36 research outputs found

    Culinary and sensory traits diversity in the Spanish Core Collection of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

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    The Spanish National Plant Genetic Resource Center’s core collection of bean germplasm includes 202 accessions selected from more than 3000 accessions in function of passport data, seed phenotype, genetic background, and agronomic traits. To acquire more useful information about these accessions, we cultivated and characterized them for sensory and culinary traits. We found considerable variation for culinary and sensory traits of the cooked beans (mean coefficients of variation: 41% for the sensory traits and 40% for the culinary traits). The large dataset enabled us to study correlations between sensory and culinary traits and among these traits and geographic origin, seed color, and growth habit. Greater proportion of white in the seed coat correlated positively with brightness and negatively with mealiness (r=0.60, r=-0.60, p<0.001, respectively). Mealiness correlated negatively with seed-coat roughness and rate of water absorption (r=-0.60, r=-0.53, p<0.001, respectively). Materials of Andean origin had lower seed-coat brightness (p<0.01) and seed-coat roughness, and greater seed-coat perceptibility, mealiness, flavor, and aroma (p<0.001) than materials of Mesoamerican origin. Growth habit failed to correlate with culinary or sensory traits. Breeders can benefit from the information about this core collection available at www.crf.inia.es/crfesp/paginaprincipaljudia.asp

    The Spanish core collection of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.): An important source of variability for breeding chemical composition

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    The Iberian Peninsula is considered as a secondary center of diversity for the common bean, and the Spanish National Plant Genetic Resources Centre’s germplasm bank holds more than 3,000 Spanish accessions of Phaseolus vulgaris L. from which a core collection of 202 landraces has been selected. In order to encourage the use of this abundant resource, this study aimed to characterize genetic diversityPostprint (published version

    The Spanish Core Collection of Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.): An Important Source of Variability for Breeding Chemical Composition

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    The Iberian Peninsula is considered as a secondary center of diversity for the common bean, and the Spanish National Plant Genetic Resources Centre’s germplasm bank holds more than 3,000 Spanish accessions of Phaseolus vulgaris L. from which a core collection of 202 landraces has been selected. In order to encourage the use of this abundant resource, this study aimed to characterize genetic diversity, by measuring chemical composition in these core collections (in both the seed coat and cotyledon) using previously developed near infrared spectroscopy models. Crucially, these landraces in question all originated under similar agroclimatic conditions, allowing these field trials to be conducted in a single location without significantly altering the agronomic behavior of individual accessions. Using previously reported data, we also explored the correlations between chemical composition and culinary/sensory traits, as well as possible associations between chemical composition and seed coat color or gene pool (Middle American or Andean). The general Mahalanobis distance was >3 in only 11 of 1,950 estimations, confirming the robustness of the regression models previously developed. Variability was greater in seed coat than in cotyledon compounds and ranges for all compounds were wide: ash 34–94 g/kg, Ca 5–31 g/kg, dietary fiber 554–911 g/kg, Mg 2–4.4 g/kg, uronic acid 95–155 g/kg, protein 192–304 g/kg, starch 339–446 g/kg, amylose 208–291 g/kg, amylopectin 333–482 g/kg, and apparent amylose 241–332 g/kg. Accessions with white seed coats tended to be richer in ash, dietary fiber, uronic acid, and Ca, and accessions of the Middle American gene pool had on average 65% more Ca than the Andean gene pool. Strong genetic correlations were not identified between chemical and culinary/sensory traits. This is particularly positive with regards to plant breeding, as it means that synchronic improvement of nutritional composition and sensory traits is possible. The genetic diversity of chemical composition described in the Spanish core collection of beans therefore represents a promising opportunity to develop cultivars with superior nutritional profiles

    Application of multivariate analysis coupled with near infrared spectroscopy for characterization of dietary Omega - 3 oil supplements

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    Nowadays, consuming dietetic oils supplements has become a common way to intake some nutrients that are not part of the diet. Omega-3 is one of the most popular dietetic supplements. Omega-3 purification is normally achieved using concentrations and distillations process, which, in some cases, transform the fatty acids into one of their esters, reducing their bioavilabilities. Conventional analytical chemistry methods to monitor quality parameters are expensive and time consuming, being not suitable for on-site analysis. . Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is an analytical technique that has been used for more than 5 decades. IR is a non-destructive technique that based on the interaction of the light and matter to obtain the physicochemical information of the matter. The application of IR coupled with multivariate techniques bring the opportunity to develop a fast and accurate models to monitor quality parameters in dietetic oils supplements

    Utilització de l'espectroscòpia d'infraroig com a eina per a la selecció i millora de la mongeta seca (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

