37 research outputs found


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    Traditional "Batik Tulis" are one of Indonesia's proud creative products. When the traditional "BatikTulis" creative business is unable to compete with "Batik Manufaktur" products, then the pride is lost.Therefore, the traditional "Batik Tulis" existence needs to be maintained by caring for intangibleresources behind traditional "Batik Tulis" products. The purpose of this paper explains how to takecare of the intangible resources behind a traditional "Batik Tulis" cloth. Research location inBanyuwangi Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. Type of qualitative research. Informant is theowner of batik creative business. Data collection using in-depth interviews and focus groupdiscussions. Data analysis using descriptive analysis. The research findings show that creative batikbusiness is able to adapt in a very tight competition situation but can erode its position in the marketby "Batik Manufaktur" product. How to take care of sustainable intangible resources as a source ofcreating a competitive advantage is to apply a strategy of inheritance. The intangible resourceinheritance strategy is discussed in this paper


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    Abstrak: Suatu benda berada pada suatu aliran udara, maka akan terjadi gaya geser atau gesekan antara partikel-partikel udara dengan permukaan benda yang dilaluinya. Sehingga akan berpengaruh terhadap distribusi tekanan yang terjadi di sepanjang permukaan benda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati perubahan distribusi tekanan udara disekitar kepala pesawat jenis Boeing 777-200 terhadap perubahan sudut serang dan perubahan kecepatan serta mengetahui perbedaan besarnya gaya hambat yang terjadi terhadap perubahan sudut serang dan kecepatan. Dengan menggunakan metode numerik maka akan diperoleh hasil berupa distribusi tekanan udara yang terjadi di sekitar permukaan atas, depan dan bawah benda uji. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa distribusi yang terjadi di sekitar benda uji dipengaruhi oleh bentuk dari benda uji dan sudut serang yang diberikan pada benda uji. Pada kepala pesawat Boeing 777-200, semakin besar sudut serang maka besarnya gaya hambat akn meningkat. Gaya hambat pada benda uji kepala Boeing 777-200 diperoleh hasil berkisar antara 0.0013 – 0.0027 N. Kata Kunci: Distribusi Tekanan Udara, Gaya Hambat

    Building Sustainable Village-Owned Enterprises: The Institutional Change of Microfinance in Banyuwangi Regency

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    of a government-driven program, namely involving the transformation of DBM (Dana Bergulir Masyarakat) into Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDesa). This research will hopefully help in developing the best transformation model to enhance policy effectiveness and empower BUMDesa as the primary pillar in the spirit of partnership, by taking into account BUMDesa policy after the publication of the village law and its derivative regulations in the face of complex policy challenges. The Nawacita agenda, recognition-subsidiarity principle, and granting local autonomy at the village scale were the core principles of the preceding BUMDesa policy shift. BUMDesa’s current job is to change the government-centric agenda into practices that reflect the delegation of local power at the village scale, at both the village and rural area levels. Understanding the Berdesa tradition is essential for the broader policy agenda to promote village economic enterprises so that it is carried out in practice and still recognizes, respects, and elevates communities in Indonesia. Elinor Ostrom (1990) provides a thorough understanding of institutions in the management of common goods to achieve sustainability, and her work complements the conceptual framework developed by Douglass C. North and Bromley to understand the relationship between institutions and policies in the context of resource management. This study is guided by the theory of institutional change, and uses a qualitative approach with a case study design. Keywords: institutiional transformation, village credit agency, microfinance institutio

    The Effect of Strategic Flexibility as a Moderating Variable in Improving Firm Performance in Microfinance Institutions

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    Purpose: This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of intangible assets in increasing sustainable competitive advantage and performance in microfinance institutions as well as the influence of strategic flexibility as a moderating variable.   Theoretical framework: The five variables studied, namely intellectual capital and social capital, each measured with three dimensions as independent variables, sustainable competitive advantage as variable intervening and performance as dependent variables, and the influence of strategic flexibility moderation.   Design/methodology/approach: The study was conducted with a quantitative approach; questioners were given to MFI leaders in Madura while analysis of the influence of each variable using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) techniques with the help of SmartPLS 3.0 software.   Findings: The results of the analysis show that intellectual capital has a significant effect on sustainable competitive advantage and performance, social capital has a significant impact on sustainable competitive advantage but does not affect performance, while strategic flexibility weakens the influence of intellectual capital on firm performance and strengthens the effect of social capital on performance.   Research, Practical & Social Implications: The following study can be more detailed by measuring and exploring the influence of each dimension, both social capital and intellectual capital dimensions. Company leaders must continue to increase the value of intellectual capital and develop social relations and utilize these relationships in alternative strategies.   Originality/value: This study investigates the influence of intellectual capital and social capital on sustainable competitive advantage and performance in a hyper-competitive business environment as well as the effect of moderation of strategic flexibility with research objects in Islamic microfinance institutions.

