisaties.
Experiences and criticism from riot-policemen concerning the organization and the management of the riot-police behaviour on april 30th, 1980 in Amsterdam ( crowning of Queen Beatrix ). Background and position in police force / law and order attitude / experiences in riot police force before and on april 30th, 1980 / judgement of police behaviour / organization / management / equipment and provisions / period after april 30th care / reactions / behaviour of police-unions / change in opinions about ( riot ) police work. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of work/ occupation/employment/ politics/ organizational membershi
Slachtofferschap en politiefunctioneren 1990-1992
Satisfaction with presence of - and actions taken by the police in r's neighbourhood / satisfaction with the implementation of various police tasks: wish for other priorities with respect to different types of crime / propensity to inform the police of a crime / feelings of insecurity, fear of crime in various situations / experience with crime last year, motives ( -not- ) to inform the police / assessment of actions taken by the police / evaluations of contact with the police last year Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ educatio