25 research outputs found

    Emalie limuzyjskie z kolekcji Pałacu Muzeum w Wilanowie – zastosowanie metod analitycznych w badaniu techniki wykonania

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    Enamel is a glass alloy modified by the addition of flux and coloring metal compounds. The ratio of these components is suitable for its properties to coating the metal base. Labeled elements in the analyzed samples are not only the basis of mineral filler used in the manufacture of enamel or flux component, but they also helps to obtain specific mechanical and/or physicochemical properties. There are several methods decorating items in this technique. Among them special attention due to artistic and technical aspect are enamels from Limoges, which were initiated by enamellers from Limoges. The new technique was an opportunity to naturalistic rendering of the world. Dishes were being coated with images about functional features. Copper base in this technique is covered with the monochromatic, dark enamel. It constituted the background of the picturesque in the technique en grisaille, made with characteristic white gloss paint ( blanc de Limoges ) applied with a brush and the removed by a needle. In the XIX-th century, the fashion for renaissance enamels from Limoges returned. Many collections was created in this time for example August’s Poniatowski, later it was called as Wilanów collections. XVI and XVII eternal enamels from Limoges have been subjected to instrumental analysis with the application of scaning electron microscopy and the X-ray fluorescence. This set belongs to the collection of the Museum- Palace in Wilanów. The results of stratigraphy and composition of individual colourful enamel layers provided valuable information about the technique of implementation of historical objects, essential while performing conservation works

    Emalie limuzyjskie z kolekcji Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie – zastosowanie metod analitycznych w pracach konserwatorskich

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    Limousin Enamels from the Collection of Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów Part II Application of Analytical Methods in the Restoration Work Enamel is a material made by fusing powdered glass, used to metal protective coatings. Enamel offer properties not available in comparison to traditional materials, such as good chemical resistance increased thermal and color stability.But enamel is also very fragile material, small mechanical strain or other accident caused damage like cracks or exfoliation. Today many synthetic resins are used as consolidation material. Apart from resins without the addition of filers for that purpose polymer composites are more and more often applied. Composite materials consist of two or more distinct physical phases, one of which, the filer is dispersed in a continuous matrix phase. Composites having the domains with dimension from micro to nanometers are especially attractive to material science and technology because such systems have new, unique physical and chemical properties. Composites offer a combination of properties not available in traditional materials, such as enhanced mechanical properties, increased thermal and or photochemical stability, etc. One of the most popular group of filer used to obtain ncomposites is silica. This work presents the results obtained during the conservation of historic enamels from Limoges. Objects subjected to the conservation came from the collection of the Museum of the Palace in Wilanów and their origins date back to the XVI-th and XVII-th century. The scanning electron microscopy and infrared analysis served for determining the state of keeping objects; providing information about secondary interferences in historic substance and showed the kind, the extent of the damage of metal base. Analyses allowed also for trace consolidations weakened and exfoliated parts of the enamel, by displaying distribution (abilities of the penetration) of used materials

    Szylkret, bioorganiczny materiał w rzemiośle artystycznym – zagadnienia z zakresu materiałoznawstwa, technologii i stosowanych technik dekoracyjnych oraz niszczenie

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    Tortoiseshell was one of the earliest materials which has been used to the ornamental purposes. It is obtained from the outer layer of dermal bone of three species of sea turtles: tortoiseshell, green and loggerhead. Dermal bone is formed by scutes, strongly interconnected with each other, with characteristic layered structure. Chemically has a similar composition to the horn and mainly consists of keratin – hydrophilic, fibrous protein, insoluble in water with good resistance to physical and chemical agents. Dermal bone has a two-phase structure, in which keratin fibers are embedded in the amorphous matrix with a high content of sulfur. Tortoiseshell properties shall be described with accordance by the standards adopted for decorative stone. Carapace was used for making ornaments since antiquity in many cultures. In 1973 introduced global ban on trade of tortoiseshell on the basis of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. Processing of dermal bone based on its forming at high temperature, of around 100°C and cooling to room temperature with a given form. Surfaces of objects made from tortoiseshell were carved, inlay decorated and piqué technique. It was also used in marquetry. The finished product is susceptible to mechanical damage, loses its shine, it darkens, delaminate, and may be biodegradable

