227 research outputs found

    Tehnološka misao u 21. veku i nasleđe teorije restauracije Čezara Brandija, na marginama naučnog susreta

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    La mostra scientifica di Suzana Polić è un progetto multidisciplinare che include aree: filosofia della tecnologia, scienza dell'informazione, studi di metodologia, ermeneutica, scienza della storia, futurologia, conservazione, studi biografici, patrimonio culturale, tecnica laser, materiali, e altri. Metodologico, la mostra presente la trasposizione dell'opinione scientifica, tecnologica e filosofica nella visibilità, Dal punto di vista della scienza sulla protezione del patrimonio culturale. L'obiettivo è il famoso lavoro di scienze di Cesare Brandi, "Teoria del Restauro", come caso di studio, in cui l'autore usa per dare per le opinioni moderne e multidisciplinari di questo lavoro create nel 20 ° secolo.The science exhibition by Suzana Polić, is a multidisciplinary project that includes areas: philosophy of technology, information science, methodologycal studies, hermeneutics, science of history, futurology, conservation-restoration, biographical studies, cultural heritage, laser technique and others. Methodological, exhibition shows the transposition of scientific, technological and philosophical opinion in visuality, with the help of heritological observation. The focus is the famous science work by Cesare Brandi, "Theory of Restoration", as a case study, at which the author use to giving for modern, multidisciplinary views of this work created in the 20th century.Autorska naučna izložba Suzane Polić je multidisciplinarni projekat koji obuhvata oblasti: filozofija tehnologija, metodološka istraživanja, informacijske nauke, hermeneutika, studije budućnosti, historija nauke, konzervacija-restauracija, zaštita intelektualnog nasleđa, biografske studije, kulturologija, tehnologija materijala, laserska tehnika i druge. Metodološki, izložba prikazuje transponovanje naučnog, tehnološkog i filozofskog mišljenja u vizuelnost, uz pomoć heritološke opservacije. U fokusu je čuveno delo Čezara Brandija „Teorija restauracije“, kao studija slučaja, na kojoj autorka daje savremeni, multidisciplinarni pogled na ovo delo nastalo u 20. veku.Autorska naučna izložba sa katalogom uz naučne recenzije / Author's scientific exhibition with catalog and scientific review

    Dialogue between the technologist and the theologian on electronic personality

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    Contemporary efforts to protect the rights of robots as electronic personalities point to the existence of a semantic noise in understanding the notion of personality. Starting from the view of robots who have technologists and considering the perception of robot as a personality in the public space, this paper discusses the necessity of dialogue between technologists and theologians in eliminating semantic noises. The thesis is that such a dialogue should start with the question of the contemporary man's goals in terms about category of time, which would make it possible to better understand the question of intersubjectivity on the plan of the electronic personality semantics in dissociative space of modern mediation between the subject and the posthumanism world.Project SOW is organized by the Institute of Historical Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation

    Management of knowledge and protection of an intangible cultural heritage

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    Заштита нематеријалног културног наслеђа са аспекта херитологије још увек у Србији не обухвата значајно наслеђе које датира од почетка српске музичке писменос- ти, до данас. У раду се проблематизује питање херитолошког односа према знању које се преноси усменим путем од ХIV века до данас, у оквиру литургијског осмогласног појања. У фокусу истраживања је појање са базинеумских рукописa који се налазе ван Србије у више универзитетских колекција и значајних манастирских библиотека. Управљање знањем разматра се у специфичности канона у оквиру којег постоји поље импровизације које произлази из праксе духовног обреда. Посебно се проблематизује могућност мулти- дисциплинарног рада у примени дигитализације у заштити наслеђа.Protection of the intangible cultural heritage, from the aspect of science of conservation cultural heritage, still does not encompass significant heritage that has been dated since the beginning of Serbian music literacy until today. The paper follows the heritologycal point of view of the problemabout knowledge transmitted through the oral mode from the 14th century to today, within the liturgical church chant, with simultaniously interpretation by eight – voices. The focus of the research is the poem based on the neume – old notation manuscripts that are located outside Serbia in several university collections and significant monastery libraries. Knowledge management is considered in the specificity of the canons in which there is a field of improvisation that arises from the practice of spiritual ritual. Particularly, in focus is the possibility of multidisciplinary work in the application of digitization in the protection of heritage.Скуп је одржан 16. новембра 2018. године године у Аудиовизуелном архиву и центру за дигитализацију САН

