27 research outputs found

    Le stockage géologique des déchets nucléaires : une anti-capsule temporelle

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    Les dĂ©chets issus de l’industrie nuclĂ©aire nous confrontent Ă  des problĂšmes inĂ©dits, tant d’un point de vue institutionnel que technique, en raison du danger qu’ils reprĂ©sentent sur des milliers, voire des millions d’annĂ©es pour certains radionuclĂ©ides. La rĂ©ponse aujourd’hui envisagĂ©e est leur enfouissement dans les couches gĂ©ologiques profondes, expĂ©rimentĂ© in situ en France dans un laboratoire souterrain Ă  Bure, en Lorraine, prĂ©figurant un site de stockage. Les colis de dĂ©chets nuclĂ©aires devraient, telles des capsules temporelles, ĂȘtre confinĂ©s dans l’argile pour voyager dans le temps. Mais contrairement Ă  celles-ci, ils le seraient pour n’ĂȘtre jamais exhumĂ©s et dĂ©finitivement oubliĂ©s. À partir d’une enquĂȘte de terrain, cet article souligne la dimension paradoxale d’un projet qui, pour garantir que ces dĂ©chets ne deviennent de dangereux tĂ©moins de notre temps, finit par chercher Ă  en prĂ©server la mĂ©moire.With waste produced by nuclear industry, we are facing new kinds of problems, both institutional and technical, because of the danger they represent for the next thousand years, or even million years in the case of some radionuclides. Today, one solution has been suggested: to bury them in deep geological repositories. In France, they are being experimented in situ in an underground laboratory site in Bure (Lorraine), the future site of a repository. Like time capsules, nuclear waste should be disposed in clay in order to travel through time. But contrary to these capsules, they are never meant to be unearthed but rather forever forgotten. Based on fieldwork, this article highlights the paradox of a project which, to ensure waste does not turn into a poisonous reminder of our time, is actually aiming to preserve the memory of its existence

    Matrix Isolation Infrared Spectroscopic and Theoretical Study of the Interaction of Water with Dimethyl Methylphosphonate

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    Matrix isolation infrared spectroscopy has been combined with theoretical calculations for the characterization of the 1:1 hydrogen-bonded complex between H2O and dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP). The symmetric O-H stretching mode was observed to shift 203 cm-1 to lower energy upon hydrogen bond formation, while a 32 cm-1 blue shift was noted for the H-O-H bending mode of the H2O subunit in the complex. These values compare extremely well with the (unscaled) shifts of -203 and +32 cm-1, respectively, that were calculated theoretically at the MP2/6-31+G** level. Additional perturbed modes of the DMMP subunit were observed, shifted relative to the parent band position. The greatest perturbation was to the P=O stretching mode near 1270 cm-1, where a shift of -17 cm-1 was observed (-21 cm-1 calculated theoretically). This suggests that the site of hydrogen bonding in the complex is at the P=O group, in agreement with theoretical calculations. The binding energy ΔE° for the 1:1 complex was calculated to be -7.7 kcal/mol

    Le collectif éphémÚre des personnels navigants sur les long-courriers

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    On long-haul flights, the technical and sales staff appear to have known each other forever. Yet they have never seen each other before and will probably never meet again: their collective is always ephemeral, both in terms of its composition and the discontinuity inherent in the flight. To understand this “minor miracle”, a team of socioanthropologists undertook a participant observation of the flying staff and demonstrated the significant mobilization of “the sensible” through body language and the sharing of emotions. Time spent outside the aircraft shines further light on the staff’s shift aboard the flight, particularly the stopover, during which the members of the collective of flying personnel are immersed in shared memory and the observance of rituals, thereby enabling them to establish a “between-ourselves” mentality that protects them from the outside world. The ephemeral dimension of the collective increases both its intensity and interpretability

    Laurent Olivier, Nos ancĂȘtres les Germains. Les archĂ©ologues au service du nazisme

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    Dans Le sombre abĂźme du temps, Laurent Olivier, archĂ©ologue et conservateur du dĂ©partement d’archĂ©ologie celtique et gauloise Ă  Saint-Germain-en-Laye, dĂ©ployait une vision de l’archĂ©ologie comme science du temps façonnĂ©e par le prĂ©sent, dans laquelle il proposait de considĂ©rer le vestige comme un objet mĂ©moire. L’objet mĂ©moire, pour lui, est moins le tĂ©moin d’un moment du passĂ© qu’un objet « entiĂšrement du prĂ©sent » qui, tel un palimpseste, est fait d’une hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© de durĂ©es par lesquels ..

