9 research outputs found

    Innovation of lamp LV with LED technology

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    Innovation of lamp LV with LED technology

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    katedra: KST; přílohy: 1 CD ROM, 4 výkresy, 30 stran příloh; rozsah: 72 s. (75500 znaků)This diploma thesis is concerned with LED innovation of LV lamp, which currently has a challenging cooling issue. Whole process is planned by project management. Similar competitor?s designs are inspected for the design creation. Patent background research and customer demand is also taken into consideration. Using decision table, the best concept is chosen. During the detailed fabrication, optimizing methods of DFX and FMEA innovation engineering is used. This optimized solution is analysed for the cooling issues by ANSYS program, main stressed parts are checked and luminance curves are simulated. By this process, MODUS Company will be able to implement more efficient lamps.Diplomová práce se zabývá inovací stávajícího svítidla LV technologií LED, u které je zásadním problémem chlazení svítidla. Celý průběh práce je plánován pomocí projektového řízení. Pro tvorbu návrhů jsou prozkoumána obdobná konkurenční řešení, je provedena rešerše patentů a jsou zohledněny požadavky zákazníků. Z vytvořených návrhů je pomocí rozhodovacích tabulek vybrán nejlepší koncept, při jehož detailní konstrukci je využíváno optimalizačních metod inovačního inženýrství DFX a FMEA. Takto optimalizované řešení je analyzováno v oblasti chlazení programem ANSYS, jsou zkontrolovány hlavní namáhané části a je provedena simulace křivek svítivosti. Přínosem je možnost zavedení výkonnějších LED svítidel do sortimentu firmy MODUS

    Antibiotic Resistance of Enterobacteriaceae Species Associated with Faecal Bacterial Cenosis of Ducks

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    The aim of this study was monitoring of antibiotic resistance of Enterobacteriaceae genera isolated from rectal swabs of ducks during seven weeks. For the antibiotic susceptibility testing disk diffusion method was used. Enterobacteriaceae genera were tested against four antibiotics: ampicillin, tetracycline, streptomycin and chloramphenicol. For the detection and identification of each species, we used Chromogenic coliform agar, Triple Sugar Iron agar and biochemical test (ENTEROtest 24). The highest resistance was determined in isolates of Enterobacteriaceae genera to tetracycline (32.43%). To streptomycin and to ampicillin resistance reached 8.10% and to chloramphenicol 5.40%. From rectal swabs of ducks during seven weeks following species were isolated: Escherichia coli, Yersinia enterolytica, Enterobacter aerogenes, Citrobacter freundii and one non-enterobacteriaceae specie Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Each of this species were resistant to monitored antibiotics. Antibiotic resistant bacteria are a biological danger in relation to animal and human health

    Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance Profile between Salmonella Spp., Salmonella Enterica Ser. Typhimurium and Enteritidis and Escherichia Coli Isolated from Rectal Swabs of Chicken

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    The aim of this experiment was comparing of antibiotic resistance profile between Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli isolated from rectal swabs of chicken from conventional breeding. For the antibiotic susceptibility testing disk diffusion method was used. The both tested bacteria were exposed against thirteen antibiotics: ampicillin, piperacillin, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, doripenem, meropenem, levofloxacin, ofloxacin, amikacin, gentamycin, tygecycline, tetracycline and chloramphenicol. For the identification of these strains, we used Chromogenic coliform agar, Triple sugar iron agar and biochemical test (ENTEROtest 24). We identified Salmonella spp. by used MicroSEQ® Salmonella spp. Detection Kit for identification of this strain in Step ONE Real Time PCR. In this study, we determined that Salmonella spp. was more resistant like Escherichia coli. The highest resistance had isolates of Salmonella spp. to levofloxacin (100%) and to ofloxacin (100%). Also to ampicillin was resistance in Salmonella spp. isolates about 83%. Only in case of piperacillin was resistance in Salmonella spp. isolates lower (50%) like in Escherichia coli isolates (66.6%). The both strains were 100 % sensitive to doripenem, meropenem, amikacin, gentamycin and tygecycline. Antibiotic resistance is a biological danger. Bacteria, which we study, are considered to reservoirs of resistant genes and they are facultative and obligate pathogens. If these pathogen bacteria cause diseases those these diseases are difficult to treat

