7 research outputs found

    Analysis of agrotechnical indicators of the new the working body of the steam cultivator

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    The paper presents a comparative analysis of the work of a serial lancet paw with the proposed new working body of a steam cultivator through field research on the fields of the Donskoy Agricultural Scientific Center. Optimal modes and parameters of operation of proposed new working member are determined in comparison with serial working member of steam cultivator. The advantage of the new working element of the steam cultivator has been established in comparison with the standard lancet paw in terms of agrotechnical indicators

    Development of a set of working units from polymeric materials for the design of combine harvesters

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    In this paper we presents the results of research on the use of new types of products from polymeric materials in the designs of combine harvesters. The use of these modernized polymer structures will reduce the damage of grain by more than 20%, increase the reliability of ongoing technological processes, increase the operational life of the combine

    Development of a set of working units from polymeric materials for the design of combine harvesters

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    In this paper we presents the results of research on the use of new types of products from polymeric materials in the designs of combine harvesters. The use of these modernized polymer structures will reduce the damage of grain by more than 20%, increase the reliability of ongoing technological processes, increase the operational life of the combine

    Features of Soil Tillage during the Cultivation of Spring Barley

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    Spring barley is a multipurpose crop. High-quality and valuable grain is grain with a high protein content, which is formed at high temperatures in the phase of grain filling. But droughty conditions are unfavorable for the entire growing season of plants. Therefore, the cultivation of spring barley in an arid climate requires a competent approach and is based on a rational combination of agrotechnical methods, among which a special place is given to the main tillage. The purpose of the research is to establish the effect of various methods of soil cultivation on soil moisture and density, as well as on the yield of barley. We studied 4 options for soil cultivation: deep flat-cut, deep layer-by-layer non-moldboard, deep moldboard plowing and direct sowing without tillage. According to the results of the research, the highest soil moisture was established with direct sowing. A decrease in soil moisture was revealed for layer-by-layer tillage by 12.46%, for flat-cut till-age by 13.83%, for moldboard tillage by 15.84%. Studies of soil density by the phases of development of spring barley for each of the methods of soil cultivation have established an increase in density with depth. The highest yield of spring barley was obtained with direct sowing. At the same time, it exceeded the yield with the dump method of tillage by 4.37%, with the layer-by-layer method by 14.48% and with the flat-cut method of tillage by 17.26%. Thus, in arid conditions, direct sowing provided the best results in soil moisture and yield in the cultivation of spring barle

    Development of a block system for controlling the main parameters of the seed separation process based on air-gravity machines

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    The paper presents the development of a program for controlling the main parameters of the separation process in the industrial automation instrumental complex CODESYS V3. Also the visualization of the control panel was developed. Based on this, a control unit was assembled with the presented version of the software visualization for controlling the main parameters of the air-gravity machine

    Researches of the combined coulter working process for direct strip sowing of seeds

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    In this paper We presented design of analytic dependencies of main geometrics parameters of combine coulter distributer for direct strip sowing of cereals with accounting of pass speed of particle from the distrib-uter

    The efficiency of the system tillage during of the cultivation crops

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    When cultivating crops in arid conditions, special importance is attached to soil cultivation systems aimed at eliminating the deficiency of soil moisture. The main purpose of soil cultivation is to create an optimal soil structure, which is a multiphase system of solid, liquid and gaseous components that form soil fertility with a subsequent effect on the yield of agricultural crops. Various soil cultivation systems are used to form a favorable soil structure. The conservative cultivation system consists in the minimum impact on the soil (usually direct sowing) and with the preservation of plant residues on its surface. The relevance of the study is to identify the most effective system of soil cultivation. The study was carried out under the conditions of many years of stationary experience in legume crop rotation for 5 years. It was revealed that the conservative system of soil cultivation is effective and surpasses the traditional one in the following indicators: soil moisture is more by 14.2%; the soil temperature is 2.6% lower; soil density is 3.48% higher. A stable increase in yield was also revealed: for winter wheat by 6.62%, for spring barley by 8.09%, for peas by 13.95% and for soybeans by 23.00%