4 research outputs found

    Management system OHS for bus company

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    W artykule przedstawiono elementy systemu zarządzania bhp według norm serii PN-N 18000. Identyfikacja zagrożeń została wykonana na przykładzie małej firmy autobusowej. Przedstawione zostały podstawowe czynności pracowników firmy i zagrożenia występujące przy ich wykonywaniu. Zaproponowane zostały przykładowe sposoby zmniejszania lub unikania ryzyka.This paper presents the elements of the safety management system according to standards series PN-N 18000. Hazards identification was made on the example of a small bus company. The basic steps are the company's employees and for-threatening occurring in implementation thereof.Examples of ways to reduce or avoid risks were proposed

    Impact of process engineering factors on stabilization of screw joint

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    The stabilization of screw joint and influence of factors protecting against loosening of the joint have been discussed in the present article. The results of experimental examinations associated with the impact of the type of protective coat on threaded section and lubrication on the value of tightening torque have been also presented

    Road safety in bus transport

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    W artykule przedstawiono problemy bezpieczeństwa w transporcie autobusowym w małej firmie przewozu osób oraz przykładową analizę wybranego zagrożenia pracy kierowcy zgodnie z wymaganiami normy PN-N-18002:2011. Zaproponowano wprowadzenie usprawnień infrastruktury drogowej mogące wpłynąć na poprawę bezpieczeństwa drogowego.The paper presents the problems of safety of bus transport in the small business people and a sample analysis of selected hazards for the driver in accordance with the requirements of PN-N-18002:2011. Propose the introduction of no-improvement of road infrastructure that could improve road safety

    Analysis of tank safety with propane-butane on LPG distribution station

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    An analysis of the risk of failure in the safety valve – tank with propane-butane (LPG) system has been conducted. An uncontrolled outflow of liquid LPG, caused by a failure of the above mentioned system has been considered as a threat. The main research goal of the study is the hazardous analysis of propane-butane gas outflow for the safety valve – LPG tank system. The additional goal is the development of an useful method to fast identify the hazard of a mismatched safety valve. The results of the research analysis have confirmed that safety valves are basic protection of the installation (tank) against failures that can lead to loss of life, material damage and further undesired costs of their unreliability. That is why a new, professional computer program has been created that allows for the selection of safety valves or for the verification of a safety valve selection in installations where any technical or technological changes have been made