39 research outputs found

    Equivalent birational embeddings

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    Let XX be a projective variety of dimension rr over an algebraically closed field. It is proven that two birational embeddings of XX in ¶n\P^n, with n≥r+2n\geq r+2 are equivalent up to Cremona transformations of ¶n\P^n

    Pulmonary Rehabilitation

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    Commenting on this book is a great privilege and an opportunity to share some emerging aspects regarding the development of pulmonary rehabilitation. Indeed, appreciating the therapeutic value of this modality is possible because of continuous research and tireless commitment of all professionals involved in the care of patients with respiratory diseases and pulmonary-related impairments...

    Manual Massage Therapy for Patients with COPD: A Scoping Review.

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    Background and objectives: Manual massage therapy is a therapeutic option for the treatment of several pathological conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system. It has been pointed out that massage might be beneficial for COPD patients thanks to therapeutic effects primarily related to hyperemia, increased both skin temperature and blood flow, and activation of the lymphatic system. The present study reports current evidence on the systemic effects of manual massage in patients with COPD. Materials and Methods: A scoping review was conducted on five major databases. The search went through all databases since their inception until December 2018. Results: Seventy-eight citations were retrieved; after the selection process was completed, seven articles were considered eligible. In patients receiving manual massage, improvements were observed in FEV1, dyspnea perception, and in the 6-minute walking test. Conclusions: To date the use of the manual massage in patients with COPD is not supported by substantial evidence in the literature: indeed, it is proposed as a therapeutic option in association with other interventions such as physical exercise

    Basic movements for postoperative exercise in patients with left ventricular assist devices

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    Patients with advanced heart failure refractory to medical therapy can be treated with left ventricular assist devices, implanted to augment or replace left ventricular function. The most common postoperative complications are infection; bleeding; thromboembolic events; device malfunction; depression, and neurological dysfunction (stroke, transient ischemic attacks, encephalopathy). Their onset contributes to the interruption and delay in commencing a physiotherapy program. During the initial postoperative phase, patients with left ventricular assist devices are not generally able to tolerate an intensive rehabilitative programme, but they may be able to do so in a more advanced stage of recovery. Physiotherapy in the early period prepares the patient for a more complex and articulated rehabilitation, usually scheduled after hospital discharge. Supervised exercise should be implemented once the patient has been thoroughly instructed on how the device works and after a checklist to ensure that the patient understands the workings of the device, has been signed off. Although several studies have been published discussing postoperative rehabilitation in LVAD patients, to date it is not available yet an illustrated guide describing basic movements. Here, we describe a series of supervised physical exercises that can be executed daily. We aimed to illustrate a set of basic movements preparatory to a more complex and articulated exercise programme. A range of exercises involving all body parts is described as lying, sitting and standing postures

    Postoperative outcomes following rehabilitation in patients with left ventricular assist devices

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    Postoperative rehabilitation is a cornerstone of the recovery pathway following left ventricular assist device implantation (LVAD), and patients are expected to conduct an autonomous life thanks to improved technology and increased knowledge of mechanical circulatory support. The primary purpose of the present study was to quantify clinical changes related to rehabilitation, in patients with LVAD: functional capacity, disability, and quality of life were identified as reliable outcomes to detect such changes. The current study was a scoping review conducted searching three primary databases, namely PubMed, Scopus, and Cochrane Library, from their inception until January 2020. After the selection process was completed, 12 citations were included in the present study. Three hundred eight three patients were included in the current analysis. Functional capacity, disability, and quality of life were investigated in 157, 215, 18 patients, respectively. Significant differences were found before and after rehabilitation. The mean walked distance at 6-Minute Walk Test improved from 319±96 to 412.8±86.2 metres (p<0.001), the mean score of the Functional Independence Measure from 68.4±11.8 to 92.5±10.8 points (p<0.001), the mean score of the Short Form-36 physical component from 32.7±29.9 to 55.5±24.7 points (p=0.009) and the mental component from 55.8±19.8 to 75.4±21.4 points (p=0.002). Postoperative rehabilitation is effective at improving functional capacity, disability, and quality of life in patients with left ventricular assist device; all these three domains are particularly expressive of the entity of patients' functional recovery

    Interdisciplinarietí  e comunicazione in pneumologia. If we discuss it, we do it!

