112 research outputs found
Improved survival of children with low and very low birth weight forms the population of children who need special conditions of nursing to prevent the negative effects of immaturity, intensive care, prolonged hospital stay. Family-oriented medical care to reduce risks "uncomfortable" conditions of the intensive nursing determines the importance of the family in the treatment of the child, provides the necessary skills for future care of them, forms of partnership between parents and health care worker. Actual survey mothers, who provided care for premature infants in the department of nursing preterm babies, allowed us to estimate willingness to care for a premature baby, the ability to master the skills, readiness for discharge from the hospital, and self-care at home. Than before the mother / family have the opportunity to be near the child take part in the care, feeding, discuss diagnostic and therapeutic procedures with the doctor, than higher their level of psychological comfort, higher degree of confidence to health workers, a lot of confidence in a positive outcome.Улучшение выживаемости детей с низкой и очень низкой массой тела формирует популяцию детей, которым необходимы особые условия выхаживания для предупреждения негативных последствий незрелости, интенсивного лечения, длительного пребывания в больнице. Семейно ориентированная медицинская помощь позволяет снизить риски «некомфортных» условий отделений интенсивного выхаживания, определяет важную роль семьи в лечении ребенка, позволяет овладеть необходимыми навыками для дальнейшего ухода за ним, сформировать партнерские взаимоотношения между родителями и медицинскими работниками. Анкетирование матерей, которые осуществляли уход за недоношенными младенцами в отделении выхаживания недоношенных, позволило оценить их желание ухаживать за своим недоношенным ребенком, возможность овладения навиками, готовность к выписке и самостоятельному уходу в домашних условиях. Чем раньше мать/семья имеют возможность находиться возле ребенка, принимать участие в уходе, кормлении, обсуждать диагностические и лечебные процедуры с врачом, тем выше уровень их психологического комфорта, степень доверия к медицинским работникам, большая уверенность в позитивных результатах. Поліпшення виживання дітей з малою та дуже малою масою тіла формує популяцію немовлят, яким необхідні особливі умови виходжування з метою запобігання негативним наслідкам незрілості, інтенсивного лікування, тривалого перебування в лікарні. Сімейно орієнтована медична допомога дозволяє знизити ризики «некомфортних» умов відділень інтенсивного виходжування, надає можливість сім'ї відчути її важливу роль у лікуванні немовляти, дозволяє оволодіти необхідними навичками для подальшого догляду за ним, сформувати партнерські взаємовідносини між членами родини та медичними працівниками. Анкетування матерів, які здійснювали догляд за недоношеними немовлятами у відділенні виходжування недоношених, дозволило оцінити їх бажання доглядати за своєю недоношеною дитиною, можливість оволодіння навичками, готовність до виписування та самостійного догляду в домашніх умовах. Чим раніше мати/ родина мають можливість бути біля дитини, брати участь у виходжуванні, вигодовуванні, обговорювати діагностичні та лікувальні процедури з лікарем, тим вищі рівень їх психологічного комфорту, ступінь довіри до медичних працівників, більша впевненість у позитивних результатах
У статті аналізуються мовностилістичні особливості публікацій провідних політичних журналістів Запоріжжя, а також визначаються тенденції політичного дискурсу у регіональному мас-медійному просторі.
(The stylistic features of leading political journalists’ publications of Zaporizhzhia are under analysis, and also
trends in political discourse in the regional mass-media field are identified in the article «Lingvostylistical potential of
political discourse of regional printed publications».
