2,281 research outputs found

    Merging DNA metabarcoding and ecological network analysis to understand and build resilient terrestrial ecosystems

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    Summary 1. Significant advances in both mathematical and molecular approaches in ecology offer unprecedented opportunities to describe and understand ecosystem functioning. Ecological networks describe interactions between species, the underlying structure of communities and the function and stability of ecosystems. They provide the ability to assess the robustness of complex ecological communities to species loss, as well as a novel way of guiding restoration. However, empirically quantifying the interactions between entire communities remains a significant challenge. 2. Concomitantly, advances in DNA sequencing technologies are resolving previously intractable questions in functional and taxonomic biodiversity and provide enormous potential to determine hitherto difficult to observe species interactions. Combining DNA metabarcoding approaches with ecological network analysis presents important new opportunities for understanding large-scale ecological and evolutionary processes, as well as providing powerful tools for building ecosystems that are resilient to environmental change. 3. We propose a novel ‘nested tagging’ metabarcoding approach for the rapid construction of large, phylogenetically structured species-interaction networks. Taking tree–insect–parasitoid ecological networks as an illustration, we show how measures of network robustness, constructed using DNA metabarcoding, can be used to determine the consequences of tree species loss within forests, and forest habitat loss within wider landscapes. By determining which species and habitats are important to network integrity, we propose new directions for forest management. 4. Merging metabarcoding with ecological network analysis provides a revolutionary opportunity to construct some of the largest, phylogenetically structured species-interaction networks to date, providing new ways to: (i) monitor biodiversity and ecosystem functioning; (ii) assess the robustness of interacting communities to species loss; and (iii) build ecosystems that are more resilient to environmental change

    Combined tissue and fluid proteomics with Tandem Mass Tags to identify low-abundance protein biomarkers of disease in peripheral body fluid: An Alzheimer's Disease case study

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    RATIONALE: Ideal biomarkers are present in readily accessible samples including plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and are directly derived from diseased tissue, therefore likely to be of relatively low abundance. Traditional unbiased proteomic approaches for biomarker discovery have struggled to detect low-abundance markers due to the high dynamic range of proteins, the predominance of hyper-abundant proteins, and the use of data-dependent acquisition mass spectrometry (MS). To overcome these limitations and improve biomarker discovery in peripheral fluids, we have developed TMTcalibrator™; a novel MS workflow combining isobarically labelled diseased tissue digests in parallel with an appropriate set of labelled body fluids to increase the chance of identifying low-abundance, tissue-derived biomarkers. METHODS: A disease relevant cell line was labelled with TMT® in a range of concentrations generating a multi-point calibration curve. Peripheral biofluid samples were labelled with the remaining tags and quantitative analysis was performed using an Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid mass spectrometer with a Top10 CID-HCD MS3 synchronous precursor selection (SPS) method. SPS allowed direct analysis of non-depleted, unfractionated CSF samples with complete profiling of six individual samples requiring only 15 hours of MS time, equivalent to 1.5 h per sample. RESULTS: Using the TMTcalibrator™ workflow allowed the identification of several markers of microglia activation that are differentially quantified in the CSF of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). We report peptides from 41 proteins that have not previously been detected in the CSF, that appear to be regulated by at least 60% in AD. CONCLUSIONS: This study has demonstrated the benefits of the new TMTcalibrator™ workflow and the results suggest this is a suitable and efficient method of detecting low-abundance peptides within biological fluids. The use of TMTcalibrator™ in further biomarker discovery studies should be considered to overcome some of the limitations commonly associated with more conventional approaches

    ASCORE: an up-to-date cardiovascular risk score for hypertensive patients reflecting contemporary clinical practice developed using the (ASCOT-BPLA) trial data.

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    A number of risk scores already exist to predict cardiovascular (CV) events. However, scores developed with data collected some time ago might not accurately predict the CV risk of contemporary hypertensive patients that benefit from more modern treatments and management. Using data from the randomised clinical trial Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial-BPLA, with 15 955 hypertensive patients without previous CV disease receiving contemporary preventive CV management, we developed a new risk score predicting the 5-year risk of a first CV event (CV death, myocardial infarction or stroke). Cox proportional hazard models were used to develop a risk equation from baseline predictors. The final risk model (ASCORE) included age, sex, smoking, diabetes, previous blood pressure (BP) treatment, systolic BP, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, fasting glucose and creatinine baseline variables. A simplified model (ASCORE-S) excluding laboratory variables was also derived. Both models showed very good internal validity. User-friendly integer score tables are reported for both models. Applying the latest Framingham risk score to our data significantly overpredicted the observed 5-year risk of the composite CV outcome. We conclude that risk scores derived using older databases (such as Framingham) may overestimate the CV risk of patients receiving current BP treatments; therefore, 'updated' risk scores are needed for current patients

    The influence of the R47H triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 variant on microglial exosome profiles

