10 research outputs found

    Efikasnost proizvodnje mesa zeca uz pomoć savremene tehnologije na privatnoj farmi

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    It is proposed to grow rabbits in the modern production technology with the use of the developed technology of using recycled materials in the construction of cages for keeping rabbits. It is also proposed to use interbreed crossing of New Zealand White breed and Flanders, and also breeds Californian and Flanders breed.Predlaže se uzgoj zečeva u savremenoj proizvodnoj tehnologiji uz korišćenje razvijene tehnologije upotrebe recikliranih materijala u izgradnji kaveza za držanje zečeva. Takođe se predlaže korišćenje meleza novozelandske bele rase i flandrijske rase zečeva, kao i meleza kalifornijske i flandrijske rasa

    The efficiency of the production of rabbit meat with the help of modern technology in the personal subsidary farm

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    It is proposed to grow rabbits in the modern production technology with the use of the developed technology of using recycled materials in the construction of cages for keeping rabbits. It is also proposed to use interbreed crossing of New Zealand White breed and Flanders, and also breeds Californian and Flanders breed

    Commitment Determinations and Definition of Mental Disease

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    In United States v. Beatty, 642 F.3d 514 (6th Cir. 2011), the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit upheld a decision by the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee to recognize antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) as a mental disease for the purposes of conditional release under the civil commitment statute according to Title 18 United States Code Service (18 U.S.C.S.) § 4243 (hospitalization of a person found not guilty by reason of insanity; 1984)

    Эвристический потенциал Библиотечно-библиографической классификации

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    In the era when knowledge and information have become a strategic resource, theoretical and practical issues of building classification systems have seen an increased interest. The study of various library classifications, as well as their comparative analysis, allows us to identify local (and/or global) trends in the development of theory and practice of library and information activities. The multidimensional vision of heuristic potential as a complex of possibilities for finding effective new tools and techniques for solving complex problems has determined the scope and features of the research method. The purpose of the article is to determine the methodological mechanisms which can help expanding the capabilities of Library Bibliographical Classification (LBC) in solving cognitive, research and creative tasks. Realization of this goal was carried out on the basis of historical and methodological reconstruction method, rarely used at present. The object of historical and methodological reconstruction is the technology of knowledge organization. Subject scientific interest is focused on the study of a set of gnoseological tools and techniques that facilitate and simplify the solution of problems of library classification. Basing on the scientific publications of the staff of the Research Centre for the Development of LBC of the Russian State Library, as well as texts of Medium Schedules (2001—2019, issues 1—8), Abridged Schedules (2021) and Schedules for children’s and school libraries (2016), the authors present the original methodological base for updating the LBC of the Russian State Library. The paper reveals that the core of this methodological base is the method of scientific conjugation. The authors test the hypothesis of transformation of the LBC from the system of organizing the existing knowledge into a system of producing new knowledge with the expanded functionality. In addition to the traditional applied functions of the LBC — organizational, reference, information, methodological — classification also performs cognitive, enlightening, educational and research functions. The heuristic potential of the LBC is revealed through the knowledge and experience in different subject areas.В эпоху, когда знания и информация стали стратегическим ресурсом, возрос интерес к теоретическим и практическим вопросам построения классификационных систем. Изучение тех или иных библиотечных классификаций и их сравнительный анализ позволяют выявить локальные (и/или глобальные) тенденции развития теории и практики библиотечно-информационной деятельности. Многоаспектное видение эвристического потенциала как комплекса возможностей поиска эффективных новых средств и приемов решения сложных задач обусловило особенности метода исследования. Целью статьи является определение методологических механизмов, с помощью которых расширяются возможности Библиотечно-библиографической классификации (ББК) при решении познавательных, научно-исследовательских и творческих задач. Реализация данной цели осуществлена на основе метода историко-методологической реконструкции, редко применяемого в настоящее время. Объектом историко-методологической реконструкции являются технологии организации знания. Предметно научный интерес ориентирован на исследование совокупности гносеологических инструментов и приемов, облегчающих и упрощающих решение задач библиотечной классификации. На основе научных публикаций сотрудников Научно-исследовательского центра развития ББК, а также текстов Средних таблиц (2001—2019, выпуски 1—8), Сокращенных таблиц (2021) и Таблиц для детских и школьных библиотек (2016) представлена оригинальная методологическая база актуализации ББК Российской государственной библиотеки. Ядром данной методологической базы является метод научной конъюгации. Проверяется гипотеза о трансформации ББК из системы организации существующего знания в систему продуцирования нового знания с расширенным функционалом. Помимо традиционных прикладных функций ББК (организационной, справочно-информационной, методической) классификация выполняет также познавательную, образовательную, просветительскую и научно-исследовательскую функции. Эвристический потенциал ББК раскрыт через знания и опыт в разных предметных областях

