40 research outputs found

    Economic Impact of North Central Michigan College

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    The Employment Impact of the New Economy Initiative (NEI) on the Detroit Region and the State of Michigan

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    The New Economy Initiative (NEI) is a collaboration of multiple foundations with the purpose of driving economic growth in Southeast Michigan through entrepreneurship and small business development. Responding to the dire economic conditions in the Detroit area, 10 foundations in Michigan stepped forward in 2007 and pledged 100milliontohelpturnaroundthelossofjobsandthelossofentrepreneurialspiritinthearea.Theresourcescommittedbythephilanthropiccommunityareunprecedentedforsuchafocusedeconomicdevelopmenteffort,butsoarethechallenges.From2000to2010,whenemploymentfelltoitslowest,theDetroitmetroarealostnearlyaquarterofthejobsithadatthebeginningofthedecade,andthelossofjobsinthecityofDetroitwasevenworse.Since2010,theemploymentpicturehaslookedalittlebrighter,althoughmuchmoreneedstobedone,inthewordsofNEI,"toreturnDetroittoitspositionasaglobaleconomicleader."AsofNovember1st,NEIhassupported,throughitsowngrant−makingandpartnershipswithotherresources,morethan1,600companiesinthegreaterDetroitarea,givingout215grantstotalingmorethan100 million to help turn around the loss of jobs and the loss of entrepreneurial spirit in the area. The resources committed by the philanthropic community are unprecedented for such a focused economic development effort, but so are the challenges.From 2000 to 2010, when employment fell to its lowest, the Detroit metro area lost nearly a quarter of the jobs it had at the beginning of the decade, and the loss of jobs in the city of Detroit was even worse. Since 2010, the employment picture has looked a little brighter, although much more needs to be done, in the words of NEI, "to return Detroit to its position as a global economic leader."As of November 1st , NEI has supported, through its own grant-making and partnerships with other resources, more than 1,600 companies in the greater Detroit area, giving out 215 grants totaling more than 93 million.1 The impact of this investment is far-reaching for the region. NEI contracted with the Upjohn Institute for Employment Research to estimate the impact of its investment on the greater Detroit regional economy. The purpose of this analysis is to estimate the number of jobs created—both directly by the organizations supported by NEI and indirectly by the impact those jobs have in creating additional jobs across the region

    Bedford County Economic Needs Assessment

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    Bedford County Development Association (BCDA) engaged Juniper Solutions (“Juniper”) and The W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research (“Upjohn”), collectively the “Team,” to study the current economic conditions of Bedford County to assess potential opportunities from a workforce development and commercial real estate perspective. As part of this effort, the initial process entailed creating a baseline assessment leveraging a multitude of data sources, ranging from U.S. Census Bureau to subscription-based platforms like CoStar for commercial real estate and BurningGlass for job posting metrics. During the quantitative data collection, the the Team also met with stakeholders including public officials, County administrators, real estate brokers, and local workforce development experts to gather qualitative information. The interviews were focused on how the County can position itself for future growth opportunities, while identifying the current hurdles and setbacks

    Estimated Cost of Tuition-Free College in Illinois

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    This memo estimates the cost of two possible program designs for a statewide college scholarship program for the State of Illinois. These assumptions and associated cost estimates, once approved or revised, will form the basis for the next stage of this project, which is assessing the economic impact of tuition-free college in Illinois

    Montcalm and Ionia Counties Housing Plan

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    Housing Profiles

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