    Santos-Dumont : le rĂȘve et le doute

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    La figure de l’inventeur et aviateur franco-brĂ©silien Alberto Santos-Dumont est Ă©voquĂ©e ici dans un cheminement qui, du rĂȘve et de l’utopie, l’amĂšne au doute et au dĂ©sespoir... Croyant en une technologie rĂ©crĂ©ative et civilisatrice et confrontĂ© Ă  la rĂ©alitĂ© du potentiel meurtrier de l’avion, il en vint Ă  prĂŽner la responsabilitĂ© des inventeurs quant au devenir de leur crĂ©ation.Enfin, Ă  travers le cas des ULM, l’article affirme la dimension « spiralĂ©e » de l’histoire des techniques quand des concepteurs contemporains reprennent des techniques, mais aussi des idĂ©aux et valeurs, oubliĂ©s ou enfouis, pour produire de nouveaux objets.The figure of the inventor and aviator, Franco-Brazilian, Alberto Santos-Dumont is mentioned here on a path which, from dream and utopia, leads to doubt and des-pair. A believer of recreational and civilizing technology and confronted with the reality of the deadly potential of the aeroplane, he came to extol the virtues of the responsibility of inventors regarding the future of their creation.Finally, in the case of the ULM, the article affirms the "spiral" dimension of the history of technology where contemporary designers revisit techniques, as well as ideals and values, forgotten or buried, to produce new objects

    À travers l’éphĂ©mĂšre

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    Comment rassembler en un ensemble cohĂ©rent des Ă©lĂ©ments matĂ©riels et immatĂ©riels, hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes, parfois contradictoires, et produire du sens ? Cette question, abordĂ©e Ă  maintes reprises dans ce dossier consacrĂ© aux collectifs Ă©phĂ©mĂšres, se pose dĂšs la composition de son introduction. Le problĂšme est d’autant plus dĂ©licat que ce projet d’une production collective autour du thĂšme des collectifs Ă©phĂ©mĂšres ne prĂ©tendait pas rĂ©unir une confrĂ©rie d’adeptes mais a cherchĂ©, par le jeu conjuguĂ© d’un ap..

    La traversée des apparences

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    « Ce que je veux atteindre en Ă©crivant des romans se rapproche beaucoup, il me semble, de ce que vous voulez atteindre quand vous jouez du piano, commença-t-il, lui parlant par-dessus son Ă©paule. Nous tĂąchons de saisir ce qui existe derriĂšre les choses, n’est-ce pas ? Voyez ces lumiĂšres en bas, reprit-il, jetĂ©es lĂ  n’importe comment
 Je cherche Ă  les coordonner
 Avez-vous dĂ©jĂ  vu des feux d’artifice qui forment des figures ? 
 Je veux faire des figures  »Virginia Woolf, La traversĂ©e des appar..

    En guise de postface : des complexions marranes ?

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    This article aims to capture the major themes of the work of Nathan Wachtel, which is devoted to the vanquished in colonial South America and to the collective underground memories that are threaded through it, so as to explore the various contributions collected in this issue. It particularly emphasizes the heuristic and methodological power of notions that the historian has mobilized, such as the “vision of the vanquished”, the “telescoping of the past and the present”, and the “Marrano condition”. What emerges from this juxtaposition is the image of a colonial situation that has resulted in individuals and human groups which are riven and torn from within

    Nuclear Waste Facing the Test of Time: The Case of the French Deep Geological Repository Project

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    International audienc