Interdisciplinary approach to organization of professional competence of bachelors
The article discusses the relevance of the interdisciplinary approach in the pedagogical process. As a means of formation of interdisciplinary links proposed interdisciplinary teaching aid in the preparation of bachelorsВ статье рассматривается актуальность междисциплинарного подхода в педагогическом процессе. В качестве средства формирования междисциплинарных связей в процессе подготовки бакалавров предлагается междисциплинарное учебно-методическое пособи
Objective of the study was to model the interaction of Burkholderia pseudomallei with Tetrahymena pyriformis in vitro and investigate the changes in the population composition of the protozoa when co-cultured with a microorganism.Materials and methods. B. pseudomallei 110, C141, 57576, 107 strains differing in virulence for BALB/c mice were used. The axenic culture of T. pyriformis was incubated with microorganisms in 100 to 1 ratio, at 28 °C, in LB. Samples of co-cultures were examined using light microscopy, by counting the number of trophozoites and cysts in the population. Dynamics of multiplication of B. pseudomallei cultures associated with T. pyriformis was determined through seeding bacteria on a dense nutrient medium to count the grown colonies.Results and conclusions. B. pseudomallei in association with T. pyriformis is ingested by protozoan cells; it multiplies in them and stimulates protozoa encystment. Hereby virulent strain B. pseudomallei 110 induces encystment of T. pyriformis on days 2–4 and complete cell destruction within 7–8 days. Avirulent strain, B. pseudomallei 107, induces full encystment on day 7; significant part of the cysts remains intact on day10. Dynamics of B. pseudomallei growth, co-cultured with T. pyriformis is characterized on day 1 by distinct decrease in the number of viable bacterial cells and increase in it within following 24 hours. Bacteria concentration curves depend on the virulence of the strain: maximum level of B. pseudomallei 110 replication is observed after 48 hours, while that of B. pseudomallei 107 – not less than after 7–8 days
Burkholderia pseudomallei Morphotypes that Form in vitro under Stress Conditions
Objective of the study was to determine diversity of the morphotypes formed in vitro from the initial morphological variant of B. pseudomallei 110 under stressful conditions and to study some phenotypic characteristics of them. Materials and methods. Virulent strain Burkholderia pseudomallei 110 of Australian serotype was used. Burkholderia cultures were added to the axenic culture of Tetrahymena pyriformis in LB broth and sterile river water in the ratio of 100: 1 and incubated at 28 °C; the passage of monocultures and cultures in protozoa cells was repeated at intervals of 3–4 days. Morphotypes were identified on Ashdown’s medium after cultivation for 3–4 days at 32 °C, photographs were analyzed based on classification of Chantratita et al. In all morphotypes the activity of extracellular enzymes and virulence were determined on the model of golden hamsters. Results and conclusions. Seven B. pseudomallei 110 colony morphotypes were identified. Four of them with characteristics of I, III, IV and VII morphotypes, described by Chantratita et al., were named Chl (Chantratita like variant). The study of morphotypes in different samples revealed a variation in them, depending on the culture medium (LB broth or water), and their different ratios in individual samples. The greatest number of morphological variants (4 out of 7) was formed during the passage of the monocultures of B. pseudomallei 110 in LB broth; in water the initial culture was almost entirely (95 %) transformed into morphotype I Chl. Under other conditions of cultivation the dominant V morphotype was formed, and in the presence of protozoa it was combined predominantly with I Chl. Morphotypes differed in the production of extracellular enzymes, motility and reduced virulence
Future Developments and Applications of the Vaccines against Dangerous Viral Infections, RNA-Replicon-Based, Obtained from the Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis Virus
The members of the Filoviridae (Marburg and Ebola viruses) and Arenaviridae (Lassa, Lujo, Machupo, Junin, Guanarito, Sabia viruses) families are the etiological agents of particularly dangerous viral hemorrhagic fevers. These agents pose a potential threat to public health care in view of the possibility of their unintended import into the non-endemic regions, and thus construction of specific medical protectors as regards induced by them diseases is a pressing issue. According to leading experts, vaccination of the cohorts that fall in the risk groups is the most effective and least expensive method to prevent the development of epidemics. The review contains information on a new prospective line of protective preparations development as regards particularly dangerous viral infections - construction of alphavirus-replicon-based vaccine. Elaboration of recombinant replicons does not require cultivation of pathogenic microorganisms. RNA-replicons are distinguished by their incapacity to produce infective progeny, which is of a great importance for the development of vaccines against particularly dangerous viral hemorrhagic fevers. Advantages of alphaviral replicons over other RNA-replicons are as follows: high levels of heterologous gene expression and resistance to anti-vector immunity. RNA-replicons of alphaviruses combine the safety of inactivated, and immunogenicity of live attenuated vaccines. Alphaviruses-based replicons are suitable for express vaccine development with the purpose of specific prophylaxis of viral infectious diseases