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    Variants in the triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 gene are linked with an increased risk of dementia, in particular the R47H^{het} triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 variant is linked to late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Using human induced pluripotent stem cells-derived microglia, we assessed whether variations in the dynamics of exosome secretion, including their components, from these cells might underlie some of this risk. We found exosome size was not altered between common variant controls and R47H^{het} variants, but the amount and constitution of exosomes secreted were different. Exosome quantities were rescued by incubation with an ATP donor or with lipids via a phosphatidylserine triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 ligand. Following a lipopolysaccharide or phagocytic cell stimulus, exosomes from common variant and R47H^{heht} microglia were found to contain cytokines, chemokines, APOE and triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2. Differences were observed in the expression of CCL22, IL-1β and triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 between common variant and R47H^{het} derived exosomes. Furthermore unlike common variant-derived exosomes, R47H^{het} exosomes contained additional proteins linked to negative regulation of transcription and metabolic processes. Subsequent addition of exosomes to stressed neurones showed R47H^{het}derived exosomes to be less protective. These data have ramifications for the responses of microglia in Alzheimer’s disease and may point to further targets for therapeutic intervention

    The relationship between blood lead, blood pressure, stroke, and heart attacks in middle-aged British men.

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    The relationship between blood lead concentration and blood pressure is examined in a survey of 7371 men aged 40 to 59 from 24 British towns. After allowance for relevant confounding variables, including town of residence and alcohol consumption, there exists a very weak but statistically significant positive association between blood lead and both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. These cross-sectional data indicate that an estimated mean increase of 1.45 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure occurs for every doubling of blood lead concentration with a 95% confidence interval of 0.47 to 2.43 mm Hg. After 6 years of follow-up, 316 of these men had major ischemic heart disease, and 66 had a stroke. After allowance for the confounding effects of cigarette smoking and town of residence there is no evidence that blood lead is a risk factor for these cardiovascular events. However, as the blood lead-blood pressure association is so weak, it is unlikely that any consequent association between lead and cardiovascular disease could be demonstrated from prospective epidemiological studies. An overview of data from this and other large epidemiological surveys provides reasonably consistent evidence on lead and blood pressure. While NHANES II data on 2254 U.S. men indicate a slightly stronger association between blood lead and systolic blood pressure, data from two Welsh studies on over 2000 men did not show a statistically significant association. However, the overlapping confidence limits for all these studies suggest that there may be a weak positive statistical association whereby systolic blood pressure is increased by about 1 mm Hg for every doubling of blood lead concentration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS

    Differential stimulation of pluripotent stem cell-derived human microglia leads to exosomal proteomic changes affecting neurons

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    Microglial exosomes are an emerging communication pathway, implicated in fulfilling homeostatic microglial functions and transmitting neurodegenerative signals. Gene variants of triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-2 (TREM2) are associated with an increased risk of developing dementia. We investigated the influence of the TREM2 Alzheimer’s disease risk variant, R47Hhet, on the microglial exosomal proteome consisting of 3019 proteins secreted from human iPS-derived microglia (iPS-Mg). Exosomal protein content changed according to how the iPS-Mg were stimulated. Thus lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced microglial exosomes to contain more inflammatory signals, whilst stimulation with the TREM2 ligand phosphatidylserine (PS+) increased metabolic signals within the microglial exosomes. We tested the effect of these exosomes on neurons and found that the exosomal protein changes were functionally relevant and influenced downstream functions in both neurons and microglia. Exosomes from R47Hhet iPS-Mg contained disease-associated microglial (DAM) signature proteins and were less able to promote the outgrowth of neuronal processes and increase mitochondrial metabolism in neurons compared with exosomes from the common TREM2 variant iPS-Mg. Taken together, these data highlight the importance of microglial exosomes in fulfilling microglial functions. Additionally, variations in the exosomal proteome influenced by the R47Hhet TREM2 variant may underlie the increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease associated with this variant

    Estimation of the direct health and indirect societal costs of diabetes in the UK using a cost of illness model

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    AimsThe direct cost of diabetes to the UK health system was estimated at around £10 billion in 2012. This analysis updates that estimate using more recent and accurate data sources.MethodsA pragmatic review of relevant data sources for UK nations was conducted, including population-level datasets and published literature, to generate estimates of costs separately for Type 1, Type 2 and gestational diabetes. A comprehensive cost framework, developed in collaboration with experts, was used to create a population-based cost of illness model. The key driver of the analysis was prevalence of diabetes and its complications. Estimates were made of the excess costs of diagnosis, treatment and diabetes-related complications compared with the general UK population. Estimates of the indirect costs of diabetes focused on productivity losses due to absenteeism and premature mortality.ResultsThe direct costs of diabetes in 2021/22 for the UK were estimated at £10.6 billion, of which just over 40% related to diagnosis and treatment, with the rest relating to the excess costs of complications. Indirect costs were estimated at £3.3 billion.Conclusions Diabetes remains a considerable cost burden in the UK and the majority of those costs are still spent on potentially preventable complications. Although rates of some complications are reducing, prevalence continues to increase and effective approaches to primary and secondary prevention continue to be needed. Improvements in data capture, data quality and reporting, and further research on the human and financial implications of increasing incidence of Type 2 diabetes in younger people are recommended.<br/

    Association Between Clinical Pathways Leading to Medical Management and Prognosis in Patients With NSTEACS.

