2 research outputs found

    Antioxidant and anti-ageing effects of oleuropein aglycone in canine skeletal muscle cells

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are normally produced in skeletal muscle. However, an imbalance in their regulatory systems can lead to their accumulation and ultimately to oxidative stress, which is one of the causes of the ageing process. Companion dogs share the same environment and lifestyle as humans, making them an excellent comparative model for the study of ageing, as well as they constitute a growing market for bioactive molecules that improve the quality of life of pets. The anti-ageing properties of oleuropein aglycone (OLE), a bioactive compound from olive leaves known for its antioxidant properties, were investigated in Myok9 canine muscle cell model. After incubation with OLE, senescence was induced in the canine cellular model by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Analyses were performed on cells after seven days of differentiation. The oxidative stress induced by H2O2 treatment on differentiated canine muscle cells led to a significant increase in ROS formation, which was reduced by OLE pretreatment alone or in combination with H2O2 by about 34% and 32%, respectively. Cells treated with H2O2 showed a 48% increase the area of senescent cells stained by SA-β-gal, while OLE significantly reduced the coloured area by 52%. OLE, alone or in combination with H2O2, showed a significant antioxidant activity, possibly through autophagy activation, as indicated by the expression of autophagic markers

    MicroRNA Milk Exosomes: From Cellular Regulator to Genomic Marker

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    Recent advances in ruminants\u2019 milk\u2010derived exosomes (EXO) have indicated a role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in cell\u2010to\u2010cell communication in dairy ruminants. The miRNAs EXO retain peculiar mechanisms of uptake from recipient cells, which enables the selective delivery of cargos, with a specific regulation of target genes. Although many studies have been published on the miRNAs contained in milk, less information is available on the role of miRNAs EXO, which are considered stable over time and resistant to digestion and milk processing. Several miRNAs EXO have been implicated in the cellular signaling pathway, as in the regulation of immune response. Moreover, they exert epigenetic control, as extenuating the expression of DNA methyltransferase 1. However, the study of miRNAs EXO is still challenging due to the difficulty of isolating EXO. In fact, there are not agreed protocols, and different methods, often time\u2010consuming, are used, making it difficult to routinely process a large number of samples. The regulation of cell functions in mammary glands by miRNAs EXO, and their applications as genomic markers in livestock, is presented