3 research outputs found
The Stigmatisation of Intervocalic Glottalling in Contemporary London Speech
(no abstract available
Teaching Comics in the Foreign Language Classroom
Ludwig C, Pointner FE, eds. Teaching Comics in the Foreign Language Classroom. WVT-HandbĂŒcher zur Literatur- und Kulturdidaktik. Vol 4. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier; 2013
The Fortunes of Byron in Italy, 1810-70
The early reception of Byron in Italy can be described according to chronology and geography. A Catholic, sentimental Byronism prevailed in Lombardy; an anti-clerical Byronism emerged in Tuscany; and a wildly romantic Byronism was invented in the South. Byronâs popularity became so great that he came to be regarded as a native Italian poet. The discussion on the first translations of Byronâs works in Il Conciliatore in 1818-19 became part of a battle in which a group of liberal writers fought against a dominant Classicism, putting forward Romanticism as a new model. The standard image of Byron was constructed primarily on the basis of the Italian translations and only in part of the French versions and the English texts. Most translators worked with an English text before them and some availed themselves of a French version. The relationship between Byron and Foscolo is a story of mutual suspicion and cautious admiration. Leopardi was puzzled by Byronâs theatricality, which moved and repelled him simultaneously. Mazzini was a fanatic admirer of Byron and believed that Byron was the Napoleon of poetry, Napoleon the Byron of politics. However, the main problem was how to justify those parts of Byronâs works that did not fit into the Risorgimento ideology. The most common solution was to argue that, however admirable as a man, Byron was not truly universal as a writer. The so-called second phase of Romanticism (1840-70) could admire and celebrate Byron as a martyr. The commemoration of Byronâs heroic death took place above all in the South from 1840 onwards. The most intriguing southern Byronists were Domenico Mauro, Vincenzo Padula and Pasquale De Virgilii, all of whom had strong political interests. The affectation of Byronâs translators and imitators caused reactions among Roman Catholics, such as Vincenzo Gioberti. Another strategy was that of extolling Byronâs Catholic sympathies, as did Cesare CantĂč. Scholarly and scientific readings of Byron, like Cesare Lombrosoâs, proved another response, typical of the mid-century, to the âdecadentâ side of Byronism. Byronâs immense fame was further fomented by several plays on his life and a dozen Italian operas. The most significant are those by Donizetti and Verdi, which epitomize the dominant image of Byron in Italy before the unity of the country, that is, a melodramatic fighter for national liberty