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    : A large proportion of patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTEACS) are initially selected for medical management (MM) and do not undergo coronary revascularization during or immediately after the index event. The aim of this study was to explore the clinical pathways leading to MM in NSTEACS patients and their influence on prognosis. : Patient characteristics, pathways leading to MM, and 2-year outcomes were recorded in a prospective cohort of 5591 NSTEACS patients enrolled in 555 hospitals in 20 countries across Europe and Latin America. Cox models were used to assess the impact of hospital management on postdischarge mortality. : Medical management was the selected strategy in 2306 (41.2%) patients, of whom 669 (29%) had significant coronary artery disease (CAD), 451 (19.6%) had nonsignificant disease, and 1186 (51.4%) did not undergo coronary angiography. Medically managed patients were older and had higher risk features than revascularized patients. Two-year mortality was higher in medically managed patients than in revascularized patients (11.0% vs 4.4%; P &lt; .001), with higher mortality rates in patients who did not undergo angiography (14.6%) and in those with significant CAD (9.3%). Risk-adjusted mortality was highest for patients who did not undergo angiography (HR = 1.81; 95%CI, 1.23-2.65), or were not revascularized in the presence of significant CAD (HR = 1.90; 95%CI, 1.23-2.95) compared with revascularized patients. : Medically managed NSTEACS patients represent a heterogeneous population with distinct risk profiles and outcomes. These differences should be considered when designing future studies in this population.<br/

    Amyloid precursor protein processing in human neurons with an allelic series of the PSEN1 intron 4 deletion mutation and total presenilin-1 knockout

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    Mutations in presenilin-1 (PSEN1), encoding the catalytic subunit of the amyloid precursor protein-processing enzyme γ-secretase, cause familial Alzheimer’s disease. However, the mechanism of disease is yet to be fully understood and it remains contentious whether mutations exert their effects predominantly through gain or loss of function. To address this question, we generated an isogenic allelic series for the PSEN1 mutation intron 4 deletion; represented by control, heterozygous and homozygous mutant induced pluripotent stem cells in addition to a presenilin-1 knockout line. Induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cortical neurons reveal reduced, yet detectable amyloid-beta levels in the presenilin-1 knockout line, and a mutant gene dosage-dependent defect in amyloid precursor protein processing in PSEN1 intron 4 deletion lines, consistent with reduced processivity of γ-secretase. The different effects of presenilin-1 knockout and the PSEN1 intron 4 deletion mutation on amyloid precursor protein-C99 fragment accumulation, nicastrin maturation and amyloid-beta peptide generation support distinct consequences of familial Alzheimer’s disease-associated mutations and knockout of presenilin-1 on the function of γ-secretase

    The effect of age on outcomes of coronary artery bypass surgery compared with balloon angioplasty or bare-metal stent implantation among patients with multivessel coronary disease. A collaborative analysis of individual patient data from 10 randomized trials.

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    OBJECTIVES: This study sought to assess whether patient age modifies the comparative effectiveness of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). BACKGROUND: Increasingly, CABG and PCI are performed in older patients to treat multivessel disease, but their comparative effectiveness is uncertain. METHODS: Individual data from 7,812 patients randomized in 1 of 10 clinical trials of CABG or PCI were pooled. Age was analyzed as a continuous variable in the primary analysis and was divided into tertiles for descriptive purposes (≤56.2 years, 56.3 to 65.1 years, ≥65.2 years). The outcomes assessed were death, myocardial infarction and repeat revascularization over complete follow-up, and angina at 1 year. RESULTS: Older patients were more likely to have hypertension, diabetes, and 3-vessel disease compared with younger patients (p < 0.001 for trend). Over a median follow-up of 5.9 years, the effect of CABG versus PCI on mortality varied according to age (interaction p < 0.01), with adjusted CABG-to-PCI hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of 1.23 (95% CI: 0.95 to 1.59) in the youngest tertile; 0.89 (95% CI: 0.73 to 1.10) in the middle tertile; and 0.79 (95% CI: 0.67 to 0.94) in the oldest tertile. The CABG-to-PCI hazard ratio of less than 1 for patients 59 years of age and older. A similar interaction of age with treatment was present for the composite outcome of death or myocardial infarction. In contrast, patient age did not alter the comparative effectiveness of CABG and PCI on the outcomes of repeat revascularization or angina. CONCLUSIONS: Patient age modifies the comparative effectiveness of CABG and PCI on hard cardiac events, with CABG favored at older ages and PCI favored at younger ages
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