12 research outputs found
The Multisensor Array Based on Grown-On-Chip Zinc Oxide Nanorod Network for Selective Discrimination of Alcohol Vapors at Sub-ppm Range
We discuss the fabrication of gas-analytical multisensor arrays based on ZnO nanorods grown via a hydrothermal route directly on a multielectrode chip. The protocol to deposit the nanorods over the chip includes the primary formation of ZnO nano-clusters over the surface and secondly the oxide hydrothermal growth in a solution that facilitates the appearance of ZnO nanorods in the high aspect ratio which comprise a network. We have tested the proof-of-concept prototype of the ZnO nanorod network-based chip heated up to 400 °C versus three alcohol vapors, ethanol, isopropanol and butanol, at approx. 0.2–5 ppm concentrations when mixed with dry air. The results indicate that the developed chip is highly sensitive to these analytes with a detection limit down to the sub-ppm range. Due to the pristine differences in ZnO nanorod network density the chip yields a vector signal which enables the discrimination of various alcohols at a reasonable degree via processing by linear discriminant analysis even at a sub-ppm concentration range suitable for practical applications
Anthropometric characteristics of patients suffering from chronic cystitis
Introduction. With a depressingly high prevalence of chronic cystitis (it is believed that half of women suffer from acute cystitis at least once in their lives), there is still no clarity on this disease. We were unable to find any studies on the anthropometric characteristics of patients with chronic cystitis either in the domestic or in the English literature.Objective. To assess the anthropometric characteristics of patients with chronic recurrent cystitis.Material & methods. A prospective multicenter cohort study included 91 patients with symptoms of acute cystitis. All underwent anthropometric measurements, analyzed complaints, studied anamnesis morbi et vitae, performed a study on a gynecological chair; urine was sent for general analysis and bacteriological examination for nonspecific microflora with the determination of the sensitivity of the isolated pathogen to antimicrobial drugs. The patients answered questions about the Russian version of the Acute Cystitis Symptom Score (ACSS). A urethra and cervical canal smear was studied using the polymerase chain reaction method to identify the causative agents of sexually transmitted infections. The diagnosis was considered confirmed in the presence of leukocyturia, bacteriuria, and the sum of symptoms on the ACSS scale was 6 or more.Results. The duration of chronic recurrent cystitis was averaged at 7.1 ± 4.2 years. The age of the patients ranged from 18 to 49 years, averaging 28.9 ± 3.9 years. The height ranged from 150 cm to 178 cm, on average 165.9 ± 7.1 cm. The average weight was within the normal range: 64.2 ± 6.1 kg. However, the spread in the cohort by body weight was two-fold: from 42 to 86 kg. Overweight was found in five (5.5%) patients; two patients (2.2%), on the contrary, had a body weight deficit. When analyzing anthropometric indicators, along with the obvious ones (direct dependence of the duration of the disease on the age of the patient; direct dependence of the quality of life on the severity of symptoms), other statistically significant correlations were established: a positive relationship between age and weight, weight and duration of the disease.Conclusion. The analysis showed that overweight women respond to treatment worse, they have a longer history of cystitis. Neither typical symptoms nor ACSS score correlated with any of the anthropometric measures
In the article the influence of the electro-surface potential value on change of the suspension viscosity values of pigments was investigated. It was done for pigments different in chemical nature – titanium oxide and ferric oxide. It was demonstrated that at equal dispersed phase concentrations the higher viscosity value was shown by systems with pigment TiO2 and the lower one – with Fe2O3. This fact correlates well with the absolute values of electrosurface potentials of the pigments studied. The active centers of the particles produce structuring effect on the dispersed medium molecules thus increasing the system viscosity
In the article the influence of the electro-surface potential value on change of the suspension viscosity values of pigments was investigated. It was done for pigments different in chemical nature – titanium oxide and ferric oxide. It was demonstrated that at equal dispersed phase concentrations the higher viscosity value was shown by systems with pigment TiO2 and the lower one – with Fe2O3. This fact correlates well with the absolute values of electrosurface potentials of the pigments studied. The active centers of the particles produce structuring effect on the dispersed medium molecules thus increasing the system viscosity.В статье исследовано влияние величины электроповерхностных потенциалов на изменение величин вязкости суспензий различных по химической природе пигментов – оксида титана и оксида железа. Показано, что при равных концентрациях дисперсной фазы ϕ большее значение вязкости показали системы с пигментом TiO2, а меньшее – с Fe2O3. Это хорошо коррелирует с абсолютными величинами электроповерхностных потенциалов указанных веществ и свидетельствует о структурирующем влиянии активных центров на молекулы дисперсионной среды, что увеличивает вязкость.У статті досліджено вплив величини електроповерхневих потенціалів на змінення величин в’язкості суспензій різних за хімічною природою пігментів – оксиду титана та оксиду заліза. Показано, що при рівних концентраціях дисперсної фази ϕ більші значення в’язкості показали системи з пігментом TiO2, а менші – з Fe2O3. Це добре корелює з абсолютними величинами електроповерхневих потенціалів вказаних речовин та свідчить про структуруючий вплив активних центрів на молекули дисперсійного середовища, що збільшує в’язкість