    Histological analysis of muscles of Landes geese

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    The aim of this study was histological and histochemical analyze of musculus pectoralis major (MPM) and musculus biceps femoris (MBF) of 12-weeks old Landes geese husbandry by sex from Hruboňovo (Czech Republic). The geese had live weight of 3979.0 g and the ganders had live weight of 4779.0 g. Higher α White fiber percentage representation of musculus pectoralis major and musculus biceps femoris of 12-weeks old Landes geese histological analyses we followed. Representation of sex identical MBF was 60.0% (gander) and 64.1% (geese) and MPM was 47.6% (ganders) and 51.1% (geese). The lowest α Red fibre percentage content in MPM was 6.7% (ganders) and 4.7% (geese) and β Red fiber in MBF was 10.7% (ganders) and 9.5% (geese). No statistically significant differences (P ≥ 0,05) among sex in the fat cells thickness of geese were found, but significant differences (P ≤ 0,01) was found in MBF fat cells between ganders (26.3 μm) and geese (21.9 μm). Highest thickness of α White fibre in muscles breast and femoral were found in both sex and lowest was found in β Red fibre. Muscles fibres thickness was higher femoral muscles in average (59.9 μm – ganders; 58.3 μm – geese) opposite breast muscles (47.7 μm – ganders, 44.9 μm – geese), what is the mean higher consistence of femoral muscles for consumer. In term of lowest musculus fiber thickness of Landes geese in average were 44.9 μm – MPM, 58.3 μm – MBF opposite of ganders 47.7 μm – MPM, 59.9 μm – MBF. Higher α White fibre representation was both muscles (51.1% – MPM, 64.1% – MBF). We recommended for experience used in­di­vi­dual rearing of male

    Effect of probiotic preparation for chemical composition of meat cocks different combinations of hybrid chicks

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    In the experiment were verified the application of probiotic preparation through a water supply for feeding of cock’s hybrids Ross 308, Hubbard JV and Cobb 500 in the chemical composition of the most valuable parts of the carcass. Probiotic was based on the strain Lactobacillus fermentum with containing of 1.109 cfu.g−1 and potentially components of maltodextrin and oligofructose in 1% concentration. Length of feeding period was 42 days. Cocks were fed an ad libitum with the same starter mixture HYD-01 to 21th day and from 22nd to 42nd day of feeding with mixture HYD-02 in powdery form. The average of protein content of breast muscle was highest in Hubbard JV hybrid (23.93 g.100 g−1), lower in Cobb 500 hybrid (23.90 g.100 g−1) and lowest in Ross 308 hybrid (23.73 g.100 g−1), without significant differences (P ≥ 0.05) between hybrids and hybrids groups. Effect of probiotics had increased the protein content (P ≥ 0.05) in breast muscle of Ross 308 and Cobb 500 cocks and at the Hubbard JV only lower doses application during the feeding. The average of fat content in 100 g of breast muscle was lowest in Cobb 500 hybrid (1.09 g), higher in Hubbard JV hybrid (1.28 g) and highest in Ross 308 hybrid (1.35 g). Effect of probiotic to reduce fat content in breast muscle of cocks was at Ross 308 hybrid (1.33 and 1.23 g.100 g−1), Cobb 500 hybrid (0.98 and 1.02 g.100 g−1) and in second experimental group at Hubbard JV hybrid (1.03 g.100 g−1) statistically significant (P ≥ 0.05) in compared with control group, but significantly (P ≤ 0.05) between hybrids Cobb 500 and Hubbard JV in the first test groups. The average of energy value in 100 g of breast muscle was highest in Hubbard JV hybrid (449.24 kJ), lower in Ross 308 hybrid (448.40 kJ) and lowest in Cobb 500 hybrid (441.45 kJ), without significant differences (P ≥ 0.05) between hybrids and hybrids groups. The average of protein content of the femur was highest in Ross 308 hybrid (18.56 g.100 g−1), lower in Cobb 500 hybrid (18.42 g.100 g−1) and lowest in Hubbard JV (17.54 g.100 g−1) without statistical significance (P ≥ 0.05). Significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) of the femur were found at lower dose of probiotics between cock’s hybrids Hubbard JV (16.95 g.100 g−1) and Ross 308 (18.48 g.100 g−1) in the protein content. The average of fat content in the femur was highest in Ross 308 hybrid (10.58 g.100 g−1), lower in Hubbard JV hybrid (10.51 g.100 g−1) and lowest in Cobb 500 hybrid (10.29 g.100 g−1) without significant differences (P ≥ 0.05) between hybrids and hybrids groups. The higher fat and protein content in 100 g of the femur in Ross 308 hybrid was ensured the highest energy value (710.88 kJ), lower in Cobb 500 hybrid (696.40 kJ) and lowest in Hubbard JV hybrid (689.77 kJ) without significant differences (P ≥ 0.05) between hybrids and hybrids groups. The verified probiotic preparation in the final analysis had not negative effect on the chemical composition of the most valuable parts of the carcase cock’s hybrids Ross 308, Hubbard JV and Cobb 500