    Superior ophthalmic vein and ophthalmic artery in immediate evaluation after endovascular treatment of carotid-cavernous fistulas

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    Purpose: To validate superior ophthalmic vein (SOV) and ophthalmic artery (OA) usefulness in immediate evaluation of new endovascular approaches to treat carotid-cavernous fistulas (CCFs). Material and methods: A retrospective review of 597 intracerebral malformation embolisations yielded 40 embolisations of CCF in the treatment of 18 patients. Two interventional radiologists performed detailed radiological angiographic assessments. Results: Mean age at initial admission was 58.9 years (SD 18.5 years, range 24-85 years). Patients presented with: chemosis (50%), ocular bruit (50%), exophthalmos (61%), diminished visual acuity (77.8%), headache (16.7%), and intracerebral haemorrhage (5.55%), and 5.55% were asymptomatic. Unilateral fistulas (10-55.5%) showed more diversified venous drainage pattern than bilateral ones (8-44.4%). There were statistically significant differences in post-traumatic and spontaneous CCF regarding age (p = 0.036), type of fistula (p = 0.0008), and presence of pseudoaneurysm (p = 0.036). 77.8% of patients had increased ipsilateral SOV diameter. SOV enlargement was not associated with type of fistula, history of trauma, or degree of exophthalmos. Ipsilateral ophthalmic artery was visible in all patients on both pre- and postprocedural angiography on lateral projection. Pre- and post-procedural SOV diameter was significantly different. Internal carotid artery patency was 100%, while the overall final angiographic or clinical success was 85.7%. We had three cases of peri-procedural complications. Conclusions: We reported changeable dynamics of SOV and OA after endovascular treatment of CCFs and proved the feasibility of coils and Onyx-18 in the treatment thereof

    Materiały do zabezpieczania i regeneracji szylkretu

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    Tortoiseshell has always been widely used in crafts. Its preparation and handling during the artistic process is a unique procedure, characteristic only of this material. The conservation of tortoiseshell has never been approached as an individual subject, being usually grouped with other materials - similar in structure (horn) or visually (amber). The most pressing conservation problem of tortoiseshell is its proneness to deformation and destruction of the surface. The main goal of the undertaken research is to establish the best way of preservation of the surface. The studies have been conducted on fragments of tortoiseshell and aquatic turtle scutes. The following materials have been used: sweet almond oil, argan oil, castor oil, amber oil, hydrolysed keratin, urea, Olaplex, acrylic resin Paraloid B-72. In order to determine the resistance of those substances to aging process, prepared samples were exposed to rapid changes of humidity in climatic chamber. All changes on the surface were observed and recorded using organoleptic examination, optical microscope, scanning electron microscope and atomic force microscopy. The best protection coating were characterized: almond oil, argan oil and castor oil.Szylkret był materiałem szeroko wykorzystywanym w rzemiośle artystycznym. Jego przygotowanie i obróbkę określa specyficzny, indywidualny proces technologiczny. Jednak pod względem konserwatorskim, szylkret do tej pory nie był traktowany odrębnie, lecz grupowany z materiałami zbliżonymi pod względem budowy (róg) lub wizualnym (bursztyn). Głównym zagadnieniem konserwatorskim dla tego materiału jest walka ze zmianami powierzchniowymi i deformacją, które są najczęściej spotykaną formą zniszczeń na obiektach szylkretowych. Celem badań jest wytypowanie środków do zabezpieczania powierzchniowego szylkretu. Analizy przeprowadzono na fragmentach szylkretu oraz na łuskach żółwia wodnego. Sprawdzono skuteczność działania następujących preparatów: oleju migdałowego, a także arganowego, rycynowego, bursztynowego, hydrolizowanej keratyny, mocznika oraz handlowych środków Olaplex i Paraloid B-72. Nasycone próbki poddano działaniu zmiennych warunków wilgotnościowych. Ocenę zmian przeprowadzono poprzez badanie organoleptyczne, a także analizę pod mikroskopem optycznym, skaningowym mikroskopem elektronowym oraz mikroskopem sił atomowych. Najlepszym działaniem zabezpieczającym wykazały się naturalne oleje roślinne: migdałowy, arganowy i rycynowy