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    Common beans (Phaseolus vulagaris L.) are one of the most consumed and produced legumes in the world. Its high protein content makes it a high nutritional value product. As a result of its wide diversity, there are thousands of them conserved in seed banks and plant breeding centers. Chemical and sensory evaluations are necessary for their characterization and inclusion in plants breeding programs. Chemical analysis and sensory panels are time-consuming protocols and often require regents, which make them unsuitable for analysis of large amount of sample. Spectroscopy techniques are well-established nondestructible methods with a minimum sample preparation for determining the chemical components and sensory traits of foods. These techniques are suitable for managing a large volume of samples, because spectrum collection takes less than a minute. The main objective of this thesis is to develop regression models to correlate IR spectra with chemical composition and sensory traits. This thesis is composed of three publications in indexed journals, in which the main results are: i) For proper prediction of the chemical composition in common beans seed-coat, this seed-coat has to be removed from the cotyledon and ground to obtain a homogenous IR spectra; ii) Calcium, ash, dietary fiber values of the seed-coat can be predicted using NIR models; iii) It is possible to predict protein, starch, and total amylose using IR technology, moreover, the best models are obtained by the benchtop FT-NIR; iv) Nowadays, portable IR technology is almost at the same level as the benchtop instruments in terms of goodness of fit in prediction models; v) IR spectrum of the sample has a big impact in the developed models, so, it is necessary to cook , dry and ground the beans before registering the spectra; vi) It is not possible to predict aroma and seed-coat perception using NIR; vii) Finally, it is possible to integrate IR technology in common beans plants breeding and selection programs to analyze chemical composition and sensory trait.La mongeta seca (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) és una de les lleguminoses de gra més consumides i produïdes arreu del món i amb un alt valor nutricional degut al seu elevat contingut proteic. La seva gran diversitat fa que existeixen milers d’entrades conservades en els bancs de llavors i centres de millora vegetal. L’avaluació química i sensorial d’aquestes entrades donaria informació molt valuosa per a programes de millora vegetal, però requereixen processos llargs i laboriosos que els fan poc apropiats quan cal caracteritzar un gran nombre de mostres. L’espectroscòpia d’infraroig pot ser una alternativa ja que, l’espectre de la mostra, que es reagistra en pocs segons i que necessita un mínim pretractament de la mostra, podria donar una estimació dels caràcters químics i sensorials. L’objectiu principal d’aquesta tesi és, doncs, obtenir models que permetin correlacionar l’espectre en l’infraroig amb els atributs sensorial de la mongeta i amb el contingut d'aquells components químics que semblen influir en aquests atributs. La tesi s’articula en tres treballs: l'anàlisi química de la pell de la mongeta (fibra dietètica, àcids urònics, cendres, calci i magnesi), l'anàlisi química del cotiledó (proteïna, midó, amilosa) i els atributs sensorials de la mongeta (aroma, gust, farinositat, percepció, rugositat i brillantor de la pell). Els principals resultats són: i) Per a la correcte predicció de la composició química de la pell, aquesta ha de ser separada de cotiledó i molturada a fi d’obtenir una mostra suficientment homogènia; ii) El contingut en calci, cendres i fibra diatètica de la pell de la mongeta es pot predir utilitzant l’espectre NIR; iii) Es possible obtenir models per a la predicció de proteïna, midó i amilosa utilitzant varies tecnologies IR, essent els millors models el obtinguts amb FT-NIR; iv) Els resultats obtinguts amb equips d'IR portàtils i els seus homòlegs de sobretaula tenen bondats similars ; v) Per a la correcta predicció dels atributs sensorial és necessari coure, deshidratar i molturar la mongeta abans d’obtenir l’espectre; vi) els espectres NIR van permetre estimar el gust, farinositat, brillantor de la pell i rugositat de la pell de la mongeta valorats per un panel de tastador però no l’aroma i la percepció de la pell; vii) Finalment, es possible utilitzar la tecnologia IR, sent una eina molt valuosa per a la caracterització de col·leccions molt nombroses de mostres, per la selecció i la millora

    Application of multivariate analysis coupled with near infrared spectroscopy for characterization of dietary Omega - 3 oil supplements

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    Nowadays, consuming dietetic oils supplements has become a common way to intake some nutrients that are not part of the diet. Omega-3 is one of the most popular dietetic supplements. Omega-3 purification is normally achieved using concentrations and distillations process, which, in some cases, transform the fatty acids into one of their esters, reducing their bioavilabilities. Conventional analytical chemistry methods to monitor quality parameters are expensive and time consuming, being not suitable for on-site analysis. . Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is an analytical technique that has been used for more than 5 decades. IR is a non-destructive technique that based on the interaction of the light and matter to obtain the physicochemical information of the matter. The application of IR coupled with multivariate techniques bring the opportunity to develop a fast and accurate models to monitor quality parameters in dietetic oils supplements

    Application of multivariate analysis coupled with near infrared spectroscopy for characterization of dietary Omega - 3 oil supplements

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    Nowadays, consuming dietetic oils supplements has become a common way to intake some nutrients that are not part of the diet. Omega-3 is one of the most popular dietetic supplements. Omega-3 purification is normally achieved using concentrations and distillations process, which, in some cases, transform the fatty acids into one of their esters, reducing their bioavilabilities. Conventional analytical chemistry methods to monitor quality parameters are expensive and time consuming, being not suitable for on-site analysis. . Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is an analytical technique that has been used for more than 5 decades. IR is a non-destructive technique that based on the interaction of the light and matter to obtain the physicochemical information of the matter. The application of IR coupled with multivariate techniques bring the opportunity to develop a fast and accurate models to monitor quality parameters in dietetic oils supplements

    Modelling "calçots" (Allium cepa L.) growth by Gompertz function

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    "Calçots" are the second-year resprouts of the "Ceba Blanca Tardana de Lleida" landrace of onions. The evolution of three "calçots" populations has been modeled to help farmers to plan the optimal time to harvest. Four different models that essentially differ in the type of distribution of the fitting Gompertz function parameters (lag time, maximum growth rate and the maximum attainable number of commercial size "calçots") have been tested. The model that considers a multinomial distribution of the fitting parameters showed the best agreement with the experimental dataPeer Reviewe