8 research outputs found

    Digital education hubs in medical higher education: Ukraine and the EU perspectives

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    The digital hub for the medical university is the embodiment of a synergetic model of the educational system. It is an educational and me-thodical arsenal forms the content of the digital hubs. It is also an organiza-tional model that focuses on the use of information and communication technologies. The purpose of this scientific research is to examine two fun-damental elements of the digital hub in medical education: logistics and teaching. The methodology of comparative analysis that is used is closely re-lated to the synergetic principles of the modern scientific paradigm. This way we can see different levels of effectiveness of digital educational hubs in Ukraine and Europe in the training of future medical professionals. The reason is significantly higher rates of integrative factors in European educational hubs, compared to Ukrainian counterparts. Thus, filing hubs make up the in-formation and digital space of Ukrainian higher medical education. European counterparts have already integrated the potential of the digital hub not only in the educational space but also in the clinical environment

    Results of the ultramicroscopic research of adenoid vegetations accompanied by the pathologies of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses in adults

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    The aim: Grounding on the electronic microscopy of PT make conclusions about the tonsil activity in adults depending on the accompanied pathology of nose and PS. Materials and methods: Ultramicroscopic examination of 111patients with PT hypertrophy aged 18–55 was done. Depending on the nose and PS pathology (inflammatory, non-inflammatory) patients’ PS biopsic materials were distributed into 2 groups: 58 cases on inflammatory and 53 on non-inflammatory background. The control group consisted of 24 patients aged 18 without nose and PS pathology. The images of ultrathin PT sections were received with help of transmission electronic microscope PEM–125 with digital camera (SELMI, Sumy). Results: Great variations in PT cell condition, depending on the pathology were distinguished. Features of the adenoiditis in inflamma tory and non-inflammatory diseases of nose and PS were proved. Conclusions: 1. PT ultra-microscopy in control group shows great activity of lymphocytes and high energy exchange of cells, with prevailing B-lymphocyte population. 2. The complex of PT ultra structural changes while nose and PS inflammatory diseases shows the activation of immune reaction in competent cells with T-lymphocyte increase in patients older than 25, which witnesses chronic inflammation. 3. In group with nose and PT non-inflammatory diseases, activity of PTB-lymphocytes is unchanged accompanied by the T-lymphocytes growth, which is also characteristic for chronic inflammatio

    Незапальні та запальні захворювання зовнішнього вуха

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    Навчальний посібник спрямований на формування базових знань із питань про-філактики, діагностики та лікування пацієнтів із захворюваннями зовнішнього вуха. Відповідно до вимог доказової медицини стисло викладене лікування різних нозологічних захворювань зовнішнього вуха з урахуванням мікробіологічних особливостей у патогенезі захворювань і персоналізованих результатів чутливості інфекційних агентів до антибак-теріальних препаратів. Призначений для студентів медичних ЗВО, лікарів-інтернів, лікарів-оториноларингологів і лікарів загальної практики – сімейної медицини

    The association of APAI-Polymorphism of vitamin D receptor gene (VDR) with development of generalized parodontitis in Ukrainian population

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    Introduction: At present, it is believed that the genetic component is important in the pathogenesis of periodontitis. One of the candidate genes that are of major importance in the development of the disease is the vitamin D receptor gene (VDR). The association of its genetic polymorphisms, in particular Apal, with periodontitis in different populations of the world is proved. The aim: To study the association of the Apal-polymorphism VDR gene with the development of generalized periodontitis in the Ukrainian population. Materials and methods: Patient genotypes were determined by polymerase chain reaction with subsequent analysis of restriction fragment length (PCR-RFLP) from buccal epithelium 116 patients with generalized periodontitis (GP) and 67 individuals of control group. Statistical analysis was performed by using SPSS-17,0 program Results: As a result of the performed studies, it was shown that in the group of patients with GP, the ratio of homozygous for the main allele (a/a), heterozygote (a/A) and homozygote for the minor allele (A/A) was 26 (22,4%), 62 (53,4%), 28 (24,2%), and in control group – 25 (37,3%), 27 (40,3%), 15 (22,4%),respectively. The distribution of genotypes in the comparison groups was not statistically significant (P = 0,084). By the method of binary logistic regression in the framework of the additive inheritance model (a/A vs a/a), a reliable relationship of the genotype with the Apal-polymorphism of the VDR gene was established with the development of generalized periodontitis (Р=0,029). It was shown that in heterozygotes(a/A)the risk of GP in2,208 (95%CI = 1,084-4,496) times is hig her than in homozygotes of the main allele (a/a). After adjusting for age, sex, smoking habit, BMI, the reliability of these results was maintained (P = 0,030

    Clinical anatomy, physiology research methods of the larynx. Diagnosis and treatment of the main types of its pathology

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    This study guide is aimed at developing basic knowledge on clinical anatomy, physiology and research methods of larynx, inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases of the larynx, precancerous diseases and emergencies caused by laryngeal diseases. In accordance with the requirements of evidence-based medicine, the treatment of various nosological diseases of the larynx is briefly described

    Незапальні та запальні захворювання зовнішнього вуха

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    The study guide is aimed at developing basic knowledge on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of patients with non-inflammatory and inflammatory diseases of the outer ear. In accordance with the requirements of evidence-based medicine, the treatment of various nosological diseases of the outer ear is summarized, taking into account the microbiological features of the pathogenesis of diseases and personalized results of sensitivity of infectious agents to antibacterial drugs