3 research outputs found
A method for improving the safety of overtaking maneuver by using the on-board collision avoidance system, which has an increased assessment reliability of safety of vehicles overtaking that move in the same direction is offered. The proposed system takes into account the main factors that affect the overtaking maneuver
The Basic Regularities оf Motor Activity Depending оn the Season
Мета: аналіз основних закономірностей рухової активності при контролі за допомогою електронного крокоміру. Матеріали: результати рухової активності зимнього (лютий) і літнього (липень) місяців 2012-2015 років. Результати: стверджені високі та стабільні рівні всіх показників рухової активності з поступовим зібльшенням в процесі спостереження. Висновки: високий рівень і стабільність рухової активності не залежать від сезону року. Вивчені показники перебільшують рекомендовані норми. Використання електронного крокоміру є зручним, простим засобом моніторингу здоров’я на різних рівнях.The deterioration of public health necessitates the maintenance of the control of health of the general public, study and development of the necessary preventive and curative measures. Physical activity is a promising indicator for evaluating lifestyle and health.
The objective is to analyze the basic seasonal patterns of physical activity in monitoring with an electronic pedometer.
The materials: the study used the results of the motor activity of the winter (February) and summer (July) months of 2012 - 2015. The results are verified high and stable value of motor activity in the 1.5-1.8 times higher than the recommended norm. The proportion of motor activity carried out in aerobic mode is 45-60% of total locomotor activity, motor activity time in the aerobic mode is 2-3 times higher than that recommended. It confirmed the presence of a pronounced tendency to growth rates of motor activity during the observation period. The value of the energy cost of locomotor activity during the observation period varies between 600-800 kcal.
The results are that the deterioration of public health necessitates the maintenance of the control of health of the general public, study and development of the necessary preventive and curative measures. Results passable distances are in the order of 9-13 km, with a gradual increase in the monitoring process. The mean values of disposition of fat are stable enough, make up 39-48 g, and tend to increase in the course of the observation.
The analysis of physical activity on the seasons within the same calendar year did not show significant differences. The conclusions are to set a high enough level and stability of physical activity that are independent of the calendar season, enabling it to assess how an inactivity prevention factor. The gradual growth of all studied indicators shows a focus on a healthy lifestyle. The share of motor activity in the aerobic mode, the time spent on aerobic locomotors activity exceeded the indicative value of the energy costs can be interpreted as an evidence of compliance with the principle of energy balance. Using the electronic pedometer is an easy, simple way health monitoring at different levels
Using of Multimedia Products by Schoolboys in Dynamics of the Academic Year
В статье представлена динамика использования мультимедийных продуктов в учёбе и досуге школьниками в течение учебного года. Подавляющее большинство респондентов не контролирует время контактов с компьютером, что является фактором риска развития «компьютерной зависимости» у подростков. Возрастает необходимость в разработке системы специальных профилактических мероприятий.Dynamics of use of multimedia products in study and leisure by schoolboys in a current of academic year is studied. The overwhelming majority of respondents does not supervise time of contacts to the computer that is a development risk factor of «computer dependence» at schoolboys. Necessity of system engineering of special preventive actions increases