709 research outputs found

    Finite-Impulse- Response Modeling of Voltage Instrument Transformers Applicable for Fast Front Transients Simulations

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    This paper presents a method for Finite-Impulse-Response (FIR) modeling of voltage instrument transformers. The method is based on Wiener filtering and measurement of the transformer response in the frequency domain using a low frequency network analyzer. The proposed method allows, through digital filtering operation, an accurate simulation of the transformer response to transient excitation. Furthermore, the proposed approach to the modeling of the system function allows unequal spacing of the frequency samples. The linearity of the transformer is analyzed applying the Fourier analysis and different waveforms of the primary voltage, and methods for the model order selection, based on the generalized information criterion, are discussed and applied. The theoretical analysis is confirmed with measurements in time domain, using the recurrent surge generator

    O stomatalnom aparatu na plodovima nekih sorti Prunus domestica L.

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    Na temelju provedenih anatomskih istraživanja stomatalnog aparata kod ovih sorti stolnih šljiva: Mirabela (Mirabelle von Nancy), Požegača (Hauszwetschge), Talijanka (Italienische Zwetschge), Ana Špet (Anna Späth), Cimerova râna (Zimmer’s Frühzwetschge), Kraljica Viktorija (Königin Viktoria), Mali zeleni ringlo (Kleine grüne Reineclaude), Levenska (Schöne von Löven) i Alten (Althan’s Reineclaude) došlo se do ovih rezultata: — U epidermi plodova svih istraženih sorti pronađene su puči (sl. 1) dužine (46,20 — 63,28 μ) i širine (35,81 — 51,71 μ) kojih se kreću u uskim granicama ; — Puči su nepravilno raspoređene na plodovima, a njihov raspored i broj na 1 mm2 je prikazan na si. 2 ; — Prosječni brojevi puči na 1 mm2 su maleni (0,90 — 3,62; tab. 1), što govori za kserofitski karakter epiderme; — Determinacija sorti na temelju dobivenih rezultata nije moguća radi male varijabilnosti i preklapanja svojstava; — Istraživanjima je nadalje ustanovljena uloga puči pri stvaranju mikroskopskih pukotina u epidermi, koje se mogu — uz utjecaj ostalih faktora — produbiti čak u subepidermalne slojeve (sl. 3). Razmotreno je značenje ovih pukotina u vezi s kvalitetom i trajnošću te mogućnošću prodiranja patogenih gljiva i bakterija u plodove

    Future teachers’ wisdom and difficult life experiences

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    Webster’s H.E.R.O.(E.) model of wisdom was used to explore if students, future teachers, of the same age but in two cohorts differed in wisdom and its dimensions and if their wisdom differed depending on how difficult they considered their lives to be. 116 students were included in the 2012 cohort with an average age of 21.54 years, and 115 students participated in the 2022 cohort with an average age of 21.17 years. Wisdom was measured with Webster’s Self-Assessed Wisdom Scale (SAWS). The results revealed no differences between the two cohorts in wisdom and its five dimensions in the H.E.R.O.(E.) model. The students that estimated their lives as more difficult scored higher on total wisdom results and on the majority of its dimensions (experience, reminiscence/reflection, and openness), except for emotion regulation and humour


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    Normative activity has the exceptional importance and the role in the realization of the law system unity, of the law reign, principle of legality, process of the State Administration’s reform, effective functioning of the State Administration organ’s functions and application out of the regulations, as well as the unyfying of the local legislation with the law of the European Union. For that reason, the methodical rules for the unified making out the regulations, have been adopted in the Republic of Serbia in 2010 and in the regional countries in the period 2006-2010. In this sense, the basic element carried out methodologies for making out two regulatuons in the Republic of Serbia, have been discussing and the review the adopted methodologicial rules in the regional countries, that is Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbian Republic as the entity and Montenegro has be given.Нормативна делатност има изузетан значај и улогу у остваривању јединства правног система, владавине права, начела легалитета, процеса реформе државне управе, ефикасног обављања функција органа државне управе и примене прописа, као и у усклађивању домаћег законодавства са правом Европске уније. Зато су у Републици Србији 2010. године, а у земљама региона у периоду од 2006. до 2010, усвојена методолошка правила за унифицирану израду прописа. С тим у вези, разматрају се основни елементи две донете методологије за израду прописа у Републици Србији и даје осврт на усвојена методолошка правила у земљама региона, односно Босни и Херцеговини, Републици Српској, као ентитету и Црној Гори