    Modern heritage protection and its sources - Noosphere hypothesis and the conceptualization of robotics

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    Saznajna kultura u savremenoj zaštiti nasleđa, duguje svoje široko multidisciplinarno polje razvoja naučnim idejama i konceptima koji se mogu povezati sa zaštitom nasleđa, nezavisno od vremena u kojem su nastali. Među njima, hipoteza noosfere ruskog naučnika Vladimira Vernadskog, predstavlja jedan od najznačajnijih temelja i uzora za stvaranje zaokruženih naučnih i filozofskih sistema. U ovom radu, razmatra se funkcionalnost hipoteze noosfere kao naučnog izvora za konceptualizaciju Cloud robotike u zaštiti nasleđa.Culture of acquire knowledge in contemporary protection of cultural heritage, owes his broad multidisciplinary field to development of scientific ideas and concepts that can be associated with the protection of heritage, independent of the time they arose. Among them, the hypothesis of the Russian scientist Vladimir Vernadsky, is one of the most important foundations and role modes for the creation of completed scientific and philosophical systems. In this paper, the functionality of the noosphere hypothesis is considered as a scientific source for the conceptualization of Cloud robotics in the protection of cultural heritage

    Technology education and human resources in the multidisciplinary processes of cultural heritage protection

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    New technologies are making significant progress in protecting cultural heritage and their application in this area has become an imperative of multidisciplinary connection in many fields such as: art, culture, history, archeology, sustainable development, environmental technology, problems of management issues in innovation, technology of materials, as well as numerous secondary disciplines. Managing projects that cover heritage protection is all the more complex when contemporary problems are more diverse, and this also requires the involvement of more experts and researchers with very different experience. This paper presents methodologies in composition of human resources in the goals to multidisciplinary research of conservation and restoration of art and archaeology artifacts. Observing potentials of different researchers we indirectly conclude about qualitative parameters of education necessary to work in application new technology in the field of cultural heritage protection. Our investigation results lead to some conclusions: it has been concluded that theoretical basis and understanding of heuristic views to problems of degradation of cultural heritage are both important. Equally important is continuous education and its implication in using new technologies in cultural heritage protection.European International Meeting on Business Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Social Sciences (EBES). Sub-Conference: International Conference on New Horizons in Multidisciplinary Academic Research (HMAR), December 14-15, 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherland

    Industrijska baština u postmodernom društvu

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    U radu se problematizuje pitanje metodologije istraţivanja industrijske baštine, u odnosu na uticaje društvenih i kulturnih transformacija koje su u poslednjim decenijama dvadesetog veka dovele do konstituisanja heritologije kao nove nauĉne multidisciplinarne oblasti. U svetlu refleksija postmodernih teorija razliĉitih disciplinarnih provinijencija i njihovog uticaja na transformacije koje su dovele do razvoja novih intelektualnih orijentacija i istraţivaĉkih pristupa industrijskoj baštini, posebno se razmatra pitanje konstituisanja multidisciplinarnog pogleda na fenomenologiju zaštite industrijske baštine.This paper presents the methodology of research of industrial heritage in relation to the effects of social and cultural transformation in the last decades of the twentieth century. Paper showing how a change impacts to that the constitution of multidisciplinary scientific fields Heritology. Especially paper describes the influence of postmodern theory and different reflections of disciplinary background in theoretical of transformation that led to the development of new intellectual orientation and approaches to the study of industrial heritage, particularly bearing in mind the question of representing of multidisciplinary view of phenomenology industrial heritage

    3D reconstruction and the formulation of a new paradigm of archaeological spaces

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    The contemporary approach to the paradigm of an archeological space depends on 3D technologies. We are talking about the procedure that is, in an ideal case, infinitesimal approach to the original archeological space. Bearing in mind that reconstruction of an archeological space pertains, first of all, to the area of archeological interpretation, it is necessary to introduce a new methodology into the paradigm of archeological spaces. This opens up the possibility of ensuring observability for spaces created by means of 3D reconstruction, which in the domain of virtual spaces has the meaning of the total reconstruction, but which does not actually mean a full reconstruction of the real space. This paper is related to the investigation of the impact of 3D technology on interpretation of real spaces. The paper proposes the methodology of the theory of deconstruction, which offers possibilities for creation of a new paradigm of archeological spaces.Urban Archaeology : A Critical View on Urban 3D Reconstruction Model