    Alkyl Substituent in Heterocyclic Substrate, Carbon Skeleton Length of <i>O</i>-Nucleophilic Agent and Conditions Influence the Product Composition from Competitive Reactions of <i>S<sub>N</sub><sup>ipso</sup></i> Substitution by Aliphatic Oligoethers

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    Using 1H NMR spectroscopy, we studied the relative mobility of the NO2 group in 1-alkyl-5-nitro-1,2,4-triazoles in the reaction of nucleophilic heterocyclic substitution by aliphatic oligoethers. The main pathways of the SNipso substitution process and the composition of resultant products from competitive reactions were examined, and the key factors influencing the relative mobility of the nitro group, such as the nitrotriazole substrate constitution, the carbon skeleton length of the O-nucleophilic agent and the process conditions, were discussed. Several independent competitive reactions directed towards the substitution of the nitro group at position C(5) in the alkyltriazole substrate by different types of nucleophiles such as alkoxide-, hydroxide- and triazolonate anions were observed to take place under conditions used. The major reaction yielded oligoethers containing terminal alkyltriazole heterocycles. Secondary reactions occurred to form the corresponding triazolone and N–C triazolyl triazolone structures in the reaction system. Additionally, in excess of the alkaline agent, alkaline hydrolysis was observed to proceed at the final stages of the process involving the O-nucleophile having a longer oligoether backbone in the series studied, leading to the formation of new O-nucleophilic sites. The obtained findings can provide a foundation for devising a method for the modification of a wide range of commercially available aliphatic oligo- or polyethers to prepare functional macromolecules whose terminals carry bioactive 1,2,4-triazole heterocycles located at a desired distance from each other

    New 5-Aminotetrazole-Based Energetic Polymers: Synthesis, Structure and Properties

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    An N-glycidyl-5-aminotetrazole homopolymer was synthesized herein by nucleophilic substitution of 5-aminotetrazole heterocycles for chlorine atoms in poly-(epichlorohydrin)-butanediol. Copolymers of N-glycidyl-5-aminotetrazole and glycidyl azide with a varied ratio of energetic elements were synthesized by simultaneously reacting the 5-aminotetrazole sodium salt and the azide ion with the starting polymeric matrix. The 5-aminotetrazole-based homopolymer was nitrated to furnish a polymer whose macromolecule is enriched additionally with energy-rich terminal ONO2 groups and nitrate anions. The structures of the synthesized polymers were characterized by 1H and 13C NMR and IR spectroscopies, elemental analysis and gel-permeation chromatography. The densities were experimentally measured, and thermal stability data were acquired by differential scanning calorimetry. The insertion of aminotetrazole heterocycles into the polymeric chain and their modification via nitration provides an acceptable thermal stability and a considerable enhancement in density and nitrogen content compared to azide homopolymer GAP. By the 1.3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction, we demonstrated the conceptual possibility of preparing spatially branched, energy-rich polymeric binders bearing 5-aminotetrazole and 1,2,3-triazole heterocycles starting from the plasticized azide copolymers. The presence of the aforesaid advantages makes the reported polymers attractive candidates for use as a scaffold of energetic binders

