12 research outputs found

    Communication between plant, ectomycorrhizal fungi and helper bacteria

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    International audienceDevelopment of mutualistic symbioses between ectomycorrhizal fungi and their host trees involves multiple gene networks that are involved in a complex series of interdependent, sequential developmental steps. Through secreted signals and nutrient interactions, rhizospheric bacteria play a major role in the development of mycorrhizal symbioses. Current research into symbiosis development and functioning is aimed at understanding these plant–microbe interactions in the framework of environmental, developmental and physiological processes that underlie colonization and morphogenesis. After a brief introduction to the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis, the present chapter aims (1) to highlight recent work on the early signal exchange taking place between symbionts and their associated bacteria, and (2) to sketch out the way that functional genomics is altering our thinking about how soil microbes alter host functioning during ectomycorrhizal root development

    Ethylene and jasmonic acid act as negative modulators during mutualistic symbiosis between Laccaria bicolor and Populus roots

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    The plant hormones ethylene, jasmonic acid and salicylic acid have interconnecting roles during the response of plant tissues to mutualistic and pathogenic symbionts. [br/]We used morphological studies of transgenic- or hormone-treated Populus roots as well as whole-genome oligoarrays to examine how these hormones affect root colonization by the mutualistic ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor S238N. [br/][br/]We found that genes regulated by ethylene, jasmonic acid and salicylic acid were regulated in the late stages of the interaction between L. bicolor and poplar. Both ethylene and jasmonic acid treatments were found to impede fungal colonization of roots, and this effect was correlated to an increase in the expression of certain transcription factors (e.g. ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTOR1) and a decrease in the expression of genes associated with microbial perception and cell wall modification. Further, we found that ethylene and jasmonic acid showed extensive transcriptional cross-talk, cross-talk that was opposed by salicylic acid signaling.[br/][br/]We conclude that ethylene and jasmonic acid pathways are induced late in the colonization of root tissues in order to limit fungal growth within roots. This induction is probably an adaptive response by the plant such that its growth and vigor are not compromised by the fungus

    Diverse developmental mutants revealed in an activation-tagged population of poplar

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    We have produced the largest population of activation-tagged poplar trees to date, approximately 1800 independent lines, and report on phenotypes of interest that have been identified in tissue culture and greenhouse conditions. Activation tagging is an insertional mutagenesis technique that results in the dominant upregulation of an endogenous gene. A large-scale Agrobacterium-mediated transformation protocol was used to transform the pSKI074 activation-tagging vector into Populus tremula × Populus alba hybrid poplar. We have screened the first 1000 lines for developmental abnormalities and have a visible mutant frequency of 2.4%, with alterations in leaf and stem structure as well as overall stature. Most of the phenotypes represent new phenotypes that have not previously been identified in poplar and, in some cases, not in any other plant either. Molecular analysis of the T-DNA inserts of a subpopulation of mutant lines reveal both single and double T-DNA inserts with double inserts more common in lines with visible phenotypes. The broad range of developmental mutants identified in this pilot screen of the population reveals that it will be a valuable resource for gene discovery in poplar. The full value of this population will only be realized as we screen these lines for a wide range of phenotypes

    Effector MiSSP7 of the mutualistic fungus [i]Laccaria[/i] [i]bicolor[/i] stabilizes the [i]Populus[/i] JAZ6 protein and represses jasmonic acid (JA) responsive genes

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    Ectomycorrhizal fungi, such as Laccaria bicolor, support forest growth and sustainability by providing growth-limiting nutrients to their plant host through a mutualistic symbiotic relationship with host roots. We have previously shown that the effector protein MiSSP7 (Mycorrhiza-induced Small Secreted Protein 7) encoded by L. bicolor is necessary for the establishment of symbiosis with host trees, although the mechanistic reasoning behind this role was unknown. We demonstrate here that MiSSP7 interacts with the host protein PtJAZ6, a negative regulator of jasmonic acid (JA)-induced gene regulation in Populus. As with other characterized JASMONATE ZIM-DOMAIN (JAZ) proteins, PtJAZ6 interacts with PtCOI1 in the presence of the JA mimic coronatine, and PtJAZ6 is degraded in plant tissues after JA treatment. The association between MiSSP7 and PtJAZ6 is able to protect PtJAZ6 from this JA-induced degradation. Furthermore, MiSSP7 is able to block—or mitigate—the impact of JA on L. bicolor colonization of host roots. We show that the loss of MiSSP7 production by L. bicolor can be complemented by transgenically varying the transcription of PtJAZ6 or through inhibition of JA-induced gene regulation. We conclude that L. bicolor, in contrast to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and biotrophic pathogens, promotes mutualism by blocking JA action through the interaction of MiSSP7 with PtJAZ6

    Role of plant–fungal nutrient trading and host control in determining the competitive success of ectomycorrhizal fungi

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    Multiple ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) compete to colonise the roots of a host plant, but it is not known whether their success is under plant or fungal control, or a combination of both. We assessed whether plants control EMF colonisation by preferentially allocating more carbon to more beneficial partners in terms of nitrogen supply or if other factors drive competitive success. We combined stable isotope labelling and RNA-sequencing approaches to characterise nutrient exchange between the plant host Eucalyptus grandis and three Pisolithus isolates when growing alone and when competing either indirectly (with a physical barrier) or directly. Overall, we found that nitrogen provision to the plant does not explain the amount of carbon that an isolate receives nor the number of roots that it colonises. Differences in nutrient exchange among isolates were related to differences in expression of key fungal and plant nitrogen and carbon transporter genes. When given a choice of partners, the plant was able to limit colonisation by the least cooperative isolate. This was not explained by a reduction in allocated carbon. Instead, our results suggest that partner choice in EMF could operate through the upregulation of defence-related genes against those fungi providing fewer nutrients

    Microbe-independent entry of oomycete RxLR effectors and fungal RxLR-Like effectors into plant and animal cells is specific and reproducible

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    A wide diversity of pathogens and mutualists of plant and animal hosts, including oomycetes and fungi, produce effector proteins that enter the cytoplasm of host cells. A major question has been whether or not entry by these effectors can occur independently of the microbe or requires machinery provided by the microbe. Numerous publications have documented that oomycete RxLR effectors and fungal RxLR-like effectors can enter plant and animal cells independent of the microbe. A recent reexamination of whether the RxLR domain of oomycete RxLR effectors is sufficient for microbe-independent entry into host cells concluded that the RxLR domains of Phytophthora infestans Avr3a and of P. sojae Avr1b alone are NOT sufficient to enable microbe-independent entry of proteins into host and nonhost plant and animal cells. Here, we present new, more detailed data that unambiguously demonstrate that the RxLR domain of Avr1b does show efficient and specific entry into soybean root cells and also into wheat leaf cells, at levels well above background nonspecific entry. We also summarize host cell entry experiments with a wide diversity of oomycete and fungal effectors with RxLR or RxLR-like motifs that have been independently carried out by the seven different labs that coauthored this letter. Finally we discuss possible technical reasons why specific cell entry may have been not detected by Wawra et al. (2013)