    Multidisciplinary convergence of information technology and cultural heritage science research

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    Uporedo sa uvođenjem multidisciplinarnih naučnih istraživanja u oblast zaštite kulturne baštine, tekao je proces konvergencije informatičkih i heritoloških disciplina, koji je doveo do promene strukture zapisa, koji čine osnovu heritološkog rada. Konsekventno, došlo je i do promena na mnogim nivoima paradigme zaštite u veku postmoderne nauke. U ovom radu, na osnovu analize disciplinarnih konvergencija, razmatra se uloga informatičkih disciplina u novim problemima heritologije.Along with the introduction of multidisciplinary scientific research in the field of cultural heritage protection has motion process of convergence of IT and cultural heritage discipline, which led to the change in the structure of records that form the basis of cultural heritage field in museum documentation. Consequently there was a change in the paradigm of many levels of protection in the age of postmodern science. In this paper, based on an analysis of disciplinary convergence examines the role of IT disciplines in new Heritology probleims

    About the discourses of heritological matter

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    Autorska naučna izložba Suzane Polić - Radovanović, pripada oblasti filozofije tehnologija, sa fokusom na tehnologiju materijala u kontekstu konzervacije – restauracije umetničkih i arheoloških predmeta, kao i predmeta industrijskog nasleđa. Autorka usmerava pogled ka budućnosti nauke o materijalima, imajući u vidu da savremena nauka direktno doprinosi razvoju tehnologija dobijanja materijala unapred zadatih svojstava. Centralno mesto u korpusu različitih problema koji postoje u oblasti konzervacije, odnosi se na strukturnu hijerarhiju materijala, pa se autorka opredelila da rezultate svojih heritoloških istraživanja vizualizuje prikazujući život materije koju treba konzervirati, kao metajezik koji za potpuno dešifrovanje diskursa heritološke suštine, traži viši stepen sinteze naučnog, filozofskog i umetničkog znanja.The author of scientific exhibition, Suzana Polić - Radovanović, presented concept of the field of philosophy of technologies, with a focus on technology of materials in the context of conservation - restorations of artistic and archaeological objects, as well as industrial heritage artefacts. The author visualize a view to the future of material science, given that modern science directly contributes to the development of technologies to obtain projected materials properties in advance. Central place in the corpus of different problems that exist in the field of conservation, refers to the structural hierarchy of materials. This is the reason why the author opted for visualized results of heritological research, and useded a life of matter as a language that is completely deciphered by the discourse of heritological essence. It is a higher degree of synthesis of scientific, philosophical and artistic knowledge.Autorska naučna izložba sa katalogom uz naučne recenzije / Author's scientific exhibition with catalog and scientific review

    Heritage and requirements for management in ecology

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    U skladu sa Evropskom konvencijom o predelu, koju je Srbija ratifikovala 2011. godine, menadžment u oblasti zaštite baštine i menadžment u ekologiji, u domenu zaštite okruženja kulturnih dobara, imaju iste ciljeve i zadatke. Proces harmonizacije delovanja u oblastima heritologije i ekologije, na svim nivoima zaštite baštine i njenog okruženja, problematizuje pitanje heritoloških zahteva u odnosu na menadžment u ekologiji. U radu su prikazani rezultati aktuelnih istraživanja koja se u Srbiji realizuju u cilju strateškog planiranja zaštite baštine u skladu sa evropskim standardima.In accordance with the European Convention for landscape, ratified by the Serbia the 2011th years, the goals and tasks of management in the field of heritage protection and management in ecology, have the identical field to working. The process of harmonization in the fields of conservation and restoration heritage, and ecology, at all levels of heritage protection and its surroundings, tackles the issue heritage requirements in relation to the management of ecology. This paper presents the results of current research in Serbia in order to implement strategic planning to protect heritage in line with European standards