    Energetic Materials Based on <i>N</i>-substituted 4(5)-nitro-1,2,3-triazoles

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    The regularities and synthetic potentialities of the alkylation of 4(5)-nitro-1,2,3-triazole in basic media were explored, and new energetic ionic and nitrotriazole-based coordination compounds were synthesized in this study. The reaction had a general nature and ended with the formation of N1-, N2-, and N3-alkylation products, regardless of the conditions and reagent nature (alkyl- or aryl halides, alkyl nitrates, dialkyl sulfates). This reaction offers broad opportunities for expanding the variability of substituents on the nitrotriazole ring in the series of primary and secondary aliphatic, alicyclic, and aromatic substituents, which is undoubtedly crucial for solving the problems related to both high-energy materials development and medicinal chemistry when searching for new efficient bioactive compounds. An efficient methodology for the separation of regioisomeric N-alkyl(aryl)nitrotriazoles has been devised and relies on the difference in their basicity and reactivity during quaternization and complexation reactions. Based on the inaccessible N3-substitution products that exhibit a combination of properties of practical importance, a series of energy-rich ionic systems and coordination compounds were synthesized that are gaining ever-increasing interest for the chemistry of energy-efficient materials, coordination chemistry, and chemistry of ionic liquids

    The UMMS Community Engagement Committee

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    The mission of the UMMS Community Engagement Committee is to promote inter-professional community engagement focused on teaching and service. In teaching, we advance service learning; in service, we advance action that responds to community-identified need. Service-learning is a pedagogical strategy that integrates community-responsive service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. The Committee has a diverse membership of faculty, staff and students from across the School of Medicine, Graduate Nursing School and Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. Its work is accomplished by three sub-committees: Internal Relations, External Relations and Database. Recent activities of the Committee will be highlighted including the results of the Community Engagement Survey, promotion of and participation in the 2016 Greater Worcester CHIP (Community Health Improvement Plan) and the development of a new population clerkship placement in collaboration with the Joint Coalition on Health. We encourage participation in the CHIP and we are seeking collaboration and partnership with community organizations, groups and individuals; additional strategies to promote community engagement; and new members from the UMMS community

    Massachusetts Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (MassJCOIN)

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    A major driver of the U.S. opioid crisis is limited access to effective medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) that reduce overdose risks. Traditionally, jails and prisons in the U.S. have not initiated or maintained MOUD for incarcerated individuals with OUD prior to their return to the community, which places them at high risk for fatal overdose. A 2018 law (Chapter 208) made Massachusetts (MA) the first state to mandate that five county jails deliver all FDA-approved MOUDs (naltrexone [NTX], buprenorphine [BUP], and methadone). Chapter 208 established a 4-year pilot program to expand access to all FDA-approved forms of MOUD at five jails, with two more MA jails voluntarily joining this initiative. The law stipulates that MOUD be continued for individuals receiving it prior to detention and be initiated prior to release among sentenced individuals where appropriate. The jails must also facilitate continuation of MOUD in the community on release. The Massachusetts Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (MassJCOIN) partnered with these seven diverse jails, the MA Department of Public Health, and community treatment providers to conduct a Type 1 hybrid effectiveness-implementation study of Chapter 208. We will: (1) Perform a longitudinal treatment outcome study among incarcerated individuals with OUD who receive NTX, BUP, methadone, or no MOUD in jail to examine postrelease MOUD initiation, engagement, and retention, as well as fatal and nonfatal opioid overdose and recidivism; (2) Conduct an implementation study to understand systemic and contextual factors that facilitate and impede delivery of MOUDs in jail and community care coordination, and strategies that optimize MOUD delivery in jail and for coordinating care with community partners; (3) Calculate the cost to the correctional system of implementing MOUD in jail, and conduct an economic evaluation from state policy-maker and societal perspectives to compare the value of MOUD prior to release from jail to no MOUD among matched controls. MassJCOIN made significant progress during its first six months until the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020. Participating jail sites restricted access for nonessential personnel, established other COVID-19 mitigation policies, and modified MOUD programming. MassJCOIN adapted research activities to this new reality in an effort to document and account for the impacts of COVID-19 in relation to each aim. The goal remains to produce findings with direct implications for policy and practice for OUD in criminal justice settings