53 research outputs found

    Acute Hepatitis B in a patient previously positive for antibody to surface antigen (anti-HBs) determined by radioimmunoassay: case report and review of the literature

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    The determination of anti-HBs as a screening test before vaccination has been advisable in order to encounter immune individuals that don't need to receive vaccine protection. A case-report is presented and three other cases are reviewed from the literature. Anti-HBs was positive in these health-care personnels that developped typical acute B hepatitis. Different subtyping involving the d/y determinants were found in the first case, but false-positive anti-HBs even with high titres, determined by RIA, were found in the other cases. Concomitant determination of anti-HBc or absence of screening tests seem to be more reasonable policies until a low-cost and risk-free vaccine is produced

    New approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection

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    With nearly 9 million new active disease cases and 2 million deaths occurring worldwide every year, tuberculosis continues to remain a major public health problem. Exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis leads to active disease in only ~10% people. An effective immune response in remaining individuals stops M. tuberculosis multiplication. However, the pathogen is completely eradicated in ~10% people while others only succeed in containment of infection as some bacilli escape killing and remain in non-replicating (dormant) state (latent tuberculosis infection) in old lesions. The dormant bacilli can resuscitate and cause active disease if a disruption of immune response occurs. Nearly one-third of world population is latently infected with M. tuberculosis and 5%-10% of infected individuals will develop active disease during their life time. However, the risk of developing active disease is greatly increased (5%-15% every year and ~50% over lifetime) by human immunodeficiency virus-coinfection. While active transmission is a significant contributor of active disease cases in high tuberculosis burden countries, most active disease cases in low tuberculosis incidence countries arise from this pool of latently infected individuals. A positive tuberculin skin test or a more recent and specific interferon-gamma release assay in a person without overt signs of active disease indicates latent tuberculosis infection. Two commercial interferon-gamma release assays, QFT-G-IT and T-SPOT.TB have been developed. The standard treatment for latent tuberculosis infection is daily therapy with isoniazid for nine months. Other options include therapy with rifampicin for 4 months or isoniazid + rifampicin for 3 months or rifampicin + pyrazinamide for 2 months or isoniazid + rifapentine for 3 months. Identification of latently infected individuals and their treatment has lowered tuberculosis incidence in rich, advanced countries. Similar approaches also hold great promise for other countries with low-intermediate rates of tuberculosis incidence

    Acidic Residues Critical for the Activity and Biological Function of Yeast DNA Polymerase η

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    Rad30 is a member of the newly discovered UmuC/DinB/Rad30 family of DNA polymerases. The N-terminal regions of these proteins are highly homologous, and they contain five conserved motifs, I to V, while their C-terminal regions are quite divergent. We examined the contributions of the C-terminal and N-terminal regions of Rad30 to its activity and biological function. Although deletion of the last 54 amino acids has no effect on DNA polymerase or thymine-thymine (T-T) dimer bypass activity, this C-terminal deletion-containing protein is unable to perform its biological function in vivo. The presence of a bipartite nuclear targeting sequence within this region suggests that at least one function of this portion of Rad30 is nuclear targeting. To identify the active-site residues of Rad30 important for catalysis, we generated mutations of nine acidic residues that are invariant or highly conserved among Rad30 proteins from different eukaryotic species. Mutations of the Asp30 and Glu39 residues present in motif I and of the Asp155 residue present in motif III to alanine completely inactivated the DNA polymerase and T-T dimer bypass activities, and these mutations did not complement the UV sensitivity of the rad30Δ mutation. Mutation of Glu156 in motif III to alanine confers a large reduction in the efficiency of nucleotide incorporation, whereas the remaining five Rad30 mutant proteins retain wild-type levels of DNA polymerase and T-T dimer bypass activities. From these observations, we suggest a role for the Asp30, Glu39, and Asp155 residues in the binding of two metal ions required for the reaction of the incoming deoxynucleoside 5′-triphosphate with the 3′-hydroxyl in the primer terminus, while Glu156 may participate in nucleotide binding
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