214 research outputs found

    Phenomenological guide to physics beyond the Standard Model

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    Various aspects of physics beyond the Standard Model are discussed from the perspective of the fantastic phenomenological success of the Standard Model, its simplicity and predictive powerComment: Lectures given at the Cargese School on String Theory, Cargese, 4-16 June 2004, 35

    New Regions in the NMSSM with a 125 GeV Higgs

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    It is pointed out that mixing effects in the CP-even scalar sector of the NMSSM can give 6-8 GeV correction to the SM-like Higgs mass in moderate or large tanβ\tan\beta regions with a small value of the singlet-higgs-higgs superfields coupling λO(0.1)\lambda\sim\mathcal{O}(0.1). This effect comes mainly from the mixing of the SM-like Higgs with lighter singlet. In the same parameter range, the mixing of the heavy doublet Higgs with the singlet may strongly modify the couplings of the singlet-like and the 125 GeV scalars. Firstly, the LEP bounds on a light singlet can be evaded for a large range of its masses. Secondly, the decay rates of both scalars can show a variety of interesting patterns, depending on the lightest scalar mass. In particular, a striking signature of this mechanism can be a light scalar with strongly suppressed (enhanced) branching ratios to bbˉb\bar{b} (gggg, ccˉc\bar{c}, γγ\gamma\gamma) as compared to the SM Higgs with the same mass. The γγ\gamma\gamma decay channel is particularly promising for the search of such a scalar at the LHC. The 125 GeV scalar can, thus, be accommodated with substantially smaller than in the MSSM radiative corrections from the stop loops (and consequently, with lighter stops) also for moderate or large tanβ\tan\beta, with the mixing effects replacing the standard NMSSM mechanism of increasing the tree level Higgs mass in the low tanβ\tan\beta and large λ\lambda regime, and with clear experimental signatures of such a mechanism.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, references added, version to be publishe

    Light staus and enhanced Higgs diphoton rate with non-universal gaugino masses and SO(10) Yukawa unification

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    It is shown that substantially enhanced Higgs to diphoton rate induced by light staus with large left-right mixing in MSSM requires at the GUT scale non-universal gaugino masses with bino and/or wino lighter than gluino. The possibility of such enhancement is investigated in MSSM models with arbitrary gaugino masses at the GUT scale with additional restriction of top-bottom-tau Yukawa unification, as predicted by minimal SO(10) GUTs. Many patterns of gaugino masses leading to enhanced Higgs to diphoton rate and the Yukawa unification are identified. Some of these patterns can be accommodated in a well-motivated scenarios such as mirage mediation or SUSY breaking F-terms being a non-singlet of SO(10). Phenomenological implications of a scenario with non-universal gaugino masses generated by a mixture of the singlet F-term and the F-term in a 24-dimensional representation of SU(5) \subset SO(10) are studied in detail. Possible non-universalities of other soft terms generated by such F-terms are discussed. The enhancement of Higgs to diphoton rate up to 30% can be obtained in agreement with all phenomenological constraints, including vacuum metastability bounds. The lightest sbottom and pseudoscalar Higgs are within easy reach of the 14 TeV LHC. The LSP can be either bino-like or wino-like. The thermal relic abundance in the former case may be in agreement with the cosmological data thanks to efficient stau coannihilation.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, comments and references added, matches published versio

    Beyond the Standard Embedding in M-Theory on S^1/Z_2

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    In this paper we discuss compactifications of M-theory to four dimensions on X \times S^1/Z_2, in which nonstandard embeddings in the E_8 \times E_8 vacuum gauge bundle are considered. At the level of the effective field theory description of Horava and Witten, this provides a natural extension of well known results at weak coupling, to strongly coupled E_8 \times E_8 heterotic strings. As an application of our results, we discuss models which exhibit an anomalous U(1)_A symmetry in four dimensions, and show how this emerges from the reduction of the d = 11 toplogical term C \wedge G \wedge G, and how it is consistent with d = 4 anomaly cancellation in M-theory. As a further application of nonstandard embeddings, we show how it is possible to obtain an inverse hierarchy of gauge couplings, where the observable sector is more strongly coupled than the hidden one. The basic construction and phenomenological viability of these scenarios is demonstrated.Comment: 32 pages, LaTex, no figures, references adde