3 research outputs found

    Pionska apsorpcija u 4He

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    This paper presents a large solid angle measurement of the positive pion absorption cross-section on 4He and its decomposition into partial channels. A large fraction of the absorption cross-section at incident pion kinetic energies of Tπ+ =70, 118, 162, 239, and 330 MeV is due to multinucleon channels.Daju se ishodi mjerenja pod velikim prostornim kutom udarnog presjeka za apsorpciju pozitivnih piona u He4 i razdjela na pojedine kanale. Velik dio apsorpcijskog udarnog presjeka za energije upadnih piona od Tπ+ =70, 118, 162, 239 i 330 MeV je posljedica višenukleonskih kanala

    Pion absorption reactions on \chem{N}, \chem{Ar} and \chem{Xe}

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    The absorption of π+\pi^{+} on \chem{Ar} was studied at pion energies of 70, 118, 162, 239 and 330MeV, and on \chem{N} and \chem{Xe} at 239MeV. Twenty-six absorption reaction channels with at least two energetic charged particles in the final state have been evaluated. Partial cross-sections have been determined according to the number of protons, neutrons and deuterons in the final state