43 research outputs found

    ABO phenotypes and malaria related outcomes in mothers and babies in The Gambia: a role for histo-blood groups in placental malaria?

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    BACKGROUND: Host susceptibility to P.falciparum is critical for understanding malaria in pregnancy, its consequences for the mother and baby, and for improving malaria control in pregnant women. Yet host genetic factors which could influence placental malaria risk are little studied and there are no reports of the role of blood group polymorphisms on pregnancy outcomes in malaria endemic areas. This study analyses the association between ABO blood group phenotypes in relation to placental malaria pathology. METHODS: A total of 198 mother/child pairs delivering in Banjul and the Kombo-St Mary District (The Gambia) were analysed. ABO blood group was measured by agglutination. Placental malaria parasites wee enumerated and the presence of malaria pigment noted. Birth anthropometry was recorded and placental weight. Maternal and infant haemoglobin was measured. RESULTS: 89 (45%) subjects were primiparae and 110 (55%)multiparae. The ABO phenotype distribution was 38(A), 52(B), 6(AB) and 102(O). Placental histo-pathology showed active placental malaria in 74 (37%), past infection in 42 (21%) and no infection in 82 cases (41%). In primiparae blood group O was associated with a higher risk of active infection (OR = 2.99; 95% CI = 1.24–7.25), and a lower risk of past infection (OR = 0.31, 0.10–1.01, p < 0.05). In multiparae the O phenotype was associated with reduced prevalence of active or past placental infection (OR = 0.45; 95% CI 0.21–0.98). The mean feto-placental weight ratio was significantly higher in multiparae with group O women compared to non-O phenotypes (5.74 vs 5.36; p = 0.04). Among primiparae with active placental infection, mean birth weight was higher in children of mothers with the O phenotype (p = 0.04). CONCLUSION: These results indicate that blood group O was significantly associated with increased placental malaria infection in primiparae and reduced risk of infection in multiparae. This parity related susceptibility was not present with other ABO phenotypes. Cell surface glycans, such as ABO and related antigens have special relevance in reproductive biology and could modulate specific cell interactions as those associated with the pathogenesis of placental malaria

    Caution, "normal" BMI: health risks associated with potentially masked individual underweight - EPMA position paper 2021

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    An increasing interest in a healthy lifestyle raises questions about optimal body weight. Evidently, it should be clearly discriminated between the standardised "normal" body weight and individually optimal weight. To this end, the basic principle of personalised medicine "one size does not fit all" has to be applied. Contextually, "normal" but e.g. borderline body mass index might be optimal for one person but apparently suboptimal for another one strongly depending on the individual genetic predisposition, geographic origin, cultural and nutritional habits and relevant lifestyle parameters - all included into comprehensive individual patient profile. Even if only slightly deviant, both overweight and underweight are acknowledged risk factors for a shifted metabolism which, if being not optimised, may strongly contribute to the development and progression of severe pathologies. Development of innovative screening programmes is essential to promote population health by application of health risks assessment, individualised patient profiling and multi-parametric analysis, further used for cost-effective targeted prevention and treatments tailored to the person. The following healthcare areas are considered to be potentially strongly benefiting from the above proposed measures: suboptimal health conditions, sports medicine, stress overload and associated complications, planned pregnancies, periodontal health and dentistry, sleep medicine, eye health and disorders, inflammatory disorders, healing and pain management, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disease, cancers, psychiatric and neurologic disorders, stroke of known and unknown aetiology, improved individual and population outcomes under pandemic conditions such as COVID-19. In a long-term way, a significantly improved healthcare economy is one of benefits of the proposed paradigm shift from reactive to Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine (PPPM/3PM). A tight collaboration between all stakeholders including scientific community, healthcare givers, patient organisations, policy-makers and educators is essential for the smooth implementation of 3PM concepts in daily practice

    Assessment of geometry of radiation source-plant-detector on value of the remote sensing indices

