6 research outputs found


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    The objectives of this study are: To study and analyze the availability of land in North Gorontalo District, Assessing and analyzing land requirements in North Gorontalo District, Analyzing and evaluating Carrying Capacity Ratio of agricultural land in North Gorontalo Regency. The research method is qualitative which is analyzed descriptively quantitative. The study was conducted covering 11 districts in North Gorontalo Regency. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data, Data collection was obtained through direct observation at the research location and through literature studies from various trusted sources or related institutions namely the Central Statistics Agency of North Gorontalo Regency 2018, and the Department of Agriculture, Horticulture Plantation, North Gorontalo District 2018. The method for calculating the carrying capacity of land uses the method of analysis in accordance with Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 17 of 2009. The results showed the availability of land (SL) of North Gorontalo Regency was 59,235,467 Ha, and the land requirement (DL) was 46,893,556 Ha. the value of land availability is greater than the need for land SL ˃ DL, carrying capacity for district level is categorized as surplus. Carrying capacity of agricultural land (CCR) in North Gorontalo District is obtained less than one or CCR <1 that is 0.36, the assumption is that the carrying capacity of agricultural land is deficit. Policy implications for the North Gorontalo District Government should emphasize sustainable agricultural development policies through intensification, extensification and revitalization programs, so that the carrying capacity of agricultural land can be increased in realizing self-reliance and sustainable regional food security.*eprm


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    This study aims to: (1) Analyze management models with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), (2) Arrange alternative directions for priority management with a combination of GIS and Analytical HirarchyProcess (AHP) and policy direction of land tenure in forest areas that are in the utilization block KPHL Unit VI which is in Talawaan MDM. The method used in this study is a survey method, namely: a method forobtaining field data by means of systematic observation, measurement and recording of the object under study and supported by the results of laboratory analysis. Sampling and field measurements are carried out using strata techniques with consideration to adjusting the location of the collection. Analysis of the data used: a) Estimating the amount of erosion using the formula Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), b) The combination of Geographic Information Systems and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to prepare alternatives for decision making. The results of this study indicated that the Management Model formed in the study area is the Community Forest Management Model (HKm) and Community Plantation Forest (HTR) and with a management period of 35 years and can be extended thereafter. Furthermore, the direction of management priorities according to AHP analysis with economic, ecological and social targets is to implement a management model with Land Utilities Type (LUT) Agrorestry, enrichment LUT and reforestation LUT with an economic target value of 429 points, ecological target value of 143 points and weight social target value of 429 points. The direction of the Government's policy for the completion of land tenure in this forest area is to provide management access to forest areas in the form of Social Forestry Program with the Community Forest Management Model (HKm) and Community Plantation Forest (HTR).*eprm


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    This study aims to 1) Analyze the effect of individually of the sale value of the tax object, land ownership area, and land market price on the value of land compensation in land acquisition development Manado outer Ring Road III (MORR III). 2) Analyze the effect jointly between the sale value of tax objects, land ownership area, and land market price on the value of land compensation in the procurement of land for the construction of MORR III. This research was conducted at the construction site (MORR III) from February to October 2019. This research used quantitative descriptive methods. The data collected was primary data and secondary data. Primary data were obtained directly through interviews with key informants namely the Land Procurement Committee for Implementation of MORR III. Secondary data were obtained from the North Sulawesi Land Agency and the Central Statistics Agency. Secondary data is related to Tax Object Selling Value (NJOP) data, Land Ownership Area, Respondents' Livelihoods and Land Compensation Value for the construction of MORR III. The sample selection was done purposevely with a sample of 60 recipients of land compensation. Data Analysis Techniques use 1) Regression Analysis, and 2) Multiple Regression Analysis. The results showed that (1) the Sales Value of Tax Objects or values that showed the average price obtained from a sale and purchase transaction that occurred naturally was positively correlated and significantly affected the value of land compensation determined by the appraisal. Each increased in the Tax Object Sales Value of Rp. 1,000 per m2 will increase the price of compensation by Rp. 540 per m2. The variable area of land ownership owned by the community receiving land compensation in the construction of MORR III has no significant effect on the value of land compensation. An increase in the area of land ownership owned by the people affected by land acquisition for the construction of MORR III only increased the value of land compensation obtained by Rp. 5,840 per m2. Land market price variables or prices that indicated the market value of land were positively correlated and have a significant effect on the value of land compensation determined by the appraisal. Land market price increased of Rp. 1000 per m2 increased the price of land compensation by Rp.1,137 per m2. (2) Variable sale value of tax object, area of land ownership, and land market price indicated 64.0% representation of variables that affected the value of land compensation and jointly have a positive effect on the value of land compensation received by the community land acquisition affected in the construction of MORR III. *eprm

