23 research outputs found

    Using NMR to Measure Fractal Dimensions

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    A comment is made on the recent PFG NMR measurements by Stallmach, et al. on water-saturated sands [Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 105505 (2002)]. It is pointed out that the usual law for the time-dependent diffusion coefficient D(t) used by these authors is not valid for a fractal surface. It is shown that (1-D(t)/D0) \~ t^[(3-Ds)/2] at short times for a surface of fractal dimension Ds, where D0 is the bulk diffusion coefficient. Preliminary PFG NMR data on water saturated limestone and plastic beads are presented to illustrate this analysis.Comment: 1 page, 1 figur

    Transverse Fluctuations in an Ising Spin-Glass:Fe0.4Mg0.6Cl2

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    ac-susceptibility and neutron-diffraction experiments show that Fe0.4Mg0.6Cl2 is a three-dimensional Ising spin-glass with a transition temperature Tsg = 3.4 K. Inelastic-scattering experiments show a sharp spin-wave peak at the zone center for all temperature T~<2Tsg. This is the first direct observation of long-wavelength excitation in a spin-glass system. We suggest that it is due to the precession of spin clusters around the easy axis

    Numerical study of multilayer adsorption on fractal surfaces

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    We report a numerical study of van der Waals adsoprtion and capillary condensation effects on self-similar fractal surfaces. An assembly of uncoupled spherical pores with a power-law distributin of radii is used to model fractal surfaces with adjustable dimensions. We find that the commonly used fractal Frankel-Halsey-Hill equation systematically fails to give the correct dimension due to crossover effects, consistent with the findings of recent experiments. The effects of pore coupling and curvature dependent surface tension were also studied.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Methods of the physics of porous media

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    Over the past 25 years, the field of VUV physics has undergone significant developments as new powerful spectroscopic tools, VUV lasers, and optical components have become available. This volume is aimed at experimentalists who are in need of choosing the best type of modern instrumentation in this applied field. In particular, it contains a detailed chapter on laboratory sources. This volume provides an up-to-date description of state-of-the-art equipment and techniques, and a broad reference bibliography. It treats phenomena from the standpoint of an experimental physicist, whereby such top

    Coexistence of Spin-Glass and Antiferromagnetic Orders in the Ising System Fe0.55Mg0.45Cl2

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    The low-temperature phase of the dilute Ising antiferromagnet Fe0.55Mg0.45Cl2 in zero field is studied by specific-heat, ac-susceptibility, and neutron-scattering experiments. We find that in this phase, spin-glass behavior and antiferromagnetic long-range order coexist. Such a mixed-order phase is predicted by the mean-field theory of reentrant spin-glasses, but has never been observed before.