    Zastosowanie metod analitycznych w badaniu dawnych technik złoceń na podłożu metalowym

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    Application of Analytical Methods in the Study of Historical Techniques of Gilding Metals Historic material was examined using following analytical techniques: scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive X – ray spectrometer, X – Ray florescence and laser – induced breakdown spectroscopy. All methods are characterized by the relatively high selectivity and detectability of elements; they allow an easily and quickly identify the elements and determine they concentrations In the sample. Studies have confimed the usefulness of techniques XRF, SEM/EDS, supplemented by the analysis of LIBS to determine elemental composition of gold layers and the metal substrates. The presence of mercury, is characteristic for amalgam of gold, specifis the implementation of gilding technique. Although those studies have provided valuable information about the analysed samples, they do not cover all areas of the research

    Metody imitatorskie uzupełniania dekoracji emalierskiej. Zastosowanie kompozytów polimerowych na bazie żywic epoksydowych

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    Masses based on synthetic resins are used by conservators to the fill losses of damaged enamel layer. It is the first stage of reconstruction of the damaged enamel layers, second is retouch of colour over the fill. To the conservation of glass and ceramics commonly epoxy resins are used. This type of resin provides a universal matrix for the preparation of polymer composites, because they can be modified in a wide range by addition of different fillers, in order to obtain masses, which are similar to the original enamel layer; in terms of texture, transparency, mechanical and physical properties. The aim of work was to verify the suitability of composites based on selected epoxy resins: Eurostac EP-IN 2501 hardener Eurostac Rapido K 2503 (Bresciani Srl, Milan) and Hxtal NYL-1 (Talas, New York), Templum Epo Top (CTS Srl, Altavilla Vicentina) Rompox R 1004 (Romex® MB GmbH, Euskirchen) with the addition of modified silica and the suspension polymerization of poly(methyl methacrylate) as masses to fill enamel losses.  Ogólnie przyjętą metodą postępowania konserwatorskiego przy wykonywaniu uzupełnień warstwy emalierskiej jest w pierwszym etapie nakładanie podkładu z masy na bazie żywicy sztucznej, a następnie jego unifikacja kolorystyczna. W konserwacji szkła i ceramiki coraz większą popularność zyskują żywice epoksydowe. Stanowią one uniwersalną podstawę do budowania kompozytów polimerowych, ponieważ przez dodatek napełniaczy można je w szerokim zakresie modyfikować, dążąc do uzyskania mas o fakturze i transparentności zbliżonej do uzupełnianej emalii, a zarazem o odpowiednich właściwościach fizykomechanicznych. Przeprowadzone badania miały na celu sprawdzenie przydatności kompozytów na bazie wytypowanych żywic epoksydowych: Eurostac EP-IN 2501 z utwardzaczem Eurostac Rapido K 2503 (B resciani Srl, Mediolan) oraz Hxtal NYL-1 (Talas, Nowy Jork), Templum Epo Top (CTS Srl, Altavilla Vicentina), Rompox R 1004 ( Romex ® MB GmbH, Euskirchen) z napełniaczami w postaci zmodyfikowanej krzemionki oraz suspensyjnego poli(metakrylanu metylu) jako masy do uzupełniania ubytków emalii

    Acute fatty liver of pregnancy – case report

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    Abstract Severe liver function disorders in late pregnancy are relatively rare but extremely dangerous, as they may quickly develop into a fulminant disease and become a life-threatening disorder for the mother and the fetus. In the following study we have reported a case of a previously healthy woman with severe liver disorder in the third trimester of pregnancy. On the basis of anamnesis, differential diagnosis, typical course and complications of the disease, and proper response to intensive supportive medical therapy, we diagnosed an acute fatty liver of pregnancy. The diagnosis was based on clinical presentation and laboratory abnormalities. Owing to timely intervention and adequate supportive care management, this severe complication of a pregnancy has had a successful outcome for both the mother and the child

    Pheochromocytoma in 8-year observation at a single endocrinological center in Wroclaw