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    Frequentemente nei setting di cura ogni professione comunica e apprende informazioni tramite la lettura e la compilazione della documentazione clinica della persona; questa è una pratica consolidata nonché dovuta e resa necessaria anche dal punto di vista medico-legale. Tuttavia, il valore intrinseco di un più diretto scambio di informazioni contribuisce ad arricchire il quadro conoscitivo dei dettagli clinici, ambientali, psicologici dell'utenza. L'assenza di momenti comunicativi intra team può rappresentare una barriera sostanziale per la continuití  di cura e per la stesura, definizione ed implementazione di obiettivi terapeutici realistici ed appropriati. La garanzia di appropriatezza e sicurezza delle cure continuano ad essere dei pilastri centrali in riabilitazione polmonare; d'altro canto, la ristrettezza di risorse economiche, strutturali ed umane rappresentano il principale limite all'applicazione di un modello basato su disponibilití  ottimali di mezzi.Parole chiave: Patologie polmonari; Team di cura; Sicurezza; Riabilitazione Interdisciplinarity and communication in pneumonology. If we discuss it, we do it!Frequently in the care settings each profession communicates and learns information through the reading and compilation of the person's clinical documentation; this is a consolidated as well as necessary practice from the medical and legal point of view. However, the intrinsic value of a more direct flow of information contributes to enriching the knowledge framework of clinical, environmental, and psychological details of patients. The absence of intra-team communication moments can represent a significant barrier to the continuity of care and the development, definition and implementation of realistic and appropriate therapeutic goals. Guaranteeing the appropriateness and safety of care continues to be central pillars in pulmonary rehabilitation; on the other hand, the economic, structural and human resources constraints, represent the main limit to the application of a model based on optimal availability of resources.Keywords: Pulmonary diseases; Patient care team; Safety; Rehabilitatio

    Equivalent birational embeddings II: divisors

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    Two divisors in ¶n\P^n are said to be Cremona equivalent if there is a Cremona modification sending one to the other. We produce infinitely many non equivalent divisorial embeddings of any variety of dimension at most 14. Then we study the special case of plane curves and rational hypersurfaces. For the latter we characterise surfaces Cremona equivalent to a plane.Comment: v2 Exposition improved, thanks to referee, unconditional characterization of surfaces Cremona equivalent to a plan

    Solid Organ Transplantation During COVID-19 Pandemic: An International Web-based Survey on Resources’ Allocation

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    Background. Solid organ transplants (SOTs) are life-saving interventions, recently challenged by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). SOTs require a multistep process, which can be affected by COVID-19 at several phases. Methods. SOT-specialists, COVID-19-specialists, and medical ethicists designed an international survey according to CHERRIES guidelines. Personal opinions about continuing SOTs, safe managing of donors and recipients, as well as equity of resources' allocation were investigated. The survey was sent by e-mail. Multiple approaches were used (corresponding authors from Scopus, websites of scientific societies, COVID-19 webinars). After the descriptive analysis, univariate and multivariate ordinal regression analysis was performed. Results. There were 1819 complete answers from 71 countries. The response rate was 49%. Data were stratified according to region, macrospecialty, and organ of interest. Answers were analyzed using univariate- multivariate ordinal regression analysis and thematic analysis. Overall, 20% of the responders thought SOTs should not stop (continue transplant without restriction); over 70% suggested SOTs should selectively stop, and almost 10% indicated they should completely stop. Furthermore, 82% agreed to shift resources from transplant to COVID-19 temporarily. Briefly, main reason for not stopping was that if the transplant will not proceed, the organ will be wasted. Focusing on SOT from living donors, 61% stated that activity should be restricted only to "urgent"cases. At the multivariate analysis, factors identified in favor of continuing transplant were Italy, ethicist, partially disagreeing on the equity question, a high number of COVID-19- related deaths on the day of the answer, a high IHDI country. Factors predicting to stop SOTs were Europe except-Italy, public university hospital, and strongly agreeing on the equity question. Conclusions. In conclusion, the majority of responders suggested that transplant activity should be continued through the implementation of isolation measures and the adoption of the COVID-19-free pathways. Differences between professional categories are less strong than supposed