    Configurational Statistics of Poly(acrylic acid)

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    Space-configurational features of atactic poly(acrylic acid) in unperturbed and expanded states were analyzed in terms of the extending and coiling tendency of the backbone bond rotational states. Conformational energy calculations were performed for dyads using semi-empirical relations and the statistical analyses using statistical weight matrices U\u27 and U" for respective dyad skeletal bond pairs reduced to the 2 X 2 order. Agreement with the experimental values of the characteristic ratio C = «r2)o/ /nl2) = 6.7 was obtained for \u27yj = 0.3 ± 0.1 and co" = (0.8-2.2), \u27yj expressing the preference for t over the g state and co" being a second order parameter for interactions of pendant groups

    Nalaz virusa žućenja žila bršljana u Jugoslaviji

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    English ivy (Hedera helix L.) plants with symptoms of vein clearing on the leaves have recently been found in the surroundings of Split (Croatia, Yugoslavia). These symptoms are characteristic of some diseases which are caused by rhabdoviruses. Therefore, we prepared ultrathin sections of leaves with vein clearing symptoms and we found rhabdoviruses in these leaves. The rhabdovirus particles were located in the cytoplasm. They were 60 to 70 nm wide but the length of virus varied greatly. Afterwards, we succeeded in transmitting this virus mechanically by means of corresponding buffer solution and sodium ascorbate to a suitable test According to these data wre could conclude that the rhabdovirus found is ivy vein clearing virus which has been first detected and described in Italy. Yugoslavia is the second state in which this rhabdovirus has been found.Primjerci bršljana (Hedera helix L.) sa simptomima prosvjetljavanja lisnih žila nađeni su nedavno u okolici Splita. Ti su simptomi karakteristični za neke bolesti koje izazivaju rabdovirusi. Zbog toga smo priredili ultratanke presjeke kroz listove s prosvjetljavanjem žila i pronašli smo rabdoviruse u tim listovima. Cestice rabdovirusa nalazile su se u citoplazmi. Bile su 60 do 70 nm široke, ali je dužina virusa bila vrlo različita. Poslije toga uspjeli smo prenijeti taj virus mehanički pomoću odgovarajuće puferske otopine i natrijeva askorbata na pogodnu pokusnu biljku. Na osnovi tih podataka mogli smo zaključiti da nađeni rabdovirus pripada virusu prosvjetljavanja žila bršljana (ivy vein clearing virus) koji je najprije nađen u Italiji. Jugoslavija je druga zemlja u kojoj je taj virus otkriven

    Impact of the calibration period on the conceptual rainfall-runoff model parameter estimates

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    Geophysical Research Abstract

    Adsorption of Carrageenans on Mercury Surface in Sodium Chloride Solution and Seawater

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    Adsorption of natural sulphated polysaccharides from algal sources, ι-, κ- and λ-carrageenans, on mercury surface was studied by out of phase a.c. voltammetry. Adsorption studies were performed in a wide concentration range (10 mg/L up to 15 g/L) and the influence of the adsorbed layer on the reduction of cadmium ions, used as a probe, was studied as well. The adsorption was measured at two potentials, -0.2 V and -0.6 V vs. Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The stronger, one step adsorption, was obtained at the potential of -0.2 V. At the potential of -0.6 V, the first adsorption plateau was established at the concentration of app. 100 mg/L of added polysaccharide while at the concentration of few g/L a second adsorption plateau was established. The oxido-reduction processes of Cd2+ ions were influenced by the presence of sulphopolysaccharides only in the concentration range of a few grams/L. At the potential of E = -0.6 V after the first adsorption plateau, adsorption is a slow process, determined by both the concentration of polymer in the solution and the time of adsorption. It is most probable that transformations of the adsorbed layer occur