The Molecular Genetic Peculiarities of Genomic Structure of Members of the <i>Ebolavirus</i> Genus
The molecular genetic peculiarities of genomic structure of the Ebolavirus genus members are viewed in the review. The Ebola virus disease outbreaks in West African countries constitute a threat not only for Africa, but for the whole world in view of possible introduction of the agent in non-endemic regions. The members of the Ebolavirus genus have different pathogenicity for humans, thus differ severity and mortality of the disease they cause. There is a significant genetic divergence among members of the Ebolavirus genus. The differences of pathogenic potential of members of the Ebolavirus genus may be explained as the result of mutations in the genes of virus structural proteins. It is possible, that some of these mutations may affect virulence of strains within one virus species. So far as most effective modern medicines for specific prophylaxis and treatment of Ebola fever are target-oriented, genotyping of the agent will promote elaboration of strategy of such preparations development
Current State of the Development of Therapies for Emergency Prophylaxis and Treatment of Ebola Virus Disease
Nowadays vaccination of the population living in the endemic regions and widespread implementation of the potent therapies for the emergency prophylaxis and treatment into the clinical practice are regarded as the basic efficient and cost-effective measures for Ebola epidemic spread control. Objective of the review is to analyze current state of the development of aids for the immediate prophylaxis and treatment of Ebola fever. Focus area of the activities is the construction of drugs on the basis of virus-specific anti-bodies (including monoclonal), small interfering RNA, and anti-sense phosphordiamidate morpholine oligomers and interferons. The paper discusses the most significant achievements in this sphere
Forming A Pedagogue’s Research Competences in Innovative Educational Environment
Changes that take place in different spheres of life in Russia (economic, political, social, cultural) determine new requirements to the goals, values, functions of education in providing the development and self-realization of students. A graduate of a modern school should master a complex of information and research skills, and have critical and creative thinking. Research methodology. The orientation of education towards the growth of a student as a person, bearer of certain individual peculiarities, and activity subject may be of use only if an effective strategy of pedagogic work is developed. Such a strategy should be scientifically grounded on the basic principles of modern approaches implemented in pedagogy and psychology: humanistic, personality-, activity- and competence-oriented. Research results. Four spheres of a pedagogue’s professional activity in an innovative educational environment have been distinguished: sphere of analysis, synthesis and mastering pioneering pedagogic experience; sphere of popularization and initial practical use of pioneering pedagogic experience and advanced developments; sphere of the improvement of professional skills and realization of creative potential of a teacher; sphere of innovative processes in the system of education. Discussion. The essence of a pedagogue’s research activity is conditioned by the functions, which are based on the following factors: optimization of the teaching and educational process; specifically, structured controlled cognitive process; processes of self-improvement, self-instruction and selfeducation, self-realization; mastering professional pedagogic activity of a new level. Conclusion. Four levels of the development of a teacher’s research competences have been distinguished: basic, empiric (local and initiative), productive (tactical), and constructive (strategic)
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Bioavailability in soils
The consumption of locally-produced vegetables by humans may be an important exposure pathway for soil contaminants in many urban settings and for agricultural land use. Hence, prediction of metal and metalloid uptake by vegetables from contaminated soils is an important part of the Human Health Risk Assessment procedure. The behaviour of metals (cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, lead and zinc) and metalloids (arsenic, boron and selenium) in contaminated soils depends to a large extent on the intrinsic charge, valence and speciation of the contaminant ion, and soil properties such as pH, redox status and contents of clay and/or organic matter. However, chemistry and behaviour of the contaminant in soil alone cannot predict soil-to-plant transfer. Root uptake, root selectivity, ion interactions, rhizosphere processes, leaf uptake from the atmosphere, and plant partitioning are important processes that ultimately govern the accumulation ofmetals and metalloids in edible vegetable tissues. Mechanistic models to accurately describe all these processes have not yet been developed, let alone validated under field conditions. Hence, to estimate risks by vegetable consumption, empirical models have been used to correlate concentrations of metals and metalloids in contaminated soils, soil physico-chemical characteristics, and concentrations of elements in vegetable tissues. These models should only be used within the bounds of their calibration, and often need to be re-calibrated or validated using local soil and environmental conditions on a regional or site-specific basis.Mike J. McLaughlin, Erik Smolders, Fien Degryse, and Rene Rietr
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