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    The aim of this study is an analysis of an influence of geometry electromagnetic radiation (lamp or sun) - research target (leaves) - detector. The electromagnetic radiation was emitted by the lamp ASD ProLamp, which was installed at 30°, 45°, 90°, 135°, 150° angles. Reference measurements was a system in which the lamp and detector were set vertically. During the laboratory measurements spectral properties of Rhoeo spathacea were acquired. Based on the measured spectral curves of vegetation remote sensing indices were calculated and statistical ANOVA tests were applied. The results confirmed the relationship between the geometry of the lamp - plant - detector. The higher the angle the incident radiation results were less diverse and close to optimum values were observed. Analysis of the indicators showed that the high variability characterized by the indicators measuring water, chlorophyll contents and overall vigor parameters of plants. While the tests can be used for measuring rates of nitrogen content, the absorption of carotenoids and photosynthetically active radiation

    The basics of postural control assessment: what, how and why do we need to measure?

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    Umiejętność wszechstronnej i obiektywnej oceny układu równowagi jest niezbędna do oceny postępów terapii i umiejętności równoważnych w sporcie. Niestety, wciąż bardzo niewiele osób zajmujących się fizjoterapią, leczeniem czy treningiem sportowym posiada wiedzę wystarczającą do przeprowadzenia badań równowagi i ich prawidłowej interpretacji. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie podstawowych pojęć, koncepcji i metod niezbędnych do prowadzenia tego typu badań. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na terminologię, ogólną interpretację sygnałów mierzonych za pomocą platformy sił podczas swobodnego stania oraz na przebieg procedur doświadczalnych.The ability to assess the postural performance and stability in a comprehensive and objective way is a prerequisite for the evaluation of progress in therapy or to judge about the significance of postural control in sports. However, neither therapists, clinicians, nor athletic trainers have sufficient skills to perform such assessment. The purpose of this paper is to present the basic notions and methods needed to perform such studies. Attention is focused on terminology, the general interpretation of time-series recorded during quiet stance on force plates and on the experimental procedures

    The quality of life depending on the physiotherapeutic treatment in postmenopausal women with diabetes melitus type 2

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    Celem pracy była ocena jakości życia kobiet w wieku postmenopauzalnym chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 oraz określenie wpływu fizjoterapii na jakość życia ankietowanych. Badania przeprowadzono u 26 kobiet w wieku od 58 do 83 lat z rozpoznaną cukrzycą typu 2. Średni czas trwania choroby wynosił 13 lat. W badaniach wykorzystano anonimową ankietę dotyczącą różnych wskaźników jakości życia. 20% badanych jakość życia oceniło jako bardzo dobrą, 42% jako dobrą, 38% jako złą. 58% kobiet korzystało z zabiegów fizjoterapeutycznych. Stwierdzono, że fizjoterapia ma korzystny wpływ na poprawę stanu psychicznego, wzrasta wola życia, skutkiem czego jest poprawa jakości życia.The aim of this work was to evaluate the quality of life of women in postmenopausal age suffering from the diabetes mellitus type 2 and to determine the satisfaction of physiotherapy. 26 women with the average age between 58 and 83 (average 69) with diagnosed diabetes mellitus type 2 have been examined by means of the anonymous questionnaire. It was stated that the general quality of life is very good in 20% of all interviewed women, good in 42%, and 38% of patients said that it is bad. The majority of examined women 58% underwent physiotherapeutic procedures. Physiotherapy has beneficial influence on the improvement of the patient’s psychical state. The will of life is increased, which leads to the improvement of the patient’s quality of life

    Silver based nanomaterials - fluorescence enhancement in silver doped silica based nanobiomaterials

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    The sol-gel derived silica spheres with surfaces modified by silver nanoparticles were used to enhance the emission efficiency of PDTphotosensitizer Photolon. Two various materials with different Ag concentrations were prepared by exploiting the Tollen's method. The silica nanoparticles were prepared by modified Stöber synthesis. The diameter of obtained silica spheres was ca. 100nm. These silica spheres we used as a carrier for noble nanoparticles, since they can be easily doped by various substances that can change their physical and chemical properties. The colloidal water solutions of Ag-doped SiO2 particles have been prepared. It was demonstrated that the fluorescence intensity of Photolon is influenced by silver nanoparticles concentration, however it is not proportional to the silver concentration. The fluorescence intensity of Photolon with silver doped silica nanoparticles is much higher then fluorescence intensity of Photolon in water solution. This result is very promising and may be used to enhance the photodynamic effect