31,858 research outputs found

    Good Bulbs, Bad Jobs: Workers and Conditions Behind Your New Compact Fluorescent

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    The study highlights labor violations at a Xiamen Topstar Lighting Co. Ltd. factory, a joint venture in which GE has a stake. The report recommends that GE follow its own policies and ensure that its bulbs are made in a way that does not compromise the health and rights of workers who make them

    Jaqalanka Limited and Free Trade Zone Workers Union (FTZWU) Dispute Settlement Process: Progress Report from Centre for Policy Alternatives

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    This document is part of a digital collection provided by the Martin P. Catherwood Library, ILR School, Cornell University, pertaining to the effects of globalization on the workplace worldwide.  Special emphasis is placed on labor rights, working conditions, labor market changes, and union organizing.FLA_Jaqalanka_Progress_Report.pdf: 25 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Health Policy Newsletter December 2007 Vol.20, No.4

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    The contradictions of the Asian Monetary Fund

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    Focuses on the issue of an Asian Monetary Fund (AMF). At the time of its launch in March 2010, the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation (CMIM) was widely reported, particularly in Asia, as heralding the establishment of an AMF that would provide both an independent alternative to the IMF and distance from the influence of the USA. However, while the CMIM may well be a major step towards the establishment of such an AMF, as presently constituted it is neither separate from the IMF nor fully functional

    Maximizing Productivity: Accomodations for Emergency Preparedness

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    [Excerpt] Emergency planning is just as critical for the workplace as it is for the home. In recent years, the nation, particularly the federal government, has re-evaluated its approach to emergency preparedness and response. While significant strides have been made, much work remains to be done. Research and anecdotal evidence indicate that such planning, preparedness, response and recovery efforts often overlook the needs and perspectives of people with disabilities

    Demystifying the Rehabilitation Act: What Faith-based and Community Organizations Need To Know About Using Federal Financial Assistance to Serve People With Disabilities

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    [Excerpt] If you represent a faith-based or community-based organization that is • Receiving financial assistance from the United States Department of Labor (USDOL) (e.g., a grant, sub-award, contract, in-kind assistance, etc.), or • Planning to apply for financial assistance from USDOL, or • Partnering with an existing USDOL-supported program, Then, the following information will help you better understand how Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 applies to your organization as you serve people with disabilities

    Opening Doors to all Candidates: Tips for Ensuring Access for Applicants with Disabilities

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    [Excerpt] The goal of the hiring process is to attract and identify the individual who has the best mix of skills and attributes for the job available. Ensuring that all qualified individuals can participate in the process is key to achieving this goal. By examining their hiring procedures and implementing some simple steps, employers can widen their pool of potential talent and ensure that they do not miss out when the best person for the job happens to have a disability

    Diverse Perspectives: People With Disabilities Fulfilling Your Business Goals

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    [Excerpt] By fostering a culture of diversity, or a capacity to appreciate and value individual differences, in all aspects of their operations, employers benefit from varied perspectives on how to confront business challenges and achieve success. Although the term is most often used to refer to differences among individuals such as ethnicity, gender, age and religion, diversity actually encompasses the infinite range of individuals’ unique attributes and experiences. As the nation’s largest minority—comprising almost 50 million individuals—people with disabilities contribute to diversity, and businesses can enhance their competitive edge by taking steps to ensure they are integrated into their workforce and customer base

    Career-focused Mentoring for Youth: The What, Why, and How?

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    [Excerpt] When asked to describe an ideal employee, attributes such as being a hard worker, a team player, and a good communicator are frequently cited by employers as being even more important than technical expertise. According, however, to a recent survey of 461 employers conducted by the Conference Board, Corporate Voices for Working Families, the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, and the Society for Human Resources many new entrants to the workforce lack these important skills. These business leaders reported that while the three R\u27s are still fundamental to every employee\u27s ability to do the job, knowledge of applied skills is even more important. (Are They Really Ready to Work? Employers’ Perspectives on the Basic Knowledge and Applied Skills of New Entrants to the 21st Century U.S. Workforce (2006)). One remedy may be found in mentoring. Career-focused mentoring provides young people the opportunity to get a glimpse of the world of work that may not otherwise be available to them. It also allows them to gain and practice skills that are useful in professional and other settings, and to prepare for life as an adult

    Advancing Opportunities: Accomodations Resources for Federal Managers and Employees

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    [Excerpt] Every day the nation benefits from the contributions of individuals with disabilities who serve in the federal workforce. Many of these individuals are entitled to workplace adjustments, or accommodations, in order to effectively carry out their duties. A variety of resources are available to assist federal managers in making these accommodations so they can hire, retain and advance qualified individuals with disabilities. An accommodation is a modification to a work environment or job functions to enable a qualified person with a disability to benefit from the same employment opportunities and rights afforded similarly situated individuals without disabilities. The following examples illustrate accommodations in practice in the federal setting
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