16 research outputs found

    Groundwater Flow and Thermal Modeling to Support a Preferred Conceptual Model for the Large Hydraulic Gradient North of Yucca Mountain

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    This task will create a two-dimensional, saturated zone, vertical cross-section model of groundwater flow and thermal transport through the large hydraulic gradient (LHG). This model is referenced herein as the thermal model. The scope of this study is limited to presenting a postulated hydrogeologic configuration of the LHG. The conceptualization will include the use of postulated hydrogeologic structures and material properties. The thermal model will be spatially limited to the area immediately upgradient and downgradient of the LHG and will not reproduce the many hydrogeologic features of the existing regional and site-scale models. The thermal model will be orientated north to south, approximately along a saturated zone streamline. The results of the thermal modeling will be compared to temperature data reported for site wells by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and in peer-reviewed journals. Most, if not all, of this reported data is non- qualified. This task will not qualify the reported data and the reported data will be used only as a basis of comparison for the model simulations

    Value of Information Analysis Project Gnome Site, New Mexico

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    The Project Gnome site in southeastern New Mexico was the location of an underground nuclear detonation in 1961 and a hydrologic tracer test using radionuclides in 1963. The tracer test is recognized as having greater radionuclide migration potential than the nuclear test because the tracer test radionuclides (tritium, 90Sr, 131I, and 137Cs) are in direct contact with the Culebra Dolomite aquifer, whereas the nuclear test is within a bedded salt formation. The tracer test is the topic here. Recognizing previous analyses of the fate of the Gnome tracer test contaminants (Pohll and Pohlmann, 1996; Pohlmann and Andricevic, 1994), and the existence of a large body of relevant investigations and analyses associated with the nearby Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) site (summarized in US DOE, 2009), the Gnome Site Characterization Work Plan (U.S. DOE, 2002) called for a Data Decision Analysis to determine whether or not additional characterization data are needed prior to evaluating existing subsurface intrusion restrictions and determining long-term monitoring for the tracer test. Specifically, the Work Plan called for the analysis to weigh the potential reduction in uncertainty from additional data collection against the cost of such field efforts

    Use of Numerical Groundwater Modeling to Evaluate Uncertainty in Conceptual Models of Recharge and Hydrostratigraphy

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    Numerical groundwater models are based on conceptualizations of hydrogeologic systems that are by necessity developed from limited information and therefore are simplifications of real conditions. Each aspect (e.g. recharge, hydrostratigraphy, boundary conditions) of the groundwater model is often based on a single conceptual model that is considered to be the best representation given the available data. However, the very nature of their construction means that each conceptual model is inherently uncertain and the available information may be insufficient to refute plausible alternatives, thereby raising the possibility that the flow model is underestimating overall uncertainty. In this study we use the Death Valley Regional Flow System model developed by the U.S. Geological Survey as a framework to predict regional groundwater flow southward into Yucca Flat on the Nevada Test Site. An important aspect of our work is to evaluate the uncertainty associated with multiple conceptual models of groundwater recharge and subsurface hydrostratigraphy and quantify the impacts of this uncertainty on model predictions. In our study, conceptual model uncertainty arises from two sources: (1) alternative interpretations of the hydrostratigraphy in the northern portion of Yucca Flat where, owing to sparse data, the hydrogeologic system can be conceptualized in different ways, and (2) uncertainty in groundwater recharge in the region as evidenced by the existence of several independent approaches for estimating this aspect of the hydrologic system. The composite prediction of groundwater flow is derived from the regional model that formally incorporates the uncertainty in these alternative input models using the maximum likelihood Bayesian model averaging method. An assessment of the joint predictive uncertainty of the input conceptual models is also produced. During this process, predictions of the alternative models are weighted by model probability, which is the degree of belief that a model is more plausible given available prior information (expert opinion) and site measurements (hydraulic head and groundwater flux). The results indicate that flow simulations in Yucca Flat are more sensitive to hydrostratigraphic model than recharge model. Furthermore, posterior model uncertainty is dominated by inter-model variance as opposed to intra-model variance, indicating that conceptual model uncertainty has greater impact on the results than parametric uncertainty. Without consideration of conceptual model uncertainty, uncertainty in the flow predictions would be significantly underestimated. Incorporation of the uncertainty in multiple conceptual models renders the groundwater flow model predictions more scientifically defensible