    The Effect of The Resources and Capabilities to Competitive Advantage and Company’s Performance of “Batik” Micro

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    Purpose                                                 : This study aims to demonstrate and explain the effect of the resources and capabilities to competitive advantage and company’s performance in a comprehensive. Desain/Methodology /Approach                                             : This research use quantitative methods with positivism approach using associative research type. Total sample 255 companies. Data analysis using SEM (Structural Equation Modelling). Finding                                                  : The results show that the resources are valuable and rare has an effect significantly to competitive advantage and company’s performance. While the company’s capabilities are valuable, rare and inimitable does not affect to the competitive advantage but has an effect significantly to company’s performance. Originality/Value                               : This study measure the company’s performance by combining the perspective of the resources, capabilities and competitive advantage on batik micro in Madura Island, Indonesia. Keywords Resources, Capabilities, Competitive Advantage, Company’s Performance, Batik Paper Type Research pape

    Pengolahan Ikan Tuna menjadi Sambal Ikan Tuna (Sauna) Sebagai Produk Bernilai Jual Tinggi di Desa Sukaraja, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat

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    Tuna chilli is a new innovation product made from tuna and the first was produced by IGTF Sukabumi participants along with the Saluyu Group in Sukaraja Village, Sukabumi Regency. The tuna sambal processing activity is not only for the Saluyu Group but also demonstrated by IGTF participants to the local community. The demonstration of tuna sauce processing (SAUNA) was carried out on Thursday, 9 August 2018 at 11.00-12.30 WIB at the Saluyu Group Production Room, Sukaraja Village, Sukabumi Regency. Demonstration activities processed by SAUNA products are the main activities carried out to provide knowledge on ways to increase fish consumption by creating various processed products at affordable prices and of good quality. Tuna is one of the important economical fish species in the world and is the third largest fishery in Indonesia after demersal shrimp and fish but has a higher selling price than other fishery commodities. Tuna fish processing can increase the sale value of the tuna itself and can encourage the growth of the fish processing industry so that it can improve the welfare and prosperity of the community. The tuna sambal product can be well received by local people who have carried out organoleptic test with parameters of taste, aroma, and color

    The Influence of Salt Concentration on Peda Chub Mackerel (Rastrelliger Sp.) with Spontaneous Fermentation

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    Peda is one of fermented fish product without further drying process, so it still classified as an intermediate moisture food where the fermentation process is still exist. The objective of research was to know the influence of salt concentration on peda spontaneous fermentation process. The treatment was immersion on salt concentrations (30%, 40%and 50%) with two salting phase. Parameters which observed were pH, water activity (aw), total viable count (TVC), lactic acid bacteria count (LAB) and salt content during 0, 6, and 14 days of fermentation. The changes of raw material and its chemical composition were also analyzed include moisture, ash, protein and lipid, while total volatile basic (TVB) and trimethylamine (TMA) were observed at the end product a long with the sensory test. During the fermentation process, the value of pH, aw, salt content and log TVC decreased, while the BAL total log increased. The proximate analyses showed that the moisture and protein on raw material were 73.91% and 22.01% respectively which higher with the product 52.71-53.94% for moisture and 20.15-21.54% for protein, while ash and lipid raw material were 3,22% and 0,22% respectively which lower from its product 1.25-1.37% for ash dan 15.96-16.90% for lipid. The content of TVB (18.42-16.78mg/ 100 gr) and TMA (3.35-2.23 mg/ 100 gr) of peda were decrease while increasing the salt content (30-50%). The sensory test indicated no significant different result in between all treatments. Therefore, the determination of selected product was based on the result of sensory test eg. 30% salt.Keywords: chub mackerel, fermenstation, peda, Rastrelliger s


