46 research outputs found

    Magnetic Phase Diagram of Dense Holographic Multiquarks in the Quark-gluon Plasma

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    We study phase diagram of the dense holographic gauge matter in the Sakai-Sugimoto model in the presence of the magnetic field above the deconfinement temperature. Even above the deconfinement, quarks could form colour bound states through the remaining strong interaction if the density is large. We demonstrate that in the presence of the magnetic field for a sufficiently large baryon density, the multiquark-pion gradient (MQ-5ϕ\mathcal{5}\phi) phase is more thermodynamically preferred than the chiral-symmetric quark-gluon plasma. The phase diagrams between the holographic multiquark and the chiral-symmetric quark-gluon plasma phase are obtained at finite temperature and magnetic field. In the mixed MQ-5ϕ\mathcal{5}\phi phase, the pion gradient induced by the external magnetic field is found to be a linear response for small and moderate field strengths. Its population ratio decreases as the density is raised and thus the multiquarks dominate the phase. Temperature dependence of the baryon chemical potential, the free energy and the linear pion gradient response of the multiquark phase are well approximated by a simple analytic function 1−T6T06\sqrt{1-\frac{T^{6}}{T^{6}_{0}}} inherited from the metric of the holographic background.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    The Mixed Phase of Charged AdS Black holes

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    We study the mixed phase of charged AdS black hole and radiation when the total energy is fixed below the threshold to produce a stable charged black hole branch. The coexistence conditions for the charged AdS black hole and radiation are derived for the generic case when radiation particles carry charge. The phase diagram of the mixed phase is demonstrated for both fixed potential and charge ensemble. In the dual gauge picture, they correspond to the mixed phase of quark-gluon plasma~(QGP) and hadron gas in the fixed chemical potential and density ensemble respectively. In the nuclei and heavy ion collisions at intermediate energies, the mixed phase of exotic QGP and hadron gas could be produced. The mixed phase will condensate and evaporate into the hadron gas as the fireball expands.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures, added section on the analysis for charged radiatio

    Comments on holographic star and the dual QGP

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    We study static AdS star in generic dimension. The dependence of the mass limit to the bulk fermion mass is explored. In the bulk conformal limit, the mass limit saturates at a value identical to the mass limit of a radiation star or the AdS space filling with pure radiation. The temperature and entropy of the degenerate AdS star in the bulk conformal limit is zero in contrast to the radiation star. Holographically, the universal mass limit corresponds to the upper limit of the deconfinement temperature in the dual gauge picture. The QGP at this temperature is dual to the large black hole and the heat capacity is positive. When the fermion mass increases, the mass limit falls into the range of the small black holes. We found that even though the small black hole has negative heat capacity, the AdS box allows possibilities that it remains in thermal equilibrium with the radiation as long as the size of the black hole is not smaller than a critical size. Consequently, the dual QGP with negative heat capacity can be produced and remains stable thermodynamically at temperature below a saturation temperature T2T_{2}. The QGP with negative heat capacity produced at higher temperature will still condensate completely into a gas of confined hadron.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, to be published in JHE

    TeV-Scale Stringy Signatures at the Electron-positron Collider

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    We investigate the TeV-scale stringy signals of the four-fermion scattering at the electron-positron collider with the center of mass energy 500-1000 GeV. The nature of the stringy couplings leads to distinguishable asymmetries comparing to the other new physics models. Specifically, the stringy states in the four-fermion scattering at the leading-order corrections are of spin-1 and 2 with the chiral couplings inherited from the gauge bosons identified as the zeroth-mode string states. The angular left-right, forward-backward, center-edge asymmetries and the corresponding polarized-beam asymmetries are investigated. The low-energy stringy corrections are compared to the ones induced by the Kaluza-Klein (KK) gravitons. The angular left-right asymmetry of the scattering with the final states of u and d-type quarks, namely c and b, shows significant deviations from the Standard Model values. The center-edge and forward-backward asymmetries for all final-states fermions also show significant deviations from the corresponding Standard Model values. The differences between the signatures induced by the stringy corrections and the KK gravitons are appreciable in both angular left-right and forward-backward asymmetries.Comment: 22 pages,8 figures, expanded content, added reference

    Massive neutron stars with holographic multiquark cores

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    Phases of nuclear matter are crucial in the determination of physical properties of neutron stars~(NS). In the core of NS, the density and pressure become so large that the nuclear matter possibly undergoes phase transition into a deconfined phase, consisting of quarks and gluons and their colour bound states. Even though the quark-gluon plasma has been observed in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions\cite{Gyulassy, Andronic}, it is still unclear whether exotic quark matter exists inside neutron stars. Recent results from the combination of various perturbative theoretical calculations with astronomical observations\cite{Demorest, Antoniadis} shows that (exotic) quark matter could exist inside the cores of neutron stars above 2.0 solar masses (M⊙M_{\odot})~\cite{Annala:2019puf}. We revisit the holographic model in Ref.~\cite{bch, bhp} and implement the equation of states~(EoS) of multiquark nuclear matter to interpolate the pQCD EoS in the high-density region with the nuclear EoS known at low densities. For sufficiently large energy density scale~(ϵs\epsilon_{s}) of the model, it is found that multiquark phase is thermodynamically prefered than the stiff nuclear matter above the transition points. The NS with holographic multiquark core could have masses in the range 1.96−2.23 (1.64−2.10)M⊙1.96-2.23~(1.64-2.10) M_{\odot} and radii 14.3−11.8 (14.0−11.1)14.3-11.8~(14.0-11.1) km for ϵs=26 (28)\epsilon_{s}=26~(28) GeV/fm3^{3} respectively. Effects of proton-baryon fractions are studied for certain type of baryonic EoS; larger proton fractions could reduce radius of the NS with multiquark core by less than a kilometer.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl