5 research outputs found

    Detached house with ordination

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    Předmětem bakalářské práce je rodinný dům se zubní ordinací v Brně, v ulici Zábranského. Objekt je navržen jako třípodlažní, bez podsklepení, s garáží. Obvodové stěny jsou z keramických tvarovek plněných minerální vatou. Stropy jsou prefa-monolitické. Střecha domu je plochá.The theme of the bachelor´s work is a detached house with ordination in Brno, Zábranského ulice. The building is designed as a three-storey, without a basement, with the garage. The external walls are made of the bricks filled with a mineral wool. The ceilings are precast-monolithic. The roof of the house is flat.

    Construction and technological project of the manufacturing hall in Valašské Meziříčí

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    Ve své diplomové práci jsem řešil stavebně technologický projekt výrobní haly ve Valašském Meziříčí. V práci jsem se zaměřil zejména na řešení konstrukce založení lisu (železobetonové vany), ve které bude později osazen výrobní lis. Pro konstrukci jsem zpracoval technologický předpis, kontrolní a zkušební plán, rozpočet a harmonogram. Pro konstrukci založení lisu jsem také zpracoval výkresy konstrukčních detailů. Dále jsem ve své práci zpracoval objektový finanční a časový plán stavby, plán rizik na pracovišti, nasazení strojních sestav, rozpočet a harmonogram hlavního stavebního objektu, projekt zařízení staveniště. Ve své práci jsem se také zabýval řešením dopravy střešního vazníku na staveniště.In my diploma thesis I solved construction and technological project of the manufacturing hall in Valašské Meziříčí. In my final thesis I focused on reinforced concrete structure for manufacturing press. For tis construction I processed technological prescription, control and test plan, budget, scheldule and assembly detail. Further I wrote up financial plan and scheldule for whole building, hazards in the workplace plan, proposal machinery, budget and scheldule for main building, site equipment project. In my final thesis, I have also dealt with solving transport roof girder on building site.

    VLC transmitter with plastic optical fibers for indoor free space optic networks

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    This article deals with the construction design of optical transmitter for indoor Free Space Optic (FSO) networks. This optical transmitter will be able to provide the lighting and communication at the same time. Thanks to special solution in spectral characteristic of transmitted light it is necessary to use two LEDs radiation sources. The light beams of these LEDs have to be spatially overlapped in crisscross direction and then the transmitter can realize both functions. There is described a construction of optical transmitter with plastic optical fibers which merges two LED beams together and provide lighting and communication at the same time

    Measuring optimal length of the amplifying fiber in different working conditions of the amplifier

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    The aim of this article is to highlight possible unwanted behaviour of an EDFA optical amplifier during temperature changes. After a brief introduction dealing with amplifiers and doped fibers in general we focus on the assembly of our own EDFA amplifier with standard construction and the IsoGain I-6 amplifying fiber, and on the parameters of its individual components. Since an erbium doped fiber has usually no direct thermal stabilization, temperature changes can affect performance of the entire amplifier. The next part of the article therefore describes the impacts of such changes on behaviour of our amplifier. At the very end we performed a measurement of the amplifier deployed in the actual WDM-PON the description of which can be found in the last chapter

    A concept of a hybrid WDM/TDM topology using the Fabry-Perot laser in the Optiwave simulation environment

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    The aim of this article is to point out the possibility of solving problems related to a concept of a flexible hybrid optical access network. The entire topology design was realized using the OPTIWAVE development environment in which particular test measurements were carried out as well. Therefore, in the following chapters, we will subsequently focus on individual parts of the proposed topology and will give reasons for their functions whilst the last part of the article consists of values measured in the topology and their overall evaluation