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    Wstęp: Guz chromochłonny występuje rzadko, powoduje zwykle nadciśnienie tętnicze i różnorodne, zmienne objawy kliniczne, co często utrudnia wczesne rozpoznanie i leczenie. Celem niniejszej pracy było przedstawienie danych klinicznych, efektywności diagnostyki i leczenia chorych z pheochromocytoma w ośrodku wrocławskim w okresie 8 lat. Materiał i metody: Wśród 37 chorych z pheochromocytoma leczonych w latach 2000-2007 w Klinice Endokrynologii, Diabetologii i Leczenia Izotopami Akademii Medycznej we Wrocławiu były 23 kobiety (23-75 lat) oraz 14 mężczyzn (17-74 lat). Zbadano częstość występowania poszczególnych objawów klinicznych, przydatność zastosowanych metod diagnostycznych i efekty leczenia. Wyniki: Czas trwania choroby do momentu rozpoznania wynosił od 2 miesięcy do 16 lat. Najczęstsze objawy to: nadciśnienie tętnicze napadowe lub stałe, tachykardia, bóle głowy, wzmożona potliwość, niepokój. Najczulszą laboratoryjną metodą diagnostyczną był pomiar stężenia metoksypochodnych katecholamin w moczu dobowym. Tomografia komputerowa u wszystkich chorych wykazała obecność guza nadnercza, częściej prawego; w 1 przypadku guz był umiejscowiony w ścianie pęcherza moczowego. Po operacji nadciśnienie tętnicze ustąpiło u 59% pacjentów, obniżyło się u 26,8%, a u 13,9% nie obserwowano poprawy. U 2 chorych guz był złośliwy, 1 kobieta zmarła po zabiegu. U 8 stwierdzono zespół MEN 2A. Wnioski: Rozpoznania pheochromocytoma zwykle dokonuje się po długim czasie trwania choroby. Najbardziej typowym objawem jest nadciśnienie tętnicze napadowe, które występuje jedynie u około 40%, inne objawy są niespecyficzne. Najbardziej przydatne diagnostycznie jest stwierdzenie podwyższonego wydalania metoksykatecholamin w moczu dobowym. Z badań obrazowych najbardziej efektywna jest tomografia komputerowa. Chorzy z pheochromocytoma powinni być rutynowo diagnozowani w kierunku współistnienia innych endokrynopatii, a szczególnie raka rdzeniastego i pierwotnej nadczynności przytarczyc - składowych zespołu MEN 2A.Introduction: Pheochromocytoma is rare tumor with a highly variable clinical presentation. This report provides clinical picture, efficiency of diagnostics and treatment of pheochromocytoma in 8-years in the endocrinological center in Wroclaw. Material and methods: The records of 37 patients with pheochromocytoma were identified, who were treated in 2000-2007 in the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Isotope Treatment in Wroclaw. There were 23 women (age 23-75 year) and 14 men (age 17-74). We studied frequency of clinical signs, usefulness of diagnostic methods and efficacy of treatment. Results: The duration of the clinical history ranged from 2 months to 16 years. The most frequent symptoms were: hypertension paroxysmal and constant, palpitations, headache, sweating and anxiety. The most sensitive diagnostic method was increased concentration of urinary metanephrine in 24-hour urine. Computed tomography was the most widely used method for tumor localization. Adrenal pheochromocytoma was detecting by CT in all patients, predominated in right adrenal, in 1 case in urinary bladder. Surgery caused remission of hypertension in 59%, improvement in 26.8%, and no changes in 13.9% of patients. Malignancy was reported in 2 cases, 1 woman died after surgery. MEN 2A occur in 21.6%. Conclusions: The diagnosis of pheochromocytma is usually made after long duration of the disease. The study confirms that clinical presentation of pheochromocytoma is variable and nonspecific, this finding makes the diagnosis very difficult. The most typical symptom is paroxysmal hypertension, which is present only in 40%, other symptoms are nonspecific. The measurement of 24-hour urinary metanephrines was the best indicator. CT was almost always successful in localizing the tumor. Patients with pheochromocytoma should be consider for other endocrine diseases especially medullary carcinoma, primary hyperparathyroidism and other component of MEN 2A

    Passivum i orzeczenia typu jedzono i pito w tekstach 2. połowy XVI w.

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