77 research outputs found

    3D Digital Modelling and Digital History: A Methodology for Studying the Processes of Transformation of Nubian Temples and Landscape at the Lake Nasser Site

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    3D models are not only visualization and dissemination outcomes, but can be used to digitally collect, organize and visualize data starting from heterogeneous historical documents. In particular in this research 3D models are conceived to study the transformations of the sites along the river Nile now submerged by the Lake Nasser and the salvage of the temples. This paper illustrates the preliminary results and the issues about the use of 3D digital models to study the landscape and the temples before and after the construction of the Big Aswan Dam. The first results show that the discrepancy between the homogeneity of data required to build the 3D model and the non-homogeneity of historical documents is at the same time the weakness and the strength of the method, since it forces to explore new hypothesis and a proper use of paradata to manage the reliability of historical data

    Rilievo e rappresentazione di sistemi tradizionali di strutturazione del territorio

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    nella descrizione della struttura del territorio è prassi considerare i fattori naturali, ambientali, idrogeomorfologici, storico-culturali e identitari. In particolare i fattori storico-culturali caratterizzano il territorio e il paesaggio antropizzati. tra questi, nel presente capitolo, verranno trattati alcuni sistemi tradizionali di strutturazione del territorio: i sistemi tradizionali di uso del suolo in area alpina legati all’alpicoltura e i relativi modi di organizzazione degli insediamenti abitati; i sistemi tradizionali di terrazzamento dei versanti; il sistema di vie di comunicazione storiche. Il capitolo tratta dei metodi di indagine conoscitiva e di rilievo a scala territoriale: le analisi sull’architettura tradizionale "è bene che si sviluppino partendo da una prospettiva ampia a livello territoriale, le borgate alpine infatti difficilmente possono essere esaminate come unità a se stanti. La loro localizzazione sembra aver seguito una distribuzione legata alle possibilità di sfruttamento del patrimonio naturale, così che gli insediamenti risultano gravare su certe aree di territorio sviluppate sovente dal fondovalle alle creste spartiacque, comprendenti, integrate, le varie colture necessarie alla vita della comunità. È quindi indispensabile avere chiara questa visione a scala territoriale, tenendo presente gli insediamenti in stretta relazione ai siti, alla topografia delle valli, alla situazione geoidrologica, ecc.”. Pertanto, col fine di fornire strumenti di lettura dei legami tra aggregati edilizi e ambiente circostante, in questo capitolo 2.2 si trattano metodologie e procedure di indagine conoscitiva e rilievo applicabili ai seguenti primari sistemi di strutturazione del territorio: sistemi strutturati di uso del suolo legati in particolare alla pratica dell’alpicoltura; sistemi strutturati di trasformazione dei versanti con la pratica del terrazzamento; sistemi strutturati di viabilità storica

    B.A.C.K. TO T.H.E. F.U.T.U.RE. − Bim Acquisition as Cultural Key TO Transfer Heritage of ancient Egypt For many Uses To many Users Replayed

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    Il progetto partecipa all’iniziativa pilota “Metti in Rete la tua idea di Ricerca”, finan-ziata nell’ambito della collaborazione tra Politecnico di Torino e Compagnia di San Paolo, per promuovere i progetti di ricerca proposti dai ricercatori del Politecnico di To-rino in collaborazione con università, azien-de e altri enti del sistema socio-economico italiano e di qualsiasi altro Stato membro dell’Unione Europea / The project takes part of the pilot initiative “Create a network around your research idea”, funded within the framework of the collaboration between Politecnico di Tori-no and Compagnia di San Paolo.The initia-tive promotes the research projects proposed by researchers of the Politecnico di Torino in collaboration with universities, companies and other entities of the socio-economic sys-tem located in Italy and in any other State Member of EU

    Historical and contemporary market places

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    Market places have played an important strategic role over the centuries in dening the organization of cities. The research concerns the historical markets of Turin, which has the biggest market in Europe, and of the main cities of Piedmont (Alba, Asti, etc.). The research analyzes the relationship among the historical transformation of the cities, the design of city squares and streets and the design of the markets themselves, through the development of a new survey methodology in order to represent different categories of data

    Images for Deconstructing the Complexity and Images for Constructing the Collective Imagination in the Case of the Alpine Landscape. A Selected Overview

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    The process of touristic exploitation of the Alps is strictly correlated to the collective imagination that have been constructed in the last two centuries. In this process images have been and are used for deconstructing the complexity of the Alpine environment (e.g., the orography) and for constructing the collective imagination. The article propose a selected overview of graphic modes developed specifically for the deconstruction of the complex alpine morphology, modes that led to some stereotyped images which are useful to understand the material transformation of the Alpine territory

    Spatial skills enhancement and 3d digital modelling tools in architecture and construction engineering: a literature review

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    The study aims at investigating the best international practices in the development of spatial skills in architecture and civil engineering university curriculums. In particular, it focuses on the digital tools and 3D modelling software adopted to develop spatial skills. The ability to understand and read construction drawings, to understand 3D information from 2D drawings, to imagine 3D models with correct spatial relationship among the parts of the model, and finally to transform a mental 3D model into correct digital models and drawings is not granted for freshmen students in architecture and construction engineering curriculums and need to be developed and reinforced. Different kinds of 3D modelling software (digital sketching, Computer Aided Design, Building Information Modeling) and 3D visualization tools (still images, videos, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality) are currently used or experimented in the first stages of architects’ and civil engineers’ curriculums. The aim of the review is to provide some useful best practices and evaluation criteria, based on literature data