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    PENGARUH SENYAWA PENGOTOR Ca DAN Mg PADA EFISIENSI PENURUNAN KADAR U DALAM AIR LIMBAH. Telah dilakukan penelitian pengolahan air limbah uranium yang mengandung senyawa pengotor Ca dan Mg dengan pertukaran ion. Penelitian secara eksperimental ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan kolom gelas berdiameter 1,1 cm yang diisi dengan 4 gram resin jenis Dowex 50W-X8(Na). Umpan yang berupa larutan uranium berkadar 100 ppm dengan pH= 4 dan pengotor Ca serta Mg yang kadarnya bervariasi dari 25, 50, 75 dan 100 ppm dialirkan ke dalam kolom resin dengan pompa masterflex dengan kecepatan alir tetap 2,5 ml/menit. Kadar efluen uranium yang keluar dari kolom resin dianalisis menggunakan spektrofotometer dengan memakai arsenazo sebagai pengompleks. Dari data kadar U yang masuk dan keluar dari kolom resin dapat ditentukan nilai penurunan efisiensi kadar U. Dari data penelitian diperoleh bahwa nilai penurunan efisiensi pemisahan kadar U yang dicapai dengan pengotor Ca dari 99,1% ke 92% sedangkan untuk pengotor Mg dari 97,8 % ke 94%

    Isotopic Tracing of Phosphorus Uptake in Oil Palm Seedlings Leaf Axil Using 32P Labelled

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    Pot experiments have been carried out to investigate the distribution pattern of Phosphorus in oil palm seedlings axillary axes using 32P radioisotope technique. The experiment was conducted in the greenhouse at the Center for Application of Isotope and Radiation – National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jakarta, Indonesia. KH232PO4 solution with the activity of 5 mCi was injected into five points viz through the lowest, middle, upper leaf axil, at the base of the trunk and the soil 5 cm from the trunk. The method used was  randomized complete block design with two replications.The 32P uptake is expressed in counted per minute (cpm) counted by Liquid Scintillation Counter  then transformed to disintegration per minute (dpm). The results showed that at the injection point in the lowest leaf axil, the distribution of 32P was more towards the crown before heading towards the roots.In the middle of the leaf axil,the distribution of 32P was recordedhigher, nutrients were actively distributed to the top of the plant while the roots were very low. The dynamics of 32P at the upper axil injection point, the highest 32P uptake at the start of the injection was seen in the lowest leaf axil. The 32P distribution then leads to the stem, roots and finally to the canopy. At the injection point in the soil 5 cm from the trunk, the counted value shows 32P distributed to the top of the plant, while at the base of the trunk, 32P is distributed to the farthest injection point, the plant canopy. From this study,  it can be concluded that 32P radioisotopes can describe the distribution of nutrients in plant parts, wherever radioisotope is applied. Phosphorus can be applied through any leaf axil and can be distributed well to the canopy of plants


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    Strategi bersaing adalah upaya yang dilakukan oleh suatu perusahaan dalam memenangkan sebuah pasar sasaran dengan cara memberikan keunggulan-keunggulan dalam bersaing, menganalisis pesaing serta melaksanakan strategi pemasaran yang bersaing yang efektif. Strategi bersaing akan berjalan dengan baik apabila perusahaan mampu menjelaskan keunggulan bersaing yang merupakan suatu nilai lebih dibanding pesaing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi bersaing yang digunakan oleh “BLAM tees”. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif yang menggunakan Porter's five forces analysis terdiri dari ancaman pendatang baru, persaingan di antara perusahaan yang telah ada, ancaman produk atau jasa pengganti, kekuatan penawaran pembeli, dan kekuatan penawaran pemasok. Informan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 4 orang yang dipilih menggunakan metode purposive. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, studi kepustakaan dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model interaktif yang terdiri dari pengumpulan data, kondensasi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa strategi bersaing yang digunakan oleh “BLAM tees” antara lain fokus biaya rendah, inovasi produk, inovasi pemasaran, inovasi promosi, inovasi kemasan, inovasi sistem produksi serta mengeluarkan 2 desain baru setiap bulan. Kata Kunci:Porter's five forces analysis, Strategi Bersain