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    Music education relies on the assumption that it encourages development of students’ culture. At a time when music is undergoing great technological change, and is becoming increasingly important in adolescents’ lives, effective teachers require a broader range of teaching methods. The purpose of this study was to explore music teachers’ opinions about influences music has on development of students’ general and musical culture and the teaching methods they employ in music education. Music teachers (N = 45) filled in two questionnaires: one was related to influence of listening to music and learning about music on the student’s culture, and the other referred to the methodical practice teachers employ while teaching music. Results demonstrate positive opinion music teachers have about various influences music has on development of students’ general and musical culture. It is probably crucial for music teaching to have positive opinion about its contribution to young people’s development. Implementation of teaching methods shows that teachers employ a variety of them. By using diverse strategies teachers may better meet various students’ needs and styles. Some differences were found regarding employment time and type of schools teachers work in.Glazbeno obrazovanje počiva na pretpostavci da glazba potiče razvoj kulture učenika i učenica. U vrijeme kada glazba prolazi kroz velike tehnološke promjene i postaje sve važnija u adolescenciji, potrebno je koristiti raznovrsnije metode da bi poučavanje glazbe bilo učinkovitije. Svrha istraživanja bila je istražiti stavove nastavnica i nastavnika glazbe o različitim utjecajima glazbe na razvoj opće i glazbene kulture učenica i učenika te ispitati koje metode poučavanja glazbe koriste u svom radu. Nastavnice i nastavnici glazbe (N = 45) ispunjavali su dva upitnika: jedan povezan s utjecajima slušanja glazbe i učenja o glazbi na kulturu učenica i učenika, a drugi povezan s metodičkim praksama koje primjenjuju u radu. Rezultati pokazuju pozitivne stavove nastavnica i nastavnika prema različitim utjecajima glazbe na opću i glazbenu kulturu učenika i učenica. Vjerojatno je za nastavnice i nastavnike glazbe ključno imati pozitivan stav o doprinosu glazbe razvoju djece i mladih. Primjena metoda poučavanja glazbe pokazuje da nastavnice i nastavnici koriste raznolike načine rada. Upotrebom različitih strategija mogu bolje zadovoljiti raznovrsne potrebe i stilove djece i mladih. Nađene su neke razlike s obzirom na to gdje i koliko su dugo nastavnice i nastavnici zaposlene/zaposleni.L’educazione musicale poggia sull’assunzione che la musica stimola lo sviluppo della cultura negli alunni. Nel momento in cui la musica affronta grandi cambiamenti tecnologici e diventa sempre più importante nell’adolescenza, si sente l’opportunità di usare metodi d’insegnamenti diversi per renderlo più efficace. Lo scopo della ricerca era volto a esplorare gli atteggiamenti dei docenti di musica sulle influenze che la musica esercita per lo sviluppo della cultura musicale e generale degli alunni, e indagare sui loro metodi d’insegnamento. I docenti di musica (N = 45) hanno compilato due questionari: uno per esplorare l’influenza dell’ascolto e apprendimento di musica, e l’altro per esplorare i metodi didattici. I risultati ottenuti dimostrano la presenza di atteggiamenti positivi dei docenti inerenti alle varie influenze svolte dalla musica sulla cultura musicale e generale degli alunni. Per i docenti sembra molto probabile avere un atteggiamento positivo sul contributo della musica per lo sviluppo dei bambini e adolescenti. I metodi d’insegnamento usati sono vari. Usando strategie diverse i docenti sono in grado di soddisfare meglio i bisogni e stili dei alunni. Sono state trovate delle differenze per quanto riguarda il luogo d’insegnamento e l’esperienza dei docenti