    Analisis Daya Dukung Lahan Permukiman Di Kota Manado

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    This study aims to determine the carrying capacity of residential land in Manado City by using the Building Coverage concept according to Muta'ali (2012) and based on the Regulation of the State Minister for Public Housing Number 11 of 2008 (PERMEN No.11 Tahun 2008). This research was conducted in Manado City North Sulawesi Province, which was carried out from March to May 2023. The types of data used in this research are primary data and secondary data. The data collection method was carried out using the Field Research Method, Institutional Survey and Literature Survey. The data analysis method used in this study is using two formulas, namely based on the Building Coverage concept and the Regulation of the State Minister for public Housing Number 11 of 2008 (PERMEN No. 11 Tahun 2008). The results of the study show that the carrying capacity of residential land in Manado City by using the Building Coverage concept (Liputan Bangunan) is 35%. This means that the availability of space in Manado City is generally good or there is still a lot of space that can be used for settlements. While sub-district that has the largest percentage of carrying capacity of residential land using the Building Coverage formula is Sario District at 94.81%, whereas the lowest percentage is in Mapanget District at 6.15%. The value of the Carrying Capacity of Residential Land (DDPm) in Manado citybased on the classification of the Regulation of the State Minister for Public Housing Number 11 of 2008 (PERMEN No. 11 Tahun 2008) is 10.51, which indicated that the DDPm value is &gt; 1. This can be concluded that the carrying capacity of Residential land in Manado City is high and still able to accommodate people for living


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    This study aims to determine the evaluation of the complete systematic land registration program (PTSL) in Tumpaan District, South Minahasa Regency. The research was conducted from February to June 2020. The data sources in this study used primary and secondary data. Primary data is through direct interviews with implementers and participants. The number of respondents was 4 authorized officers and 21 participants in complete systematic land registration in 2017. Secondary data is data obtained through related agencies in this study. The data analysis used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that the Complete Systematic Land Registration Activity in Tumpaan District, South Minahasa Regency has been running according to the activity stages. There were 18 or 85.71% of respondents who considered the implementation of PTSL activities in the good category, while 3 people or 14.28% considered it very good. The response to the counseling carried out by the National Land Agency Office of South Minahasa Regency, there were 2 people or 9.52% of respondents who said they did not understand the counseling delivered, while 19 respondents or as much as 90.47% said they understood the counseling about PTSL that was delivered. There were 7 people or 33.33% of the total respondents who felt very profitable about the existence of this PTSL program while 14 people or 66.66% of respondents felt the PTSL program was for them. 10 respondents or 47.61% of the total respondents did not experience difficulties in the process of managing PTSL, while 11 respondents or 52.38% had difficulties where the completeness of the files and data they had did not meet the requirements.*eprm


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    This study aims to (1). Knowing the content and quality of Rahayu's tofu and tempe factory liquidwaste in Uner Village, Kawangkoan Sub-district, Minahasa Regency, and (2). To find out whether Rahayu's tofu and tempe factory liquid waste has exceeded the quality standard. This research was conducted for 3 months, namely in January 2020- March 2020. Sampling locations were carried out in the factory of Tahu and Tempe Rahayu Sub-district in Uner Village, Kawangkoan District, then continued with the analysis at the Manado Industrial Research and Standardization Laboratory (Baristand). This research was a descriptive research and laboratory analysis. Waste water sampling was carried out using a composite sampling method. Sampling was done in the first two places, raw water is used to make tofu and tempe in an inlet and the first was taken from the tofu factory wastewater and tempe in the sewer. Waste liquid sampling was carried out 3 times and for analysis carried out at the Baristand Laboratory to obtain data according to the parameters set in this study. The results showed that the quality of Rahayu tofu and tempe industrial liquid waste based on the analysis of BOD, COD, and TSS parameters that have been analyzed accordingly and have not passed the quality standards set by the Government. However, for the pH parameters are not appropriate and in accordance with the quality standards set by Government.*eprm