10 research outputs found

    Prilog flori Tijarice u južnoj Hrvatskoj

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    The paper describes the floristics of Tijarica in the karst zone of southern Croatia. The commonest plants belong to the families of Asteraceae, Poaceae, Fabaceae, Rosaceae and Lamiaceae. Twenty eight species and subspecies with the different degree of endemism have been registered. A list of 597 taxa occurring in the area is provided.U radu se prikazuje flora Tijarice koja se nalazi u krškom području južne Hrvatske. Najčešće su biljke iz porodica Asteraceae, Poaceae, Fabaceae, Rosaceae i Lamiaceae. Zabilježeno je 28 vrsta i podvrsta s različitim stupnjem endemizma. Popis obuhvaća 597 biljnih svojti do sada pronađenih na ovom području

    Rasprostranjenost roda Impatiens u Parku Prirode Medvednica, Hrvatska

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    The flora research in Medvednica Nature Park has shown the presence of four species of the genus Impatiens: Impatiens balfourii Hooker f., I. glandulifera Royle, I. noli-tangere L. and I. parviflora DC. The species I. noli-tangere is the most widespread in the Park, while the other three species are registered for the first time. Distribution mapping was done by using the basic units of the Central European grid for floristic mapping (MTB).Analizom rezultata dosadašnjih florističkih istraživanja, za područje Parka Prirode Medvednica utvrđene su četiri vrste roda Impatiens: Impatiens balfourii Hooker f., I. glandulifera Royle, I. noli-tangere L. and I. parviflora DC. Najšire rasprostranjena vrsta je I. noli-tangere, dok su ostale tri vrste prvi put zabilježene za floru Parka. Kartiranje rasprostranjenosti obavljeno je na temelju osnovnih jedinica srednjoeuropske mreže za kartiranje flore (MTB)

    Rasprostranjenost roda Daphne u Parku Prirode Medvednica (Hrvatska)

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    In order to develop the floristic map of Medvednica Nature Park, already existing data on the distribution of the genus Daphne were collected from literature and herbarium sources. Field observations were also carried out. Three species were recorded: Daphne blagayana Freyer, Daphne laureola L. and Daphne mezereum L. All recorded species have the IUCN status of endangered or low risk species. For the three species of the genus Daphne in Medvednica Nature Park, 159 localities were found and 124 (78%) of the localities were geocoded. The distribution of the species is presented on maps using a Central European grid for floristic mapping (MTB).U svrhu izrade florističke karte Parka Prirode Medvednica sabrani su postojeći podaci o rasprostranjenosti roda Daphne iz literaturnih i herbarskih izvora. Također su izvršena i terenska istraživanja. Zabilježene su tri vrste: Daphne blagayana Freyer, Daphne laureola L. i Daphne mezereum L. Sve zabilježene vrste prema IUCN kategorijama spadaju među ugrožene i nisko rizične vrste. Za ove tri vrste roda Daphne unutar Parka Prirode Medvednica ukupno je zabilježeno 159 lokaliteta od kojih je 124 (78%) lokaliteta geokodirano. Rasprostranjenost vrsta prikazana je kartama uz uporabu srednjoeuropske mreže za kartiranje flore (MTB)

    Genetic variation of the Croatian beech stands (Fagus sylvatica L): spatial differentiation in connection with the environment

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    Thirty-five beech stands located in Croatia, (Yugoslavia) have been analysed using 6 polymorphic enzymatic loci. Three of them (PX-1, PX-2, GOT-1) seem to be more or less influenced by selection since their allelic frequencies are related to climatic conditions. The total gene diversity is higher for only 1 out of 6 loci in the continental region. Discriminant analyses on allelic frequencies show that the Mediterranean Seslerio-Fagetum which grows in rather dry conditions, is an association apart; and a significant difference exists between 2 groups of Mediterranean beechwoods located in the highlands and on the plain, respectively. A general tendency towards a heterozygotic deficit occurs with the same significance in both regions. Multilocus F-statistics reveal that the total genotypic differentiation and its 2 components (intra- and interpopulations) do not differ between the 2 regions.La variation génétique des hêtraies croates (Fagus sylvatica L) : différenciation spatiale en relation avec l'environnement. Trente-cinq hêtraies localisées en Croatie (Yougoslavie) ont été étudiées à l'aide de 6 marqueurs enzymatiques polymorphes. Trois d'entre eux (PX-1, PX-2, GOT-1) semblent plus ou moins soumis à la sélection, en particulier parce que leurs fréquences alléliques varient parallèlement aux conditions climatiques. La diversité allélique totale est plus élevée pour 1 locus sur 6 seulement, en région continentale. Deux analyses discriminantes sur les fréquences alléliques montrent : - que le Seslerio-Fagetum méditerranéen qui caractérise des stations relativement sèches représente une association originale; - une différence significative entre 2 groupes de hêtraies méditerranéennes en fonction de leur localisation soit en montagne, soit à basse altitude. Une tendance générale se manifeste vers un déficit en hétérozygotes de même importance dans les deux régions. Les F-statistiques montrent que la différenciation génotypique totale, aussi bien que ses 2 composantes (intra- et interpopulations) ne sont pas différentes d'une région à l'autre

    Analysis and distributional patterns of the invasive flora in a protected mountain area - a case study of Medvednica Nature Park (Croatia)

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    In this paper we have analysed invasive flora of Medvednica Nature Park, Croatia with respect to their origins, life forms, systematic positions, types of seed dispersal, Ellenberg indicator values and spatial distributions using MTB 1/64 grid units for analyses. A total of 27 invasive plant species, belonging to 14 families, were recorded with Asteraceae being the most frequently occurring family. Therophytes were the most common life form, as is generally true of Croatian invasive plants; however, hemicryptophytes and geophytes were more frequent in Medvednica. Here, invasive plants originated mainly from both Americas with slightly lower portion in comparison to all Croatian invasive plants, while contrary was the case when comparing those originated from Asia. The most widespread species was Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers., and the species with the lowest occurrence were Chamomilla suaveolens (Pursh.) Rydb and Datura innoxia Mill. A multiple regression model explains 44% of the spatial variability in the invasive plants data per MTB 1/64 unit, using the number of all recorded plant species, the average elevation and the lengths of paths and roads as estimators. The latter two variables also had the most influence on the ordination axes in analyses of the spatial distribution of seed dispersal types present in each MTB 1/64 unit. Anemochory was the most frequent type of seed dispersal